Nouvelles MMS du 09.11.2022

Le monde dérive d’une crise à la suivante – et, actuellement, il est en train de passer d’une crise à l’autre. Lors du colloque du Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse cette année, différent.e.s intervenant.e.s ont débattu sur les possibilités de la communauté internationale de répondre aux défis actuels.

Guerre, dérèglement climatique et pandémie : sortir du mode crise
MMS Symposium 2022. Foto: Christoph Engeli / © MMS

De la crise climatique à la crise sanitaire jusqu’à la guerre d’agression de la Russie contre l’Ukraine et ses conséquences globales : depuis quelques années, la communauté internationale passe d’une crise à la suivante. La politique internationale est fortement sollicitée comme elle ne l’avait plus été depuis longtemps – parallèlement, la coopération multilatérale est actuellement considérablement affaiblie. Medicus Mundi Suisse (MMS), le Réseau des organisations et institutions civiles et académiques suisses à Bâle, a abordé la thématique de ces crises multiples et leurs conséquences sur la coopération internationale et la santé globale.

Les habitants des rives de la Mer d’Aral par exemple

Astrid Knoblauch et Gulara Afandiyeva de l’Institut tropical et de santé publique suisse (Swiss TPH) ont exposé les conséquences du dérèglement climatique sur la santé de la population et le système de santé : ils ont pu démontrer l’augmentation de différentes maladies au sein de la population comme conséquence de l’assèchement de la Mer d’Aral en Ouzbékistan. Ils ont préconisé un renforcement des services de santé de base pour répondre aux défis provoqués par le dérèglement climatique.

L’exemple montre l’importance de maintenir et de développer l’engagement international pour le renforcement du système de santé justement au vu des défis globaux du changement climatique. Cependant, les crises globales suscitées par la guerre contre l’Ukraine se superposent aux crises sanitaires mondiales. Les moyens financiers vont dans l’aide, indiscutablement nécessaire, à l’Ukraine au détriment d’autres programmes.

Agir solidairement – en Suisse également

Dans ce contexte, différents intervenantes et intervenants ont souligné l’importance pour la politique internationale de trouver une voie de sortie du mode crise et de revenir à un développement durable de structures adaptées, écologiquement responsables, favorisant le développement social et économique, qui réduisent durablement les conflits armés. Le Président du canton de Bâle-Ville, Beat Jans, a expliqué comment le canton assume sa responsabilité en voulant atteindre l’objectif de zéro net émission de gaz à effet de serre d’ici à 2037, sans compter sur le commerce des émissions internationalement injuste.

Afin de surmonter durablement le mode crise, du côté de la Suisse, un engagement international accru – aussi bien financier que politique - des pays à haut revenu est nécessaire. « Avec l’agenda 2030, il y aurait en fait un plan global pour cela, adopté à l’échelle internationale. Mais malheureusement, tout semble indiquer une autre direction – celle d’actions en cavalier seul, loin d’une action solidaire, commune. De sorte que les prochains conflits et crises sont déjà pré-programmés » craint Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Directeur général du réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse.

Martin Leschhorn Strebel
Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse

Accent : Documentation Symposium MMS 2022


Documentation Symposium MMS 2022

Documentation Symposium MMS 2022

Documentation Symposium MMS 2022

Presentations and Downloads of the MMS Symposium 2022

Nouvelles du réseau MMS

28.10.2022 – Handicap International Schweiz

Ukraine, where sirens sound day and night

Factsheet October 2022: A focus on persons with disabilities and provision of emergency health service

Ukraine, where sirens sound day and night
Photo: © HI
28.10.2022 – Handicap International Schweiz

Ukraine, where sirens sound day and night

Factsheet October 2022: A focus on persons with disabilities and provision of emergency health service

"The people of Ukraine are living through an horrendous urban armed conflict. Systematic evidence shows that, worldwide, when explosive weapons are used in populated areas 90% of those affected are civilians (AOAV, 2019). This pattern is very much evident in Ukraine, where 95% of civilian casualties have occurred in populated areas (AOAV, 2022). Bombing and shelling in Ukraine are directly harming the civilian population, who face a high risk of death, war-related injuries and psychological trauma, increasing the need for rehabilitation, mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS), and other services. The vast majority of internally displaced people (IDPs) are women, girls and boys. 46% of displaced families include at least one person over 60, 36% include a chronically ill person and 25% include a person with disabilities."

28.10.2022 – Handicap International Schweiz

Ukraine : éduquer aux risques des munitions explosives pour sauver des vies

Ukraine : éduquer aux risques des munitions explosives pour sauver des vies
Olga Savchenko sous Broken Chair lors de sa visite à Genève en septembre 2022. | © HI
28.10.2022 – Handicap International Schweiz

Ukraine : éduquer aux risques des munitions explosives pour sauver des vies

"Olga Savchenko est responsable des actions d'éducation aux risques liés aux munitions explosives en Ukraine. Elle nous a rendu visite à Genève à l’occasion de notre commémoration des 25 ans de Broken Chair. Elle témoigne de l’importance de son travail pour la population ukrainienne et de ce représente ce monument."

