Nouvelles MMS du 05.04.2022

Dans les régions en voie de développement, chaque année environ 21 millions de filles âgées entre 15 et 19 ans tombent enceintes et environ 12 millions d’entre elles ont un enfant (rapport Guttmacher, 2016). La pandémie de COVID-19 a considérablement augmenté le nombre de grossesses chez les adolescentes en raison des confinements et d’autres restrictions – l’UNFPA parle de crise. Et encore plus de jeunes femmes que les années passées ont été forcées de se marier.

Grossesses chez les adolescentes –  Encore aujourd’hui un grand problème mondial !
Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

Les conséquences parfois désastreuses, des grossesses chez les adolescentes sur leur santé, sont bien connues. Mais alors pourquoi avons-nous encore des taux de grossesse aussi élevés chez les jeunes filles ? D’une part, le manque d’accès aux contraceptifs en est responsable, mais aussi l’ignorance des conséquences de tels événements. Dans beaucoup de pays, les normes sociales et les structures culturelles empêchent les jeunes femmes de se protéger contre les grossesses précoces.La pandémie a fait grimper en flèche les taux de mariage des jeunes femmes dans le Sud de la planète ce qui a donc entraîné une augmentation des « grossesses précoces ». S’agit-il de grossesses désirées ou non désirées ? Une fille peut-elle refuser d’avoir des enfants si elle risque d’être bannie de la famille ? Comment gérer de telles normes sociales ? Quel rôle les hommes jouent-ils dans ce contexte ? Quelle est leur responsabilité ?

Selon le dernier rapport de The State of World Population 2022, «Seeing the Unseen: The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy», publié la semaine dernière, il faudra encore attendre 160 ans pour que la maternité infantile s'arrête.

Un sujet brûlant que nous aborderons lors de notre prochaine conférence sur la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive à Berne le 18 mai 2022 et dans laquelle nous présenterons également des solutions adaptées à la situation actuelle.

Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à notre conférence en mai !


Carine Weiss
Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse

Accent : Conférence MMS le 18 mai 2022

Teenage Pregnancy - How do We Address the Needs and Rights of Teenage Girls?
18. mai 2022 – Hotel Kreuz, Bern, Switzerland

18 May 2022, 9:00am - 16.00pm

Teenage Pregnancy - How do We Address the Needs and Rights of Teenage Girls?

Medicus Mundi Suisse Every year, an estimated 21 million girls aged 15–19 years in developing regions become pregnant and approximately 12 million of them give birth (Guttmacher Report, 2016)1. At least 777,000 births occur to adolescent girls younger than 15 years in developing countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of teenage pregnancy due to lockdowns and other restrictions.

01.04.2022 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland/ SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND

Launch of UNFPA’s State of World Population report in Switzerland

SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND & Medicus Mundi Switzerland hosted this year's launch of UNFPA’s State of World Population report in Switzerland

Launch of UNFPA’s State of World Population report in Switzerland
Photo: UNFPA
01.04.2022 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland/ SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND

Launch of UNFPA’s State of World Population report in Switzerland

SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND & Medicus Mundi Switzerland hosted this year's launch of UNFPA’s State of World Population report in Switzerland

The State of World Population 2022 “Seeing the Unseen: The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy”. This year’s State of World Population report brings together the latest evidence on unintended pregnancy and its impact on societies, countries and global development overall. The report explores the real-world conditions that are linked to unintended pregnancies, including poverty, lower levels of education attainment and labour force participation, and exposure to violence and coercion.

Nouvelles du réseau MMS

04.04.2022 – Handicap International Suisse

Ukraine : Handicap International condamne l'utilisation des nouvelles et redoutables mines POM-3 lancées à distance par roquettes

Communiqué de presse

Ukraine : Handicap International condamne l'utilisation des nouvelles et redoutables mines POM-3 lancées à distance par roquettes
Les explosions de roquettes font partie de la vie quotidienne à Kiev. Photo prise le 17 mars. | © Till Mayer / HI
04.04.2022 – Handicap International Suisse

Ukraine : Handicap International condamne l'utilisation des nouvelles et redoutables mines POM-3 lancées à distance par roquettes

Communiqué de presse

Genève, le 4 avril 2022. Les forces russes combattant en Ukraine ont utilisé de nouvelles mines antipersonnel dans la région de Kharkiv, rapporte Human Rights Watch. En cette journée internationale pour la sensibilisation au problème des mines et l'assistance à la lutte antimines, Handicap International (HI) condamne cette pratique barbare.

