Die Lungenliga ist eine gesamtschweizerische Dienstleistungsorganisation für die Lunge und die Atemwege. Die Lungenliga berät und betreut Menschen mit Lungenkrankheiten und Atembehinderungen, damit sie möglichst beschwerdefrei und selbständig leben können und eine höhere Lebensqualität erreichen.

Lungenliga Schweiz
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3007 Bern

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Postal Account 30-19677-3

Money Matters: What the world spends on sexual health
Foto von Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition auf Unsplash

Money Matters: What the world spends on sexual health

Devex "Donors disbursed $14.2 billion for sexual and reproductive health and rights funding in 2022. Who were the biggest funders and how does it compare to total ODA? Plus, USAID localization stalls, and U.S. Republicans' plan for aid. (...) Sexual and reproductive health and rights are a big and growing area of development funding. In 2022, disbursements related to SRHR amounted to $14.2 billion, up from $12.7 billion the year before, according to a report from Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, an organization that focuses on the health needs of young people."

Health Workforce Shortage: Are there Potential Ways Out of the Current Healthcare Crisis?
Photo: © Cecilie Arcurs/ istockphoto.com/
30. Oktober 2024 – Volkshaus Basel, Switzerland

Health Workforce Shortage: Are there Potential Ways Out of the Current Healthcare Crisis?

REGISTER NOW! MMS Symposium, 30 October 2024

Medicus Mundi Switzerland Worldwide as well as in Switzerland we are facing a shortage of trained healthcare professionals. Low-income countries, where healthcare provision is already weak, are being particularly affected. However, the staff shortage threatens healthcare for all across the world.



Driving universal health reforms through crises and shocks
Photo: Trinity Care Foundation/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Driving universal health reforms through crises and shocks

Final report on the work of the Chatham House Commission for Universal Health

Chatham House “The series of crises and shocks the world has suffered in recent years – including disease outbreaks, financial crises, multiple conflicts and the deepening impacts of climate change – have raised fears that commitments to UHC will be seriously undermined. In 2022, in light of these concerns, Chatham House established the Commission for Universal Health to look at ways to support countries in maintaining and accelerating progress towards UHC. Drawing on the work of the commission, this report explores examples of where, and how, conditions of crisis and shock have had a catalytic role in driving universal health initiatives, and offers recommendations for leaders currently considering launching or expanding UHC reforms. (...) The report endorses the World Health Organization’s finding that investment of an additional 1 per cent of GDP for primary healthcare is a realistic target for countries transitioning to UHC."

Teach to Reach 10: Over 21,000 Health Workers Unite to Tackle Climate and Immunization Challenges
Photo: Africa Progress Panel/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Teach to Reach 10: Over 21,000 Health Workers Unite to Tackle Climate and Immunization Challenges

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "On June 20, 2024, over 21,000 health workers from more than 80 countries will attend the tenth edition of Teach to Reach, a two-day peer learning conference organized by the Geneva Learning Foundation. This event is not just another conference—it’s part of a growing movement that recognizes the power of local knowledge and action to solve global health challenges. This 10th edition will focus on two pressing issues: the intersection of climate change and health and the future of immunization."

What South Africa’s Fatal Mpox Cases Mean for The Global Crisis
Foto von Mufid Majnun auf Unsplash

What South Africa’s Fatal Mpox Cases Mean for The Global Crisis

As South Africa moves to access medicine for a deadly mpox outbreak, activists raise concern about health inequality

ThinkGlobalHealth "South Africa is ramping up its response against mpox after two people died from the infectious disease within a week this month. But as the country's government turns to donors to secure potentially lifesaving drugs, health activists ask why such requests are necessary when wealthier countries are sitting on large stockpiles. (...) "We probably have a few hundred cases that we don't know about," says Salim Abdool Karim, a Durban-based epidemiologist who played a leading role in the country's COVID-19 response. This prediction is safe to assert because none of the current cases have a recent history of travel, meaning that they acquired the virus locally, and do not appear to have infected each other."


Division of Clinical Epidemiology/ University of Basel

Towards better clinical research with an impact on clinical care and global public health: The Division of Clinical Epidemiology strives to improve clinical research in order to generate high-quality evidence for decision-making in health care and social programs. We promote the application of research findings in clinical, global public health, and research practice through pragmatic study designs and implementation science. Our activities include our own applied and methodological research, support and collaboration with other research groups, mentorship for young clinical scientists, and pre- and postgraduate teaching in research methodology, insurance medicine, and global public health.