06.11.2022 – Handicap International Suisse

Adoption le 18 novembre de l'accord international contre les bombardements urbains

Adoption le 18 novembre de l'accord international contre les bombardements urbains
06.11.2022 – Handicap International Suisse

Adoption le 18 novembre de l'accord international contre les bombardements urbains

"Les États sont invités le 18 novembre à Dublin pour adopter l'accord international contre les bombardements en zones peuplées. Les États signeront l'accord contre l'utilisation des armes explosives en zones peuplées le 18 novembre à Dublin. De nombreux États se sont engagés à l'approuver. (...) Fin de trois ans de négociations diplomatiques: Lors de la dernière conférence, en juin dernier, 50 États ont finalisé le texte d'une déclaration politique sur l'utilisation des armes explosives en zones peuplées. Une majorité écrasante d'États a approuvé le texte final de cette déclaration."

05.11.2022 – SolidarMed

Mosambik: Humanitäre Krise trotz wertvollen Erdgasreserven

Medienmitteilung und Webinar mit Barbara Kruspan, Länderkoordinatorin Mosambik

Mosambik: Humanitäre Krise trotz wertvollen Erdgasreserven
Überfülltes Chiúre Health Center_Mütter, Väter und Kinder im Wartesaal. Foto: © Ricardo Franco
05.11.2022 – SolidarMed

Mosambik: Humanitäre Krise trotz wertvollen Erdgasreserven

Medienmitteilung und Webinar mit Barbara Kruspan, Länderkoordinatorin Mosambik

"Ein bereits seit 2017 schwelender Konflikt im Norden von Mosambik ist mehrmals unbeachtet der Öffentlichkeit eskaliert. Mittlerweile haben sich über 800'000 Menschen weiter im Süden niedergelassen. Da in der Region grosse Armut herrscht, ist nicht nur das bereits sehr schwache Gesundheitssystem komplett überlastet, sondern auch der gesamte Druck auf die lokale Bevölkerung hoch. Obwohl die Region grosse Rohstoffschätze aufweist, ist die humanitäre Not gross. Seit 2017 treiben in den nördlichen und zentralen Küstenbezirken Cabo Delgados nicht-staatliche und schwer bewaffnete Gruppierungen ihr Unwesen. Dörfer werden überfallen, Menschen enthauptet. Laut der Konflikt-Beobachtungsstelle ACLED wurden seit 2017 mehr als 4’000 Menschen Opfer dieser Gewaltakte. Die bereits zuvor von Wirbelstürmen, Hunger und schwacher Gesundheitsversorgung stark gebeutelte Bevölkerung leidet."

05.11.2022 – Swiss TPH

Multiscale transmission dynamics of rabies in Africa: The urban-rural interface

Multiscale transmission dynamics of rabies in Africa: The urban-rural interface
05.11.2022 – Swiss TPH

Multiscale transmission dynamics of rabies in Africa: The urban-rural interface

"Researchers at Swiss TPH have launched a new project focused on rabies control in Chad with the help of artificial intelligence. Read more about how the research project takes a transdisciplinary One Health approach and uses public engagement and multilingual communication to achieve results. Dog mediated rabies, although entirely preventable, kills every year over 25,000 people in Africa. It has been demonstrated that rabies transmission can be interrupted with successful dog mass vaccination in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad. However, most of the strategies to control and eliminate human rabies still stagnate mainly due to a lack of resources to support such interventions. One way that we can tackle rabies in Africa is by introducing relatively new, low-cost interventions, which is what our research project on Rabies Control in Chad aims to address."

06.11.2022 – Swiss TPH

Current Recommended Treatment against Whipworm Shows Better Results than New Drug Combination

Current Recommended Treatment against Whipworm Shows Better Results than New Drug Combination
wo members of the study team (left: Najma Sheikh Ally, right: Ulfat Amour Moh’d) distribute breakfast to a participant before treatment at Kilindi secondary school. Photo: Sophie Welsche, Swiss TPH
06.11.2022 – Swiss TPH

Current Recommended Treatment against Whipworm Shows Better Results than New Drug Combination

"Swiss TPH researchers tested two different drug combinations against the parasitic worm Trichuris trichiura on Pemba Island, Tanzania. Findings show that a new treatment combination (moxidectin and albendazole) is inferior compared to the current recommended treatment combination (ivermectin and albendazole). However, moxidectin might serve as an alternative in areas in which ivermectin is not readily available or potentially where there are resistances against ivermectin. Results were published on 28 October in the Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal. More than 1.5 billion people worldwide are infected with soil-transmitted helminths. The infections occur mainly in tropical and subtropical areas in sub-Saharan Africa, the Americas, China and East Asia and is closely linked to poverty. Infections can lead to nutrient deficiency, anaemia, and impaired growth, thus children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to these detrimental effects. Soil-transmitted helminth infections are caused by several species of parasitic worms. One of them is the whipworm Trichuris trichiura."