31.03.2022 – Médecins du Monde Suisse

Médecins du Monde a augmenté ses activités médicales humanitaires en réponse à la guerre en Ukraine

Médecins du Monde a augmenté ses activités médicales humanitaires en réponse à la guerre en Ukraine
Photo: © MdM
31.03.2022 – Médecins du Monde Suisse

Médecins du Monde a augmenté ses activités médicales humanitaires en réponse à la guerre en Ukraine

Présent depuis 2015 dans le pays, le réseau Médecins du Monde continue à agir en Ukraine et renforce ses actions aux frontières, afin de soulager la détresse de la population, soutenir les structures de soins et venir en aide aux personnes fuyant la guerre.

01.04.2022 – La Croix-Rouge Suisse

Ukraine: offres de soutien en Suisse

Ukraine: offres de soutien en Suisse
Photo: © CRS
01.04.2022 – La Croix-Rouge Suisse

Ukraine: offres de soutien en Suisse

La Croix-Rouge suisse (CRS) soutient les personnes touchées par la crise en Ukraine. Les principales informations sont présentées ici.

01.04.2022 – La Croix-Rouge Suisse

Ukraine: La Croix-Rouge aux côtés des plus vulnérables

Ukraine: La Croix-Rouge aux côtés des plus vulnérables
Photo: © CRS
01.04.2022 – La Croix-Rouge Suisse

Ukraine: La Croix-Rouge aux côtés des plus vulnérables

La situation en Ukraine et dans les pays voisins continue de s'aggraver. Des millions de personnes sont en fuite. La CRS soutient financièrement l'aide coordonnée du Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge et envoie des experts en aide d'urgence dans cinq pays.

01.04.2022 – SolidarMed

Emergency aid for refugees fleeing terror: one year on

Emergency aid for refugees fleeing terror: one year on
Photo: © SolidarMed / zvg
01.04.2022 – SolidarMed

Emergency aid for refugees fleeing terror: one year on

For about a year, SolidarMed has been supporting people in the province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique who have fled the violence of terrorist groups. In this way, SolidarMed contributes to better health of the refugees.

01.04.2022 – SolidarMed

A community center against poverty

A community center against poverty
South Africas Gonubie Farmers Hall is an informal settlement close to the port of East London. It has no electricity no running water. Which is harmful to children's health. Photo: © Martin Ramsauer
01.04.2022 – SolidarMed

A community center against poverty

In South Africa’s informal settlements, people are lacking just about everything. SolidarMed supports children and young people affected by HIV in these settlements, to give them the chance of a brighter future. Their parents also benefit from the wide-ranging projects.

01.04.2022 – Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande (CSSR)

Nouvelle année, nouveaux défis, nouveaux objectifs!

La CSSR vous propose un nouveau bulletin pour ce début d’année 2022!

Nouvelle année, nouveaux défis, nouveaux objectifs!
Atelier formation sur les mythes et réalités de la Covid, décembre 2020. Photo: © CODECOT
01.04.2022 – Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande (CSSR)

Nouvelle année, nouveaux défis, nouveaux objectifs!

La CSSR vous propose un nouveau bulletin pour ce début d’année 2022!

Ces deux dernières années nous ont montré à quel point les inégalités en matière de santé constituent une source de tension dans le monde. C’est pourquoi la CSSR cherche toujours à se réinventer afin de répondre au mieux à ces problématiques. Dans ce bulletin nous vous invitons à vous plonger dans l’histoire de la CSSR et de ses origines antifasciste et de découvrir le quotidien des sages-femmes traditionnelles à Quetzaltenango.

04.04.2022 – Swiss TPH

New Swiss TPH Headquarters Opened in Allschwil

New Swiss TPH Headquarters Opened in Allschwil
Photo: Swiss TPH
04.04.2022 – Swiss TPH

New Swiss TPH Headquarters Opened in Allschwil

On Friday, 1 April 2022, the new headquarters of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) officially opened in the BaseLink site, an emerging life science cluster in Allschwil. Around 700 employees and students will now work, research and study in the new building designed by Basel architects Kunz und Mösch. More than 300 guests attended today’s inauguration from the areas of politics, business and science, as well as from the local neighbourhood in Allschwil.

