
Documentation of the civil society side event to the World Health Assembly

WHO Global Code of Practice - initial achievements and future challenges

MMI The WHO Global Code of Practice (Code) on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel was adopted by the 63rd World Health Assembly on 21 May 2010. The 2010 WHA resolution requested the first review of the relevance and effectiveness of the Code be made during the World Health Assembly in May 2015. An expert advisory group (EAG) was convened to carry out the review and will submit its report to the WHA for consideration. The side event organized by MMI in cooperation with several civil society partners provided a good an opportunity to get insights and assessments from members of the EAG before the formal WHA debate. With over 120 participants and some inspiring statements, the side event was a strong and encouraging call for making the Code what we want it to be: a real instrument for change.