05.11.2022 – The Telegraph India

NGO forms clubs for boys to open up

New project by Calcutta Rescue in India

NGO forms clubs for boys to open up
Photo © Calcutta Rescue
05.11.2022 – The Telegraph India

NGO forms clubs for boys to open up

New project by Calcutta Rescue in India

"A city NGO has formed a boys' club to give them a space to open up and share their problems and vulnerabilities. Boys from the age of 10 to 20 meet once a week after school or college to share their doubts, problems of adolecents and are simultaneously sensitised about gender equality. The boys live in slums and most of them are first-generation learners. They pracitcally have no one at home with whom they can discuss their problems."

05.11.2022 – The Telegraph India

Gender workshops for teachers

Workshops by Calcutta Rescue

Gender workshops for teachers
Photo © Calcutta Rescue
05.11.2022 – The Telegraph India

Gender workshops for teachers

Workshops by Calcutta Rescue

"Calcutta: Teachers who teach underprivileged children are being given training to not discriminate between students in their classroom or outside. Often teachers end up making some statements which leads to gender discrimination, knowingly or unknowingly, said one of the teaching heads in the NGO that is hosting the series of workshops. (...) We want to train our teachers to be more sensitive, said Ananya Chatterjee, school administrator, Calcutta Rescue."

04.11.2022 – SwissLimbs

It has been a difficult year, but that has not stopped SwissLimbs from expanding its operations!

Annual Report 2021

It has been a difficult year, but that has not stopped SwissLimbs from expanding its operations!
04.11.2022 – SwissLimbs

It has been a difficult year, but that has not stopped SwissLimbs from expanding its operations!

Annual Report 2021

"With renewed vigor, Covid-19 continued its nefarious run in 2021. Like everyone else, development cooperation organizations had to face new challenges raised by this issue. The complications which effect any society during a pandemic, are amplified all the more for those with disabilities. With great enthusiasm, SwissLimbs rose to the occasion and endeavored to match the increase of requests which came our way. Thus, we began new projects in 4 countries: Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Malawi and Guinea-Bissau."

Santé globale et la Suisse

05.11.2022 – Medicus Mundi International (MMI)

How to cope with a world in crisis?

Documentation of the Series of MMI policy dialogues 2022, 26-31 October 2022

How to cope with a world in crisis?
Photo: © MMI
05.11.2022 – Medicus Mundi International (MMI)

How to cope with a world in crisis?

Documentation of the Series of MMI policy dialogues 2022, 26-31 October 2022

Climate change, pandemic and war: these are huge and partly new challenges for organizations working in the field of international health cooperation. The 2022 series of MMI policy dialogues is related to the Symposium “The world in crisis – climate change, pandemic, and war” hosted by Medicus Mundi Switzerland in Basel, on 2 November. As international network, we usee the opportunity to extend the conversation and invite a broader audience to have a deeper look at how (exactly) to cope with the “world in crisis”.

08.11.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Loss and Damage Added to Climate Agenda; WHO Calls for Fossil Fuels ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’

Loss and Damage Added to Climate Agenda; WHO Calls for Fossil Fuels ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’
COP27 Opening Ceremony and Handover. Photo: UK Government/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
08.11.2022 – Health Policy Watch

Loss and Damage Added to Climate Agenda; WHO Calls for Fossil Fuels ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’

"Sharm el Sheikh – In a historic first, the issue of ¨loss and damage¨ finance for developing countries suffering from impacts of climate change was added to the formal negotiating agenda, as the 27th UN Climate Conference of Parties (COP27) opened here on Sunday – albeit after a delay of several hours as delegates tussled over the final wording of the agenda item. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a grim warning that the climate crisis is increasing illness and deaths at an increasing pace – with hundreds of millions of people already affected and trillions of dollars in direct and indirect economic losses. And the World Metereological Organization said the world is on track this year to record it´s eight warmest years ever, between 2015-2022."

08.11.2022 – UNITED NATIONS

Cooperate or perish’: At COP27 UN chief calls for Climate Solidarity Pact, urges tax on oil companies to finance loss and damage

Cooperate or perish’: At COP27 UN chief calls for Climate Solidarity Pact, urges tax on oil companies to finance loss and damage
Photo: COP26/Karwai Tang/ UK Government/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
08.11.2022 – UNITED NATIONS

Cooperate or perish’: At COP27 UN chief calls for Climate Solidarity Pact, urges tax on oil companies to finance loss and damage

"At the opening of the two-day Climate Implementation Summit at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, António Guterres called for a historic pact between developed and developing countries to combine capacities, and pivot the world towards reducing carbon emissions, transforming energy systems and avoiding a climate catastrophe. “Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish. It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact,” the UN Secretary-General told over 100 world leaders reunited for the first official plenary of the UN Climate Change Conference. The proposed Pact would see all countries taking extra efforts to reduce emissions, wealthier nations and international financial institutions providing assistance to emerging economies, ending dependence on fossil fuels and the building of coals plants, providing sustainable energy for all, and uniting to combine strategy and capacities for the benefit of humankind."