01.04.2022 – Enfants du Monde

Prevention de la Malnutrition à Madagascar

Prevention de la Malnutrition à Madagascar
Photo: © EdM
01.04.2022 – Enfants du Monde

Prevention de la Malnutrition à Madagascar

À Madagascar, la malnutrition est l’un des plus gros défis auquel le pays doit faire face. Un enfant de moins de cinq ans sur deux* souffre de malnutrition. Enfants du Monde a mis en place un projet d’éducation à la nutrition à destination des enfants et des enseignants de trois écoles dans la ville d’Ambanja au nord du pays. L’objectif ? Transmettre aux enseignants, aux enfants et à leurs parents les principes d’une alimentation saine et nutritive basée sur les produits locaux, dans le but de prévenir la malnutrition. La malnutrition entraîne des retards de croissance chez les enfants, qui peuvent être évités. Les cantines dans les écoles, lorsqu’il y en a, sont parfois le seul moyen pour les élèves de bénéficier d’au moins un repas nutritif par jour.

Santé globale et la Suisse


La Suisse doit agir pour protéger les civils lors des conflits

Un appel de Daniel Suda-Lang, directeur de Handicap International Suisse

La Suisse doit agir pour protéger les civils lors des conflits
Un centre de santé détruit à Mossoul. Photo: © Florent Vergnes / HI

La Suisse doit agir pour protéger les civils lors des conflits

Un appel de Daniel Suda-Lang, directeur de Handicap International Suisse

Du 6 au 8 avril prochain se déroulera, aux Nations unies à Genève, le dernier cycle de négociations pour un accord international visant à interdire l’utilisation d’armes explosives lourdes en zones peuplées. Handicap International appelle ainsi la Suisse, forte de sa tradition humanitaire, à adopter une position forte pour une meilleure protection de la population.

05.04.2022 – Foreign Policy (FP)

Putin’s War Is an Existential Crisis for the United Nations

It needs to be replaced by an organization where one nation cannot escape accountability because it is in a special class. An expert's point of view on a current event.

Putin’s War Is an Existential Crisis for the United Nations
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash
05.04.2022 – Foreign Policy (FP)

Putin’s War Is an Existential Crisis for the United Nations

It needs to be replaced by an organization where one nation cannot escape accountability because it is in a special class. An expert's point of view on a current event.

"(...) Nearly 86 years later, history is rhyming. The world, through 21st-century information technology, now views a war of conquest in Europe in near real time. Russia’s war in Ukraine has upended a world order established in the wake of a worldwide conflict and designed to prevent wars of conquest and to prevent one dictator from attempting to shift the boundaries of nations at his own whim. Again, factions are forming—either in support of the aggressor state, led by a despot who stands in opposition to basic human rights, or in favor of the established order that obligates nations to refrain from wars of conquest."

05.04.2022 – Health Policy Watch

South-East Asia, Africa and Middle East are World’s Air Pollution Hot Spots in WHO’s Largest-Ever Data Release

South-East Asia, Africa and Middle East are World’s Air Pollution Hot Spots in WHO’s Largest-Ever Data Release
Photo: V.T. Polywoda/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
05.04.2022 – Health Policy Watch

South-East Asia, Africa and Middle East are World’s Air Pollution Hot Spots in WHO’s Largest-Ever Data Release

"In its largest release of data on air quality ever, WHO has found that most of the world’s population are breathing unsafe levels of air pollutant – particularly fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – which cause excess illness and premature death from respiratory disease, as well as from cardiovascular disease and cancers. “Air Quality is poorest in specific regions, like the Eastern Mediterranean Region, the Southeast Asian region and also Africa, said Sophie Gumy, WHO technical officer of the updated data at a press briefing on Monday."

29.04.2022 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Are we on the pathway to ensuring our youngest generation receives nurturing care?

In case you missed our exciting webinar series: Here you can find the summary report and recordings of all three webinars

Are we on the pathway to ensuring our youngest generation receives nurturing care?
Photo: MMS
29.04.2022 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Are we on the pathway to ensuring our youngest generation receives nurturing care?

In case you missed our exciting webinar series: Here you can find the summary report and recordings of all three webinars

3-Part Webinar Series - offered by MMS Although global attention to early childhood development has been established through its inclusion in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 250 million children (43%) younger than 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries are at risk of not achieving their developmental potential due to poverty and nutritional deficit.

22.03.2022 – bond

Meeting people where they are at? Sure, just don’t leave them there

It’s a laudable aim to engage groups who have lost faith in international institutions and progress and “meet them where they are at” as the We The Helpers campaign set out to do.