WHO Issues First-Ever Set of Guidelines for Taxing Unhealthy Foods
“12 teaspoons” campaign. Photo: © Alianza por la Salud Alimentaria

WHO Issues First-Ever Set of Guidelines for Taxing Unhealthy Foods

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "In a first for healthier diets, WHO has issued a “strong recommendation” that countries tax sugar-sweetened beverages as part of a wider effort to combat the powerful health impacts of the industrial foods industry – whose marketing of sugar, sodium and fat-laced, processed foods is linked with millions of deaths annually. WHO also issued more “conditional” recommendations in favor of the taxation of unhealthy foods and the subsidizing of healthier options, in its new guidelines on “Fiscal Policies to Promote Healthy Diets,” launched Friday. The first-ever WHO recommendations on food pricing policies comes only days after a scathing report by WHO’s European Region, that found unhealthy foods amongst the top four commercial products that cause some 19 million deaths annually worldwide, including 2.7 million deaths in the WHO’s European Region."

Progress is a collective journey
Photo: © WGH - Screenshot

Progress is a collective journey

Navigating challenges to gender equality at WHA77

Women in Global Health "As a Non-State Actor in official relations with WHO, Women in Global Health attended the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) together with several of our Chapters. Our focus was on commitments towards gender-responsive health systems and a gender-equal health and care workforce. We continued to note challenges around commitments to gender equality, which we first reported on at the start of 2024 in our World Health Organisation 154th Executive Board newsletter."

RECORDING: Geneva Health Week - WHA Side Events
Photo: © GHC Geneva - Screenshot

RECORDING: Geneva Health Week - WHA Side Events

#WHA77 Side Events on YouTube

Graduate Institute - Global Health Centre "Each year during the World Health Organization (WHO)’s World Health Assembly (WHA) happening in May, the Platform hosts a series of side events and discussions around critical global health issues, raising awareness among member states attending WHA meetings. Our annual Geneva Health Week took place from 26 to 29 May 2024 at the Geneva Graduate Institute, which included the Open Briefing to the 77th World Health Assembly and three WHA side events. Watch all our #WHA side events now available on our YouTube channel."

Health Program Manager Zambia, based in Lucerne 70-90%

Health Program Manager Zambia, based in Lucerne 70-90%

Deadline for applications: 10 July 2024

SolidarMed "We offer an exciting position for a mid-career development professional. Based in Lucerne/Switzerland, you will manage the portfolio of our health projects in Zambia. We seek a talented and experienced candidate to manage an exciting and dynamic country portfolio (70-90% employment). Your role will include among others: - Develop the long-term strategy and thematic orientation of the country program, in close collaboration with the country team. - Manage the Project and Program cycles, including planning, budgeting, monitoring, reporting, log-frame development, and project documentation. Starting date: As soon as possible, according to availability. How to apply: Please upload your complete application to our recruiting platform."

Vacancy announcement: MMI Executive Secretary, 40% / G2H2 Executive Secretary, 20%

Vacancy announcement: MMI Executive Secretary, 40% / G2H2 Executive Secretary, 20%

Application Deadline: 12 July 2024

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) To run the secretariat of Medicus Mundi International (MMI) and to take care of its wide range of activities we are looking for an: Executive Secretary, 40% (or 60% in combination with G2H2 Secretariat). Place of work: Geneva (flexible). At the same time MMI and G2H2 are advertising a position as Executive Secretary for the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) hosted by MMI. It is possible to apply for both positions within a 60% post. Please do so separately, by responding to both vacancy announcements.For further information regarding the position of the MMI Executive Secretary, 40%, please contact Martin Leschhorn, President Medicus Mundi International, mleschhorn@medicusmundi.ch - Applications for the position of the MMI Executive Secretary (including motivation letter) should be sent by email to: Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Director Medicus Mundi Switzerland, mleschhorn@medicusmundi.ch, by 12 July 2024.

Eschewing the ‘Arrive-Teach-Leave’ Approach, Seed Invests in Long-Term Healthworker Training in Africa
Photo: WHO/PATH global health/flickr.com/CC BY 4.0 Deed

Eschewing the ‘Arrive-Teach-Leave’ Approach, Seed Invests in Long-Term Healthworker Training in Africa

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "Africa’s health worker shortage is projected to reach more than six million by 2030 – and the weaker the system, the more likely health workers are to leave as poor working conditions erode their morale. The non-profit organisation, Seed Global Health works to address this shortage by investing in long-term training and support for health workers in four countries – Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia – via partnerships with health ministries. For Seed, long-term means “for as long as our partners will have us”, says CEO Dr Vanessa Kerry, who is also the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Climate Envoy. Seed launched its 2030 strategic plan last week, an ambitious programme that requires the organisation to raise at least $100 million."

Le département d'épidémiologie clinique de l'Hôpital universitaire de Bâle est un nouveau membre du réseau MMS.
Lesotho. Photo: © Division of Clinical Epidemiology

Le département d'épidémiologie clinique de l'Hôpital universitaire de Bâle est un nouveau membre du réseau MMS.

