Closing the gap in a generation

Health system strengthening in a changing world

De Jochen Ehmer

Primary Healthcare is not merely about health services for vulnerable groups, strengthened community participation or even a set of values. It is a way of looking at our world, to observe, document, monitor, interpret and eliminate illness and harm. But as the world changes, primary healthcare needs to innovate and change, too. By 2050, one quarter of the world’s population will live in Africa.

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Health system strengthening in a changing world

Jochen Ehmer at the MMS Symposium 2018. Foto: Christoph Engeli / MMS 


This talk will explore the opportunities and challenges for primary healthcare to cope with these changes, its preconditions, the formidable return of investments and what is needed to close the health equity gap in the coming generation.

Presentation by Jochen Ehmer at the MMS Symposium 2018 © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Jochen Ehmer
Jochen Ehmer, serves as executive director of the Swiss NGO SolidarMed. He is trained as a general medical doctor in Germany and France and qualified in tropical medicine and epidemiology at LSHTM. Jochen Ehmer also holds a master’s degree in humanitarian affairs (NOHA network). After a stint at the European Union Humanitarian Office in Brussels and some years working as general practitioner in Strasbourg, he moved to Mozambique to support health service development in Cabo Delgado Province. After his return to Switzerland, he worked in various functions for the NGO SolidarMed. His main interests are how to integrate research and programs, how to further develop the HIV/Tb response, and how to innovate health systems with focus on specifically vulnerable people. Jochen has 50 peer reviewed scientific contributions, amongst them 20 articles. He serves as guest lecturer at the Swiss TPH, is member of the French Board of Physicians, the Southern African Aids Society and the John Snow Society.

Des soins de santé primaires à la couverture sanitaire universelle : justice, coopération et solidarité