Meeting people where they are at? Sure, just don’t leave them there
Photo by Farah Nabil on Unsplash
22.03.2022 – bond

Meeting people where they are at? Sure, just don’t leave them there

It’s a laudable aim to engage groups who have lost faith in international institutions and progress and “meet them where they are at” as the We The Helpers campaign set out to do.

"In an increasingly polarised world, reaching a range of audiences - including those who are sceptical of "aid" - is vital for building broad public support to tackle the issues of global poverty, injustice and inequality collectively. However, when talking about "aid", we have a duty to move beyond narrow, tired and partial frames to a position of greater understanding and global solidarity."

10.03.2022 – Health Poverty Action

Reimagining solidarity – Let’s move beyond the “aid” narrative

Join organizations from over twenty countries who have committed to exposing the root causes of poverty by replacing the word “aid” with “Global redistribution” or another alternative in your public communications.

Reimagining solidarity – Let’s move beyond the “aid” narrative
Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash
10.03.2022 – Health Poverty Action

Reimagining solidarity – Let’s move beyond the “aid” narrative

Join organizations from over twenty countries who have committed to exposing the root causes of poverty by replacing the word “aid” with “Global redistribution” or another alternative in your public communications.

"Colonial occupation of the Majority world might have ended over half a century ago, but the shadow it cast on colonies is not lost to anyone interested in the origins of global poverty. Together with its progeny the neo-liberal economic system –colonial legacies are at the heart of global poverty, inequalities and suffering. For instance, according to a report by Oxfam, corporate tax dodging alone costs poor countries at least $100 billion every year –enough to provide an education to 124 million children and prevent the deaths of almost eight million mothers and children each year."


04.04.2022 – MMS

COVID-19 – A Game Changer in International Health Cooperation?

Bulletin MMS #161, mars 2022

COVID-19 – A Game Changer in International Health Cooperation?
Photo: MMS
04.04.2022 – MMS

COVID-19 – A Game Changer in International Health Cooperation?

Bulletin MMS #161, mars 2022

La pandémie de COVID-19 modifie le paysage sanitaire mondial. Elle remodèle considérablement les systèmes et les politiques de santé ainsi que le mode de fonctionnement des organisations impliquées dans la coopération internationale en matière de santé. Depuis 2015, la communauté internationale travaille à la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable conçu pour anticiper, aborder et résoudre les défis, les inégalités et les disparités qui ont été mis à nu par la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19. Les effets de la COVID-19 ont fait reculer les progrès dans de nombreux pays, effaçant les gains durement acquis. Le symposium de MMS a examiné les déterminants structurels clés qui ont contribué aux effets disproportionnés de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les groupes marginalisés et vulnérables. Ce bulletin présente des informations complémentaires sur ce sujet.

27.03.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Geneva Health Forum – From Pandemic Response to Planetary Health

In one of the first major in-person global health gatherings since the pandemic began, over a thousand researchers, policymakers and activists are expected to descend on Switzerland’s global health hub 3-5 May for the 2022 edition of the Geneva Health Forum

Geneva Health Forum – From Pandemic Response to Planetary Health
Photo by Anokhi De Silva on Unsplash
27.03.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Geneva Health Forum – From Pandemic Response to Planetary Health

In one of the first major in-person global health gatherings since the pandemic began, over a thousand researchers, policymakers and activists are expected to descend on Switzerland’s global health hub 3-5 May for the 2022 edition of the Geneva Health Forum

"The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on how human health and ‘planetary health’ are inextricably linked – through deforestation, urbanization and climate change, all of which increase future disease risks. This year’s Geneva Health Forum explores these and other critical global health challenges, as well as emerging solutions, just ahead of the World Health Assembly."

05.04.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response

“What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”

Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response
Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash
05.04.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response

“What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”

"WHO is seeking public input on this question to support the work of the intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate an international instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The first round of hearings will be held through a webcast on 12-13 April 2022. Sessions times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST). - 12 April, 8h-11h, 14h-17h; 13 April, 9h-12h, 15h-18h. A second round of hearings is planned for 16-17 June."

05.04.2022 – nature medicine

Africa prepares for endemic COVID-19

The pandemic is far from over in Africa, but there is also a funding gap in preparing for endemic COVID-19, which will require long-term investment in healthcare infrastructure.

Africa prepares for endemic COVID-19
Photo by Ewien van Bergeijk - Kwant on Unsplash
05.04.2022 – nature medicine

Africa prepares for endemic COVID-19

The pandemic is far from over in Africa, but there is also a funding gap in preparing for endemic COVID-19, which will require long-term investment in healthcare infrastructure.