08.11.2022 – Médecins Sans Frontières Suisse

Le changement climatique, accélérateur des crises humanitaires

Le changement climatique, accélérateur des crises humanitaires
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
08.11.2022 – Médecins Sans Frontières Suisse

Le changement climatique, accélérateur des crises humanitaires

"Notre environnement mondial évolue à un rythme alarmant, cela ne fait aucun doute. La communauté scientifique a lancé de sérieux avertissements. Pour elle, le changement climatique constitue une menace pour l’avenir de l’humanité. Pour MSF, l’humanité est notre priorité."

05.11.2022 – The Economist

The world is going to miss the totemic 1.5°C climate target

It needs to face up to the fact

The world is going to miss the totemic 1.5°C climate target
Photo by Mike Newbry on Unsplash
05.11.2022 – The Economist

The world is going to miss the totemic 1.5°C climate target

It needs to face up to the fact

"Three strikes and you’re out is a pretty good rule. And the politicians and negotiators attending the Paris climate summit, “cop21”, in December 2015 were facing their third strike. Their first and second attempts to bind the world into a meaningful pact that would control greenhouse-gas emissions—in Kyoto in 1997 and in Copenhagen in 2009—had failed. If on their third time at bat they could do no better, the world was cooked. There was thus immense pressure on all at the conference to achieve a robust outcome. And a group of politicians and policymakers representing some of the world’s poorest countries had a very specific and controversial requirement for what it should contain. James Fletcher, of St Lucia, recalls that he and his fellow representatives of Caribbean states were “very clear in our minds that 1.5°C was a red-line item. It was one of the things that we said kind of silently: that we would be prepared to walk away from the negotiations if there was a sign we would not be getting a reference to 1.5°C in the Paris agreement.”

14.10.2022 – Health Policy Watch

EU to Release Communication on Second Global Health Strategy Plan by December

EU to Release Communication on Second Global Health Strategy Plan by December
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash
14.10.2022 – Health Policy Watch

EU to Release Communication on Second Global Health Strategy Plan by December

"This is really a historic meeting,” said Dr Ilona Kickbusch, co-chair of the European Health Forum at Gastein (EHFG). “Twenty years ago was the very first time there was any talk of a European global health strategy, and it took place right here at Gastein.” “It was in 2003 that global health first became a part of the EU’s health strategy,” Kickbusch recalled. “But then it disappeared, only to come back in 2010 as the first global health strategy, and now we are working on a second one.”

24.10.2022 – Plateforme Agenda 2030

L’Occident n’est pas sans reproches

Ce ne sont pas les Nations Unies qui posent problème, mais les intérêts propres de leurs États membres. Plaidoyer pour un multilatéralisme fondé sur des valeurs et centré sur l’être humain

L’Occident n’est pas sans reproches
Photo by Matthew TenBruggencate on Unsplash
24.10.2022 – Plateforme Agenda 2030

L’Occident n’est pas sans reproches

Ce ne sont pas les Nations Unies qui posent problème, mais les intérêts propres de leurs États membres. Plaidoyer pour un multilatéralisme fondé sur des valeurs et centré sur l’être humain

"Les Nations Unies (ONU) ont vu le jour en 1945, au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et devaient servir d’instrument pour une meilleure compréhension et coopération de la communauté des nations et pour la préservation de la paix internationale. Deux des jalons les plus récents de l’histoire de l’ONU sont l’adoption de l’accord de Paris sur le climat et l’adoption de l’Agenda 2030 qui, avec ses 17 objectifs de développement durable, fait office de boussole internationale dans ce domaine. En signant l’agenda, les États membres ont tous estimé que les objectifs de développement durable ne pouvaient être pensés et mis en œuvre au niveau international que de manière globale."

09.11.2022 – Gavi

Global health agencies outline plan to support Ugandan government-led response to outbreak of Ebola virus disease

Global health agencies outline plan to support Ugandan government-led response to outbreak of Ebola virus disease
Photo: CDC Global/; CC BY 2.0
09.11.2022 – Gavi

Global health agencies outline plan to support Ugandan government-led response to outbreak of Ebola virus disease

"Following the declaration of an Ebola outbreak in Uganda on 20 September 2022, the outbreak has now spread to seven districts (Kasanda, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu and Kagadi districts beyond the original epicenter in Mubende district, and then to Kampala City and Wakiso). The government-led response has activated the Incident Management System in order to control the outbreak. In support of the Ministry of Health-led efforts, CEPI, Gavi and WHO have outlined a plan to accelerate research during the outbreak, to ensure access to investigational doses, and to facilitate scaling up and access to any subsequent licensed vaccine."

08.11.2022 – People's Health Dispatch

How the World Bank weakens health systems

How the World Bank weakens health systems
08.11.2022 – People's Health Dispatch

How the World Bank weakens health systems

"Natalie Rhodes, PhD candidate at University of Leeds, and People’s Health Movement, along with Remco van de Pas, researcher at the Centre for Planetary Health Policy, and People’s Health Movement discuss in detail about the implications of the newly established World Bank fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and the Bank’s other policies pertaining to public health."

