
Report of the United Nations Secretary-General

Addressing Inequalities and Getting Back on Track to End AIDS by 2030
António Guterres. Photo: IAEA Imagebank/ Dean Calma / IAEA/flickr, CC BY 2.0

UNAIDS "There has been intensive action and progress against HIV in some places and population groups, while inaction in other places has allowed HIV epidemics to expand and deaths to mount. Six years after the United Nations General Assembly set an ambitious global goal to end AIDS by 2030, momentum is being lost. Global targets for 2020, agreed in the 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS, were missed. The stark contrast of successes in some areas and failures in others confirms that HIV remains a pandemic of inequalities. (...) The upcoming High-Level Meeting on AIDS provides a critical opportunity to advance this strategy, which includes new, ambitious global targets for 2025."