"As countries in Europe and elsewhere roll back strict measures against COVID-19 and aim to soon declare the pandemic over, African countries and their public health stakeholders are also starting to shift their attention. Vaccination continues to remain important, but the focus is moving on to longer-term testing and surveillance approaches that can be integrated into, and will strengthen, national health systems."

05.04.2022 – nature

African clinical trial denied access to key COVID drug Paxlovid

Supply shortages and limits on research leave low- and middle-income countries struggling to access Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral.

African clinical trial denied access to key COVID drug Paxlovid
Photo: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/Kate Holt/Africa Practice/flickr, CC BY 2.0
05.04.2022 – nature

African clinical trial denied access to key COVID drug Paxlovid

Supply shortages and limits on research leave low- and middle-income countries struggling to access Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral.

"Researchers in a pivotal African clinical trial have been denied access to a key COVID-19 antiviral drug, frustrating efforts to test the treatment in African populations and in combination with therapies that could potentially expand its utility on the continent. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) has asked Pfizer for supplies of its antiviral drug Paxlovid to use in the ANTICOV clinical trial, a large study in ten African countries that aims to find treatments for mild to moderate COVID-19 — particularly those that will work in resource-poor settings."

03.04.2022 – medico international

Too little, too late

Global vaccine equity? The negotiations on waiving patents could end in a lousy compromise. By Anne Jung

Too little, too late
03.04.2022 – medico international

Too little, too late

Global vaccine equity? The negotiations on waiving patents could end in a lousy compromise. By Anne Jung

"More than 500 days have passed since - in the midst of the spreading Covid-19 pandemic - the governments of South Africa and India submitted a request to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to temporarily suspend patents. A request guided by global principles. Whilst more than 100 countries, mainly from the Global South, supported the request, the majority of industrialised nations sought to defend economic interests instead of health imperatives, rejecting the request. A compromise proposal has since been put on the table, negotiated by the EU, the US, India and South Africa. Spoiler: It falls drastically short of the aim of global vaccine equity.

22.03.2022 – Geneva Health Files

A compromise on the horizon? TRIPS Waiver talks in the 'Quad' at the WTO

A compromise on the horizon? TRIPS Waiver talks in the 'Quad' at the WTO
Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash
22.03.2022 – Geneva Health Files

A compromise on the horizon? TRIPS Waiver talks in the 'Quad' at the WTO

"While the Russian invasion of Ukraine has upended trade diplomacy at the WTO in recent days, the TRIPS waiver discussions have proceeded among a small group of members and is likely nearing a compromise, although differences persist. Sources familiar with the process told us that technical deliberations among the quad that includes the US, the EU, India and South Africa, are now nearing completion."

05.04.2022 – Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)

“You have a great responsibility on your shoulders…”

Open civil society letter on key issues to be addressed in the INB process

“You have a great responsibility on your shoulders…”
Photo: © G2H2
05.04.2022 – Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)

“You have a great responsibility on your shoulders…”

Open civil society letter on key issues to be addressed in the INB process

"Dear members of the INB Bureau - as you start your mandate as leaders of the newly constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (INB), allow us to submit for your attention a set of critical issues that, in our sense, deserve to be taken into serious consideration at this early stage of the INB process. We represent a broad constituency of civil society organizations that have a long history of engagement in the WHO global health agenda. Some of us have been and still are very active in treaty-making processes, including significant efforts in the past towards including foundational accountability and transparency principles and requisite provisions in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) proceedings at the WHO."

15.03.2022 – Health Policy Watch

New WHO Negotiating Body on ‘Pandemic Instrument’ Meets Amid Civil Society Appeal

New WHO Negotiating Body on ‘Pandemic Instrument’ Meets Amid Civil Society Appeal
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
15.03.2022 – Health Policy Watch

New WHO Negotiating Body on ‘Pandemic Instrument’ Meets Amid Civil Society Appeal

"The first session of the newly constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft a “pandemic preparedness instrument” for the World Health Organization (WHO) began on Monday. The six-member body, representing all WHO regions, is made up of Precious Matsoso (South Africa), Roland Driece (the Netherlands), Ambassador Tovar da Silva Nunes (Brazil), Ahmed Salama Soliman (Egypt), Kazuho Taguchi (Japan) and Viroj Tangcharoensathien (Thailand). (...) Meanwhile, almost 200 civil society leaders have asked the six negotiators to protect the process from any “undue influence of the private sector and its powerful lobbyists”. In an open letter addressed the six negotiators, the leaders have asked the INB to pay attention to a number of issues."