08.11.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Systems for health: everyone has a role

Flagship report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

Systems for health: everyone has a role
Ebola Treatment Centre. Photo: World Bank Collection/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
08.11.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Systems for health: everyone has a role

Flagship report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

"This Report defines systems for health as those ready to respond to both the known and unknown, present and future threats. Systems for health anticipate and address social, economic, environmental and commercial drivers of health to secure and enable healthier societies by aligning efforts to ensure health security and create healthy populations, systems for health not only provide, protect, and promote health, but also harness technology working with people and communities to deliver physical, mental and social health for all populations across the life course. This report provides actionable guidance for policy and practice and is a significant contribution to our future health…”

08.11.2022 – UHC2030

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems

At the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research many of the UHC2030 Related Initiatives will be showcasing current outcomes and efforts in making health systems more equitable and resilient.

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems
Photo: Trinity Care Foundation/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
08.11.2022 – UHC2030

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems

At the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research many of the UHC2030 Related Initiatives will be showcasing current outcomes and efforts in making health systems more equitable and resilient.

"The Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2022) organised by Health Systems Global (HSG), comes at a time when more than ever we need collaboration and collective learning to build strong health systems that will support a healthy, fair and safe world. The theme for HSR2022 is “Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges”. Focused on the high-level political agenda and on the ground realities, HSR2022 is set to provide a catalytic forum where we can come together to share, raise awareness, advocate for change, and develop partnerships for action."

24.10.2022 – Health Policy Watch

World Health Summit Ends on Uneven Note

World Health Summit Ends on Uneven Note
Photo: IAEA Imagebank/; CC BY 2.0
24.10.2022 – Health Policy Watch

World Health Summit Ends on Uneven Note

"BERLIN – Donors pledged some $2.6 billion more in funding to the global polio eradication initiative (GPEI) as of the closing day of the World Health Summit – which saw its shares of highs and lows in its finale, much like the rest of the three-day event. On the plus side, the donations, which included a pledge of $1.2 billion by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced at the conference´s opening session Sunday, mean that the GPEI has come more than half way to meeting the funding target of US$4.8 billion set out in its 2022-2026 Strategy. And WHO´s Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also signed a new memorandum of understanding with a global network of parliamentarians, UNITE. The network will collaborate with the global health agency to mobilize elected officials around the world in the campaign for a pandemic accord as well as other milestone global health aims."

07.11.2022 – Johnson Stiftung

Appel d’offres pour le programme de soutien 2023-2025 « Improving the health of vulnerable people in and from fragile settings »

Appel d’offres pour le programme de soutien 2023-2025 « Improving the health of vulnerable people in and from fragile settings »
Photo: © Johnson Stiftung
07.11.2022 – Johnson Stiftung

Appel d’offres pour le programme de soutien 2023-2025 « Improving the health of vulnerable people in and from fragile settings »

"La Fondation Stanley Thomas Johnson lance un appel d’offres pour le programme de soutien « Improving the health of vulnerable people in and from fragile settings » (2023-2025) dans les domaines « Recherche médicale » et « Victimes de conflit et de violence » Plus de 100 millions de personnes dans le monde sont en fuite, la moitié d’entre elles dans leur propre pays (« internally displaced persons » IDP). Ces personnes proviennent de ce que l’on appelle des « contextes fragiles », ce qui veut dire que leur foyer est touché par un conflit, la violence ou une catastrophe naturelle (de plus en plus souvent due au changement climatique). Le programme de soutien souhaite contribuer à l’amélioration de la santé d’hommes et de femmes particulièrement vulnérables dans des contextes fragiles, notamment celle des personnes réfugiées et déplacées."


08.11.2022 – The Lancet

A reinvigorated multilateralism in health: lessons and innovations from the COVID-19 pandemic

A reinvigorated multilateralism in health: lessons and  innovations from the COVID-19 pandemic
Photo: United States Mission Geneva/flickr/CC BY-ND 2.0
08.11.2022 – The Lancet

A reinvigorated multilateralism in health: lessons and innovations from the COVID-19 pandemic

"The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the shared frailty of societies in the face of common threats. If the world is to respond successfully to future pandemics and other emerging challenges, it will be essential to develop new public health instruments and a framework that redefines the rules of global governance. In many ways, a quantum lift in global health is needed similar to that achieved at the turn of the 21st century. That was a time when new multilateral initiatives with innovative governance and financial arrangements were established (eg, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in 2000, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2002, and adoption of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2003), and development assistance for health expanded at an unprecedented rate. However, the circumstances in 2022 are different and therefore call for original solutions. We outline the lessons that must be learned and the innovations that must be adopted to realise that purpose."

24.10.2022 – The Lancet

Lancet World Report - ACT-A: “The international architecture did not work for us”

A new evaluation has delivered a devastating verdict of the global mechanism to provide the tools to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann Danaiya Usher reports.

Lancet World Report - ACT-A: “The international architecture did not work for us”
Photo: Trinity Care Foundation/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
24.10.2022 – The Lancet

Lancet World Report - ACT-A: “The international architecture did not work for us”

A new evaluation has delivered a devastating verdict of the global mechanism to provide the tools to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann Danaiya Usher reports.