Assemblée générale de MMS du 5 juin 2024

Medicus Mundi Suisse Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir la Division d'épidémiologie clinique de l'Hôpital universitaire de Bâle comme nouvelle organisation membre de notre réseau et nous nous réjouissons d'une bonne collaboration. - L'épidémiologie clinique est un département de l'Hôpital universitaire de Bâle et de l'Université de Bâle. Une partie de la recherche se fait en partenariat avec des organisations dans des pays d'Afrique. L'accent est mis sur le VIH/sida, la tuberculose, la santé mentale et les maladies cardiovasculaires. En principe, le département ne mène en Afrique que des projets de recherche qui présentent également un avantage direct potentiel pour les institutions et/ou les personnes qui y participent.

UNAIDS Executive Director and Inequality Council urge G20 to back bold network on medicine production and address the social determinants of pandemics
Photo: Downing Street/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

UNAIDS Executive Director and Inequality Council urge G20 to back bold network on medicine production and address the social determinants of pandemics

UNAIDS "ALVADOR, BRAZIL, 6 June 2024—At the G20 preparatory meeting in Brazil, Executive Director of UNAIDS and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Winnie Byanyima, today urged governments to support a new G20 Alliance, proposed by the Brazilian government, to enable life-saving medicines to be produced in every part of the world. Co-Chair of the Global Council on Inequality, AIDS, and Pandemics Sir Michael Marmot also called on G20 delegates to address the social determinants of pandemics, such as education and human rights, as a concrete part of the G20’s pandemic preparedness efforts."

Webinaire Médecins du Monde – Focus sur la Palestine
Photo: © MdM
13. Juni 2024 – ONLINE

Webinaire Médecins du Monde – Focus sur la Palestine

13. Juni 2024,12:30 -13:30; ONLINE

Médecins du Monde "Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un webinaire organisé par Médecins du Monde Suisse, dédié à nos projets en Palestine et à la situation actuelle à Gaza. Cet évènement sera l'occasion de discuter de nos actions sur le terrain et des défis humanitaires que nous rencontrons quotidiennement. Plongez au cœur de notre mission avec Hortense Devalière, Responsable des programmes en Palestine, et Marco di Liddo, Coordinateur général terrain en Palestine, tous deux chez Médecins du Monde Suisse. Ce webinaire vous permettra de comprendre les défis et les enjeux de nos interventions sur le terrain."

Should Global Health Initiatives Have a Termination Date?
Photo: Pan American Health Organisation/flickr.com; CC BY-ND 4.0 Deed

Should Global Health Initiatives Have a Termination Date?

The Geneva Graduate Institute hosted a frank conversation on the future of GHIs alongside the 77th World Health Assembly and Gavi and the Global Fund’s soon-to-be launched “replenishment” campaigns.

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "One of the world’s largest global health initiatives (GHI), vaccine alliance Gavi, started in a UNICEF basement with a staff of five people. Nearly 25 years later, Gavi has grown into one of the most influential players on the global health stage, driving progress on key global health challenges. Yet several experts on global health finance contend that large non-UN multilateral health organizations like Gavi and Global Fund need to gradually turn more of their functions to countries – and devolve into less costly, more country-based institutions."

Sharing insights on international health worker recruitment at World Health Assembly
Photo: © Public Services International via Flickr

Sharing insights on international health worker recruitment at World Health Assembly

Policy debate at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva

Wemos "On 30 May, Wemos and civil society partners held a policy debate on the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva. With around 60 representatives from member states’ governments and civil society organizations, attendees and panel speakers shared interesting insights and perspectives on how to make ‘the Code’ an effective instrument that truly promotes the rights of the health and care workforce."

Provide input and guidance on a set of important cross-cutting issues
Photo: © MMS/ MMI

Provide input and guidance on a set of important cross-cutting issues

Annual Report 2023 of the MMI Network

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "The colourfulness of the 2023 annual report is eye-catching: it shows the diversity of activities and meetings organised by Medicus Mundi International. These activities shine into the MMI Network and far beyond into global health. With its regular exchanges on concrete practice of implementing programmes of international health cooperation in a climate friendly way, the Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice shows what an important role MMI can play for its members as a convener and facilitator of a safe space for interaction. Beyond that, the critical reflection on improving our own work has laid the foundation for tackling structural issues behind the climate crisis and will inform our advocacy work."