10.03.2022 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

We cannot afford to repeat these four pandemic mistakes

Many countries are declaring an end to this phase of the covid-19 pandemic, yet the underlying weaknesses that hampered our response remain unsolved, says Abraar Karan

We cannot afford to repeat these four pandemic mistakes
Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash
10.03.2022 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

We cannot afford to repeat these four pandemic mistakes

Many countries are declaring an end to this phase of the covid-19 pandemic, yet the underlying weaknesses that hampered our response remain unsolved, says Abraar Karan

"As a physician, one of the hardest parts of the covid-19 pandemic was watching patients get steadily sicker and often die. At the bedside, we see past the numbers dispassionately presented on data dashboards and instead understand the real human suffering that is at the heart of a virus like SARS-CoV-2 spreading. (...) Yet when we pull back on public health protections, the ensuing harms are more heavily burdened on those who often are not in a position to adequately protect themselves. As healthcare workers, they often end up as our patients—and their stories offer examples of where our pandemic response failed."

Santé sexuelle et reproductive et VIH/SIDA

04.04.2022 – The Guardian

Rape as a weapon: huge scale of sexual violence endured in Ukraine emerges

Women and girls have recounted the abuse they have suffered at the hands of Russian soldiers

Rape as a weapon: huge scale of sexual violence endured in Ukraine emerges
Photo by Egor Lyfar on Unsplash
04.04.2022 – The Guardian

Rape as a weapon: huge scale of sexual violence endured in Ukraine emerges

Women and girls have recounted the abuse they have suffered at the hands of Russian soldiers

"Women across Ukraine are grappling with the threat of rape as a weapon of war as growing evidence of sexual violence emerges from areas retaken from retreating Russian forces. The world was horrified on Sunday by a picture taken by the photographer Mikhail Palinchak on a highway 20km outside the capital, Kyiv, in which the bodies of one man and three women were piled under a blanket. The women were naked and their bodies had been partially burned, the photographer said."

05.04.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Air Pollution is Worsening Reproductive Health Outcomes for Women

Air Pollution is Worsening Reproductive Health Outcomes for Women
Photo: Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier/flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0
05.04.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Air Pollution is Worsening Reproductive Health Outcomes for Women

"As much as 99% of the world population breathes in air with pollution levels higher than WHO’s permissible limits. The majority of the world’s most polluted cities are in South Asia. Air pollution is linked to higher rates of miscarriages, pregnancy complications and stillbirths, affecting women’s reproductive health."

05.04.2022 – Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre

Menstruations, Sharing Experiences from Africa, Asia and Europe

Recording of the event

Menstruations, Sharing Experiences from Africa, Asia and Europe
05.04.2022 – Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre

Menstruations, Sharing Experiences from Africa, Asia and Europe

Recording of the event

Discussion of the menstrual hygiene needs of women & girls and shared experiences from Africa, Asia and Europe. This event was co-organised by the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative together with the Gender Centre, the Global Health Centre, the City of Geneva and the World Health Organization.

01.04.2022 – The Global Fund

President Biden Signals a $6 billion U.S. Pledge for the Seventh Replenishment and Offers to Match $1 for Every $2 Contributed by Other Donors

President Biden Signals a $6 billion U.S. Pledge for the Seventh Replenishment and Offers to Match $1 for Every $2 Contributed by Other Donors
01.04.2022 – The Global Fund

President Biden Signals a $6 billion U.S. Pledge for the Seventh Replenishment and Offers to Match $1 for Every $2 Contributed by Other Donors

"The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria enthusiastically welcomes President Joe Biden’s request to the United States Congress for a commitment of US$2 billion for the Global Fund for fiscal year 2023, the first year of the Global Fund’s 2023-2025 funding cycle. President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 budget includes “… a $2 billion contribution for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, for an intended pledge of $6 billion over three years….” The White House notes that the United States will “match $1 for every $2 contributed by other donors.”

05.04.2022 – Global Health 50/50 report

Boards for All?

Boards for All?
Photo by Kenneth Sørensen on Unsplash
05.04.2022 – Global Health 50/50 report

Boards for All?