"At a time of desperate uncertainty, the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) was established in April, 2020, just 3 months after WHO declared COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Consisting of ten UN agencies and global health organisations, The World Bank, Wellcome, and the Gates Foundation, ACT-A aimed to develop health products for COVID-19 and to ensure their equitable distribution, while helping health systems with delivery. (...) Based on 101 interviews with key informants, it concluded that the design was “top-down” and several aspects were misconceived. ACT-A afforded too much influence to donors and corporate partners, global targets were not met, and low and middle-income countries (LMICs)—the purported beneficiaries of the scheme—were excluded from conceptualisation. It documents particular dissatisfaction with ACT-A in Africa and Latin America."

Santé numérique

08.11.2022 – Transform Health

Closing the digital divide: More and better funding for the digital transformation of health

To guide this work, Transform Health has published a Conceptual Framework to guide investments and action towards health for all in the digital age.

Closing the digital divide: More and better funding for the digital transformation of health
Photo: © Transform Health
08.11.2022 – Transform Health

Closing the digital divide: More and better funding for the digital transformation of health

To guide this work, Transform Health has published a Conceptual Framework to guide investments and action towards health for all in the digital age.

"Closing the digital divide: More and better funding for the digital transformation of health’ frames the thinking on how to guide investments and action for digital health transformation in low and middle income countries. The report lays out six key recommendations for national governments, international donors, and the private sector to increase and improve investments towards building digitally-enabled health systems that improve health outcomes for all. This report has been developed by Transform Health, with the support of its partners PATH and Joep Lange Institute, and with research contributions from regional networks and the Young Experts: Tech 4 Health."

08.11.2022 – Governing Health Futures 2030

Digital first health systems: How can they deliver better health futures for young people?

On international youth day (12 August) the GHFutures2030 Youth Network launched the #MyHealthFutures campaign, aimed at creating space for young people under 35 to share their hopes, concerns and ideas for improving health futures.

Digital first health systems: How can they deliver better health futures for young people?
Danielle Mullings, Impact & Partnership Officer, Transform Health. Photo: © GHF
08.11.2022 – Governing Health Futures 2030

Digital first health systems: How can they deliver better health futures for young people?

On international youth day (12 August) the GHFutures2030 Youth Network launched the #MyHealthFutures campaign, aimed at creating space for young people under 35 to share their hopes, concerns and ideas for improving health futures.

"The Governing Health Futures 2030 (GHFutures2030) Commission’s report outlines how digital technologies and data are transforming health and healthcare. The Commission observed that health systems in all regions of the world are becoming increasingly digital first. This means that rather than travelling to a health facility for a face-to-face consultation with a health worker, a patient can access a growing range of health services and health information through digital channels. From Rwanda to the United Kingdom, governments are aspiring to make digital first healthcare available to their whole populations. Digital tools and services such as virtual consultations with doctors, digital sensors and wearable technologies to monitor vital signs, and AI-assisted health information tools are becoming increasingly integrated. As they become the norm, it is likely that we will very soon stop talking about ‘digital’ health and ‘digital first’ health systems."

09.11.2022 – Tech Monitor

How young people can influence the future of their cities

By Stefan German, Fondation Botnar

How young people can influence the future of their cities
Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash
09.11.2022 – Tech Monitor

How young people can influence the future of their cities

By Stefan German, Fondation Botnar

"Around the world, today’s cities are vibrant, metropolitan hubs, filled with buzzing food scenes, job and education opportunities, night life and so on. It is therefore no surprise that young people flock to these urban centres for new opportunities, connections and excitement. The pull of large urban areas has resulted in more people settling and bringing up children in cities – meaning that now 60% of rapidly growing city populations are projected to be less than 18 years old by 2030. While cities are places of opportunity and growth, from education to healthcare, to employment, our city systems are currently failing young people with increased exclusion and poverty in disadvantaged urban areas, damaging their health and well-being, and leaving them at risk of being left behind."

Santé sexuelle et reproductive et VIH/SIDA

09.11.2022 – Devex

Global Fund pledge: ‘It’s not too late to take action,’ NGOs urge UK

Global Fund pledge: ‘It’s not too late to take action,’ NGOs urge UK
Photo: World Health Summit/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
09.11.2022 – Devex

Global Fund pledge: ‘It’s not too late to take action,’ NGOs urge UK

"In two weeks, the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will be meeting to decide how much total grant funding will be made available to countries in the next three years. But that funding looks unlikely to include additional pledges from big donors such as the United Kingdom. The Global Fund’s target was $18 billion for its replenishment conference in September. But the U.K. surprised many when it didn’t pledge a penny during the event, only saying that it will announce its contribution “in coming weeks,” while Italy said it will provide “incremental updates in the coming weeks as appropriate.”

08.11.2022 – Aidsfonds

Successful pilot results in high ambitions to scale-up Thandizo approach

The results showed that the Thandizo approach successfully increased HIV treatment adherence.

