WHO Independent NCDs Commission launches with mission and priorities for action

World Health Organisation (WHO) "Experts and advocates in promoting health and preventing and controlling noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been mobilized to support the running of the WHO Independent Global High-level Commission on NCDs.

The Commission is chaired by leading political figures including the President of Uruguay, Dr Tabaré Vázquez. Dr Sania Nishtar, as the Commission chair leading on the technical development of a set of recommendations and measures for action, says stronger political commitment and increased investment is essential for preventing and controlling the main NCDs, namely cardiovascular and chronic lung diseases, cancers and diabetes." (Photo: Roque from Brazil is 70 years old, and has had diabetes for the past 11 years. As a result of complications of diabetes, he became blind 9 years ago. His wife has given up her job to take care of him © WHO/Eduardo Martino)