“The fifth annual Global Health 50/50 report, Boards for all?, presents our first-ever analysis of the gender and geography of who governs global health. Through an examination of the demographics of over 2,000 board members of the most influential organisations active in global health, the report warns that global health is not living up to its name. The report further presents its annual review of the equality- and gender-related policies and practices of 200 global organisations. Building on five years of evidence, it finds signs of rapid progress in building more equitable and genderresponsive global health organisations, while also revealing stagnating progress among a large subset of global health organisations. For the first time, the Index categorises all organisations by performance and presents dedicated pages for each organisation to explore and compare findings. Boards for all? is a call to realise a globally representative and equitable global health governance that can deliver health for all…..”

17.03.2022 – Journal of the International AIDS Society - JIAS

Beyond toolkits: sexual and reproductive health and rights literacy requires women-centred structures, services and policies

To mark International Women’s Day, we urge donors, UNagencies and non-governmental organizations to commit to SRHR literacy initiatives that improve knowledge and under-standing, as well as address power imbalances and inequities so that women living with HIV can claim and realize their SRHR

Beyond toolkits: sexual and reproductive health and rights literacy requires women-centred structures, services and policies
Photo: DFID - UK Department for International Development/UNFPA Ethiopia/Abraham Gelaw/flickr, CC BY 2.0
17.03.2022 – Journal of the International AIDS Society - JIAS

Beyond toolkits: sexual and reproductive health and rights literacy requires women-centred structures, services and policies

To mark International Women’s Day, we urge donors, UNagencies and non-governmental organizations to commit to SRHR literacy initiatives that improve knowledge and under-standing, as well as address power imbalances and inequities so that women living with HIV can claim and realize their SRHR

"As the United Nations (UN) marks the 45th International Women's Day, why is it that women and girls living with HIV are still being denied their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)? We believe this is not only due to a lack of comprehensive services, but that low levels of health literacy among women and wider society are a significant factor. Broadly, health literacy is the ability of individuals to obtain, understand and use information to take decisions and actions relating to their health. In 1998, WHO recognized that “health literacy means more than being able to read pamphlets and make appointments,” it also requires “the achievement of a level of knowledge, personal skills and confidence to take action to improve personal and community health by changing personal lifestyles and living conditions.”

Santé numérique

04.04.2022 – Geneva Gub for Global Digital Health

gdhub Voices #6: Health data principles

New podcast episode of the Geneva Gub for Global Digital Health (

gdhub Voices #6: Health data principles
Photo: gdhub
04.04.2022 – Geneva Gub for Global Digital Health

gdhub Voices #6: Health data principles

New podcast episode of the Geneva Gub for Global Digital Health (

"The #HealthDataPrinciples are the result of a global collaborative effort: over 200 digital health experts from 130 organisations around the world came together to develop these Principles in an inclusive, bottom-up process stewarded by Transform Health." These principles will launch on April 7th 2022, but you can already learn more about these in this #gdhub episode: Kirsten Mathieson, Policy Lead at ,Transform Health, is providing insights into the development of the ‘Health Data Governance Principals’, a set of globally unifying, human rights-based Health Data Governance Principles that can provide a common vision for health data governance. Hosted by Cléo Schwerzmann (gdhub)."

05.04.2022 – Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre

Democratising digital: Shifting the politics of knowledge production in global digital health

Global Health Centre Senior Researcher Sara (Meg) Davis examines how tech companies mine global health data without our knowledge and the ensuing inequalities caused by these practices.

Democratising digital: Shifting the politics of knowledge production in global digital health
Photo by fabio on Unsplash
05.04.2022 – Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre

Democratising digital: Shifting the politics of knowledge production in global digital health

Global Health Centre Senior Researcher Sara (Meg) Davis examines how tech companies mine global health data without our knowledge and the ensuing inequalities caused by these practices.

"For many people, a mobile phone is the first thing we reach for to check medical symptoms, find a clinic, or look up medication side effects. But where does this intimate data go after we type it into the phone? Does it go to a foreign company, a government agency, or some third party? Do we really know what autonomy we give up when we “accept cookies”? In fact, most of us are not too sure, even as we become increasingly dependent on phones – and in fact, even when we think we have opted out of data sharing, we may be mistaken. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation, generating billions from personal data, but has also left most people in the dark about how our data is used. We are transparent to tech companies, but they are not transparent to us. To counter these and other epistemic inequalities in the digital transformation, we need new models of knowledge production that crack open this closed system, educating and empowering the public to advocate for rights-based digital governance."