Successful pilot results in high ambitions to scale-up Thandizo approach
Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash
08.11.2022 – Aidsfonds

Successful pilot results in high ambitions to scale-up Thandizo approach

The results showed that the Thandizo approach successfully increased HIV treatment adherence.

"The Thandizo approach supports young people living with HIV to adhere to treatment. Piloted for two years in two districts of Malawi, evaluation shows that the number of young people with HIV who stopped treatment dropped from 478 to 96. Out of these 96 there were 89 young people managed to get back in care. After these successes our ambition is countrywide scale up! (...) The Thandizo risk assessment tool was co-created and tested with implementers and young people themselves. The app identifies risks for non-adherence, provides referrals, tips and advice based on individual needs. It is used in both group sessions with a peer educator or individual consultations with a community health worker."

19.10.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Staggering backsliding across women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health revealed in new UN analysis

Staggering backsliding across women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health revealed in new UN analysis
Photo by Jeff Ackley on Unsplash
19.10.2022 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Staggering backsliding across women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health revealed in new UN analysis

"A new UN report shows that women’s and children’s health has suffered globally, as the impacts of conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change converge with devastating effects on prospects for children, young people and women. Data presented in the report show a critical regression across virtually every major measure of childhood well-being, and many key indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since the last Every Woman Every Child Progress Report published in 2020, food insecurity, hunger, child marriage, risks from intimate partner violence, and adolescent depression and anxiety have all increased."

Les maladies chroniques

09.11.2022 – The Lancet

The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health

The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash
09.11.2022 – The Lancet

The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health

"It is time to end all forms of stigma and discrimination against people with mental health conditions, for whom there is double jeopardy: the impact of the primary condition and the severe consequences of stigma. Indeed, many people describe stigma as being worse than the condition itself. This Lancet Commission report is the result of a collaboration of more than 50 people worldwide. It brings together evidence and experience of the impact of stigma and discrimination and successful interventions for stigma reduction. We include material that brings alive the voices of people with lived experience of mental health conditions (PWLE). This is right in principle because we agree with the view of nothing about us without us. It is right in practice because the evidence summarised in this report shows that PWLE are the key change agents for stigma reduction. For these reasons, this report has been co-produced by people who have such lived experience and others who do not."

08.11.2022 – Fondation Botnar

BEING: Launch of Being, a new mental health initiative for young people

BEING: Launch of Being, a new mental health initiative for young people
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash
08.11.2022 – Fondation Botnar

BEING: Launch of Being, a new mental health initiative for young people

"25 October 2022 – Today, Fondation Botnar is pleased to announce the launch of BEING, an international mental health initiative, to fund and support research and innovative approaches that improve the mental wellbeing of young people aged 10 to 24 in low- and middle-income countries. The initiative is hosted by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), in partnership with Fondation Botnar and United for Global Mental Health, whose expertise and worldwide network will support advocacy, stakeholder engagement and other vital functions, and with institutional support from Global Affairs Canada. Globally, 75% of all mental health challenges begin before age 24, and almost 46,000 adolescents die from suicide every year, putting it among the top five causes of death for their age group. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), up to 90% of the mental health needs of young people are going unmet due to a lack of resources."

Offres d'emploi

– Christoffel Blindenmission - CBM Swiss

Mitarbeiter*in People & Culture (80%)

Mitarbeiter*in People & Culture (80%)
Logo CBM
– Christoffel Blindenmission - CBM Swiss

Mitarbeiter*in People & Culture (80%)

Wir suchen per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine*n Mitarbeiter*in People & Culture (80%). Ihre Aufgaben: - Human Resources Management sowie - Disability-inclusive Development (DiD) / Gleichstellung. Über Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Behinderungen freuen wir uns besonders und sind bereit, angemessene Vorkehrungen vorzunehmen, um eine Anstellung zu ermöglichen. Bitte senden Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf sowie ein Motivationsschreiben oder ein Videostatement von maximal 2 Minuten. Das Video kann in Gebärdensprache eingereicht werden. Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung nehmen wir gerne per E-Mail über die Adresse entgegen. Für Fragen steht Ihnen der neue Geschäftsführer, Cris Gautschi, unter 044 275 21 71 zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen über die CBM finden Sie unter


Forum cinfo 2022
11. novembre 2022 – Friday 11 Nov. 2022, Wankdorf Stadium, Bern & lighter online version for professionals abroad

The Swiss Event on Work and Careers in International Cooperation

Forum cinfo 2022

Cinfo Forum cinfo is the Swiss career event for international cooperation, organised on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC). With its career fair and conference, the forum is dedicated to working, career development and opportunities in international cooperation. This unique event inspires, informs, facilitates networking and provides a setting to broaden your horizons. Forum cinfo connects professionals at all stages of their careers with a wide range of internationally active organisations – and is an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and open doors. Registration closes on the event day (11 Nov).

