
A developmental paradigm that focuses on factors that do not understand the concept of Ubuntu will fail even before it is able to leap from the papers it is written on. By Sfe Sebata

Ubuntu and development work
Photo: © FEPA

FEPA "Sfe makes a powerful argument that community values are the seedbed of development in Africa. Africans who are not alienated from these values will provide the best inputs how development initiatives can work. this is a short version of the longer online text, which provides many more examples from the social reality of the communities and the disconnect of development from that lifeworld. There is not a more Afro-centric culture that is more misunderstood than the concept of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a Bantu word that means to be human. It is not a mere Sub Saharan Africa concept but the general ethos of being African. This concept says without you there is no me and without me there is no you. We are one and belong to each other -the greater community of humanity."