Offres d'emploi


World Health Worker Week 2022
04. avril 2022 – Webinars via Zoom

4-8 April 2022 - Build the Health Workforce Back Better

World Health Worker Week 2022

Frontline Health Workers Coalition "This year World Health Worker Week is April 4 - 8, 2022, and the theme is Build the Health Workforce Back Better. It's the tenth year in a row the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other partners are celebrating frontline health workers and elevating their voices, roles, and needs. See how you can join us to push donors, governments, and health leaders to do more to support the future health workforce, including making long-term investments and policies to better train, deploy, equip, protect, retain, and support frontline health workers, especially in low- and middle-income countries. They can’t wait for another pandemic to act!"

Governing Pandemics 101
03. juin 2022 – 8 April - 15 July 2022 - Webinars via Zoom

The Global Health Centre is launching a new series of short courses (free, online, and open for anyone interested in global health) on the governance of pandemics.

Governing Pandemics 101

Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre Pandemics such as Covid-19 pose wicked challenges for global governance. The Global Health Centre is piloting a free, open online course designed for learners who wish to follow and engage with ongoing processes to reform global arrangements for pandemic preparedness and response. Topics include WHO; treaties; financing: sharing of data and samples; access to vaccines and drugs; trade and travel restrictions; animal-human health; human rights; humanitarian assistance; universal health coverage and geopolitics.

30 ans, ça se fête !
14. mai 2022 – Le 29 avril 2022 à Bern et le 14 mai 2022 à Bellinzona

Deux repas de solidarité

30 ans, ça se fête !

mediCuba Suisse Nous profitons du printemps et d’un retour aux réunions et autres rencontres en présentiel pour vous inviter à deux événements. A l’occasion du 30 ème anniversaire de mediCuba-Suisse et du 25 ème anniversaire de mediCuba-Europa, nous organisons deux repas de solidarité. L’un à Berne, le 29 avril, l’autre à Bellinzona, le 14 mai prochain. Vous pourrez également découvrir une série de photos du jeune artiste suisse, Livio Martina. Photos qu’il a pris lors d’un voyage à Cuba en 2019, où il a pu se rendre dans plusieurs institutions et centres de santé partenaires pour capter des moments d’activité et partage.

Geneva Health Forum
03. mai 2022 – 3-5 MAY 2022, CICG, Geneva and Online

Covid-19 Pandemic and Environmental Emergency: Reinventing Global Health in times of Global Changes

Geneva Health Forum

Geneva Health Forum "The Covid-19 pandemic has shed light on our fragility as societies to zoonoses, illnesses that appear among the animal world and that can spread to human beings. Zoonoses are more likely to spread to humans in a context of loss of biodiversity, fragility of ecosystems, deforestation, urbanisation, etc. At the same time, pollution is growing and having more and more an impact on our health. Climate change is fostering unprecedented crises such as draughts, floods, fires, heat waves, being the cause of potential humanitarian disasters, destabilization, conflicts and migrations. Our health is intrinsically linked to the health of the environment and the Geneva Health Forum will offer a platform to discuss the immense challenges that are linked to the intertwinement of human, animal and environmental health."

An intersessional civil society check-in between WHO EB150 and WHA75
04. mai 2022 – Webinars via Zoom

An intersessional civil society check-in between WHO EB150 and WHA75

Medicus Mundi International During the governing body meetings of the World Health Organization, the People’s Health Movement (PHM), the Medicus Mundi International Network (MMI) and the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) jointly host a daily civil society lounge: - EB TODAY in January, during the main annual session of the WHO Executive Board; WHA TODAY in May, during the World Health Assembly; WHA AHEAD as intersessional check-in, inbetween the January EB and the World Health Assembly.

The SSPH+ Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics, and Management
22. août 2022 – Online or on-site in Lugano, Switzerland

This 31st edition will take place this August 22-27, 2022. We offer 13 courses (1 day to 3 days), 2 pre-courses, 7 plenary sessions, social events & more.

The SSPH+ Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics, and Management

SSPH+ Lugano Summer School Join the 31st edition of the SSPH+ Lugano Summer School. We offer high-quality courses from 22-27 August, with an online pre-course 16 & 18 August. Each of our courses aim to strengthen health systems by preparing practitioners, researchers, and graduate students to tackle health challenges across the globe by learning from each other and reduce the gap between research, policy, and practice. This year we have interesting new courses like “Moving forward in public health planning by learning (or not) from the past”, and “Wealth Inequalities, Social Mobility and Health”. You can join us online from anywhere in the world, or on-site in Lugano. Course fees have been designed to make the courses accessible to a world-wide audience. A limited number of scholarships are also available - application deadline is May 2, 2022!