The Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland is working on issues of global health policy and the effects of Swiss policy on the health situation in developing countries.
We advance the exchange beetween our member organisations and advocate in Switzerland for the respect of the right to health in the Swiss foreign policy.
As a network organisation we support you in contacting people and organisations working in the field of international health.
Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Director, phone: ++41 (0)61 383 18 14, E-Mail
Medicus Mundi Schweiz
Murbacherstrasse 34
CH-4056 Basel
Tel. +41 61 383 18 10
Suisse romande
Medicus Mundi Suisse
Rue de Varembé 1
CH-1202 Genève
Tél. +41 22 920 08 08
Bank details
Basler Kantonalbank, Aeschen, 4002 Basel
Medicus Mundi Schweiz, 4056 Basel
IBAN: CH40 0077 0016 0516 9903 5