The Lusaka Agenda Tracker: What Gets Measured Gets Done
Photo: Pictures of Money/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Center for Global Development (CGD) "Financial support for health in low- and middle-income countries has come under renewed criticism in recent years by policymakers and experts, critiquing that it often fragments health systems, undermines national priority-setting, and lacks a clear exit strategy. The most recent effort to address these challenges is the Lusaka Agenda launched in December 2023, which laid out a set of five shifts required to coordinate and strengthen the contribution of global health initiatives (GHIs) (...). Implementing the Lusaka Agenda will require substantial change in how the GHIs operate, unprecedent coordination between GHI board members, clear mutual accountability mechanisms, and must be integrated with individual country-led donor alignment efforts. In a paper released today, we propose a Lusaka Agenda Tracker. Our proposal includes five short-term milestones, that if achieved by the end of 2025 show there is real political will to change, and seven indicators to monitor progress on achieving the Lusaka Agenda over the medium-term."