Launch of G2H2 report “Financial Justice for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response”
15. novembre 2022 – Geneva Press Club and Zoom webinar, 14.00-15.30 hrs CET

Launch of G2H2 report “Financial Justice for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response”

Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) "The report “Financial Justice for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” will be launched by the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) on 15 November in Geneva. The report highlights the shortcomings of the international community in redirecting finance to support public health, including the robust funding of pandemic prevention preparedness and response. While colossal wealth is potentially available to invest on global public health and managing any future pandemics, it is in the wrong hands. The pandemic emergency, with its associated socioeconomic and environmental crises, has revealed that the world is at a critical moment and that business as usual cannot be the way forward. The crisis has “opened a window for a radical redirection” (WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All) which may not be missed: The report by G2H2 proposes to rethink health through an economic and financial justice lens."

Einladung zum Film
22. novembre 2022 – 22. und 24. November 2022; Filmpodium Zürich, Nüschelerstrasse 11, CH-8001 Zürich

Donnerstag, 24.11.2022 / 17:30 mit anschliessendem Podium und Empfang durch die norwegische Botschaft

Einladung zum Film "The Art of Sin"

SEXUELLE GESUNDHEIT SCHWEIZ "Am 22. und 24. November 2022 wird am Arab Film Festival im Filmpodium in Zürich der Film «The Art of Sin» gezeigt, der mit Unterstützung unserer norwegischen IPPFSchwesterorganisation SEXogPolikk produziert wurde. Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 24. November organisiert SEXUELLE GESUNDHEIT SCHWEIZ ein Podium, an dem auch der Regisseur Ibrahim Mursal und eine Vertretung der norwegischen Botschaft in der Schweiz teilnehmen werden. Gerne laden wir Sie ein, den grossartigen Film zu den Themen sexuelle Rechte, Identität, Migration, LGBTIAQ+ und Kunst anzuschauen und die Gelegenheit zu nutzen, mit Ibrahim Mursal ins Gespräch zu treten."

Filmfestival frauenstark!
25. novembre 2022 – kult.kino atelier, Theaterstrasse 7, Basel

16-Tage-Kampagne gegen Gewalt an Frauen. Thema 2022: Feminizid

Filmfestival frauenstark!

IAMANEH Schweiz Jede Frau erlebt Gewalt, weil sie eine Frau ist! Denn Ungleichheit geht mit (struktureller) Gewalt einher. Doch wie lässt sich diese in einer von Krisen geschüttelten Welt bekämpfen? Antworten gibt das Filmfestival frauenstark! zwischen dem 25. November und dem 4. Dezember. Feminizid ist das Thema der diesjährigen Internationalen 16-Tage-Kampagne gegen Gewalt an Frauen – also die tödliche Gewalt an Frauen und weiblich gelesenen Personen. Femizide sind aber nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. frauenstark! legt den Fokus auf die Prävention aller Formen von sexistischer Gewalt und auf den Kampf gegen die Ungleichheiten, die der intimen Gewalt zugrunde liegen. Denn: Ohne Gleichstellung keine Gesellschaft ohne Gewalt. Ungleiche Geschlechterverhältnisse manifestieren sich nicht zuletzt im Herzen der Familie, etwa im Film «The Letter», der dokumentiert, wie eine kenianische Urgrossmutter der Hexerei beschuldigt wird und sich dagegen zur Wehr setzt.

Round table on the protection of civilians – 29th November in Bern
29. novembre 2022 – 12:30 et 14:30, Generationenhaus, Bern

Protecting civilians in conflict: from the Ottawa Treaty 25 years ago to the political declaration against the bombing of civilians today

Round table on the protection of civilians – 29th November in Bern

Handicap International Schweiz On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Ottawa Treaty, we are pleased to invite you to a roundtable on the theme of the protection of civilians, co-organized by HI and foraus: - What is the concrete impact of international treaties given the fact that civilians are always the first victims of armed conflicts? In 1997, the signing of the Ottawa Treaty brought great hope for future generations. 25 years later, it is time to assess the situation. What progress has been made in protecting civilians? This year, a political declaration against the bombing of civilians in populated areas will be signed. How will it change the life of people in the field? What challenges remain to be faced? What role should Switzerland play, based on its humanitarian tradition? - The event will take place in Bern, at the Generationenhaus, between 12:30 and 14:30 on Tuesday, November 29th (a light lunch will be offered). More details in the attached invitation card. As places are limited, please register at:

Economic Evaluation in Health Care (EEHC)
08. janvier 2024 – Prep phase (self-directed): 8 January-31 January 2024; Hybrid face-to-face week: 5 - 9 February 2024; Post Phase (self-directed): 12 February - 22 March 2024; Venue: Belo Horizonte, Allschwil, Switzerland

In the Economic Evaluation in Health Care course, you learn how to best make use of resources without losing sight of the population's demands and needs. Appraise health interventions and consider how they fit into and complement the decision-making process. Apply by 6 January.

Economic Evaluation in Health Care (EEHC)

Swiss TPH Participants will learn the key concepts, terminology and methodologies used in economic evaluation in health sector settings and have the opportunity to apply these in practical exercises and assignments. The aim is to equip future managers in health care with the tools needed to interpret, commission and guide economic evaluation in their work as one of the essential elements of decision-making.