Proposed WHO Recognition of Center for Reproductive Rights Provokes Storm at WHO Executive Board
Photo: Paul Kagame/www.flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Proposed WHO Recognition of Center for Reproductive Rights Provokes Storm at WHO Executive Board

Rejecting WHO’s recommendation would set a dangerous precedent

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "A bitter debate over proposed WHO recognition of a non-profit center for reproductive health rights, erupted in full force at the WHO Executive Board on Monday – after a tumultuous week of the World Health Assembly where member states largely skirted the increasingly contentious issue of sexual and reproductive health rights. The proposal by the WHO Secretariat the US-based Center for Reproductive Rights be designated as a non-state actor in “official relations” with WHO – drew fierce opposition from member state blocs of the Eastern Mediterranean and African region – with Qatar threatening to escalate the issue and potentially the criteria for admitting non-state actors into official relations to the World Health Assembly if the WHO recognition of official relations with the organization is approved by the EB."

Il y a encore beaucoup de potentiel dans les finances fédérales
Photo: © Plateforme Agenda 2030

Il y a encore beaucoup de potentiel dans les finances fédérales

Idées et propositions à l’attention d’un Conseil fédéral qui manque de courage

Plateforme Agenda 2030 "Afin de stabiliser les finances fédérales, le Conseil fédéral a annoncé des mesures d’économie, alors qu’un groupe d’experts externes doit présenter des propositions pour éliminer les déficits structurels d’ici la fin de l’été. Il est temps de s’attaquer aux incitations erronées telles que les subventions nuisibles à l’environnement et le secret bancaire en Suisse. (...) La liste des coupes se lit comme un manifeste. Un manifeste en faveur d’un Etat gardien du «laisser faire», d’un Etat minimal, d’une Confédération traditionaliste et d’une large désolidarisation avec le monde."

«Rien sans nous» – aussi dans la coopération internationale
Photo: © CBM/Hayduk

«Rien sans nous» – aussi dans la coopération internationale

La stratégie de la CI définit la lutte contre la pauvreté comme un objectif central important. Il est d'autant plus incompréhensible que les personnes en situation de handicap dans le Sud global soient à nouveau négligées.

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "La Suisse adopte tous les quatre ans sa stratégie de coopération internationale (CI). En juin 2023, le Conseil fédéral a soumis son projet de stratégie de la CI 2025-28 à la consultation publique. Le 22 mai, il a présenté la nouvelle stratégie, mais une chose reste inchangée : les personnes en situation de handicap sont largement ignorées."

Notre site Internet aids.ch fait peau neuve !
Photo: © ASS

Notre site Internet aids.ch fait peau neuve !

Nous avons de bonnes nouvelles! Notre site Internet aids.ch a été entièrement remanié et offre encore plus de contenus intéressants. Vous y trouverez désormais des informations complètes sur le thème «VIH et autres IST».

Aide Suisse contre le Sida "L’un des points forts est le nouveau domaine consacré au thème du Safer Sex. Celui-ci suit le guide de Safer Sex et couvre les quatre points essentiels: vaccination, protection, dépistage et traitement. Nous avons également restructuré nos offres. Elles sont désormais articulées selon nos Key Populations et selon des offres spécifiques pour les professionnel·x·le·s. Vous trouverez ainsi encore plus rapidement les informations et l’assistance adaptées à vos besoins. Enfin, nous souhaitons attirer votre attention sur le nouvel environnement Academy. Vous pourrez y consulter les webinaires à venir, les exposés de conférence et les guides importants. Rendez-vous sur aids.ch pour découvrir les nouveaux contenus!"

FAIRMED-Dokumentarfilm erreicht globales Publikum an WHO-Filmfestival

FAIRMED-Dokumentarfilm erreicht globales Publikum an WHO-Filmfestival


FAIRMED "Wenn es darum geht, kranken Menschen ein Leben in Würde zu ermöglichen, spielen Selbsthilfegruppen in der Arbeit von FAIRMED eine entscheidende Rolle. Im Video erzählen Betroffene von u.a. Lepra oder Elephantiasis, wie sich ihr Umgang mit ihren Krankheiten durch die Teilnahme an solchen Gruppen grundlegend verändert hat. Der von unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Nepal produzierte Dokumentarfilm wurde auf dem WHO-Filmfestival «Health for All» einem riesigen und globalen Publikum gezeigt."

Une lueur d’espoir au milieu du conflit
Photo: © SRK

Une lueur d’espoir au milieu du conflit

La Croix-Rouge Suisse "L’hôpital de campagne du CICR vient d’ouvrir ses portes à Rafah, dans la bande de Gaza. Il fournira une aide précieuse pour faire face aux énormes besoins médicaux de la population dans la zone de conflit. La CRS s’engage en envoyant du personnel dans cet hôpital notamment spécialisé dans les soins liés aux accouchements."

Neue kostenlose App Sui SRK fördert die Integration und die psychische Gesundheit von Geflüchteten
Foto: © SRK

Neue kostenlose App Sui SRK fördert die Integration und die psychische Gesundheit von Geflüchteten

Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz "Das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz (SRK) lanciert die App «Sui SRK». Diese kann geflüchtete Personen in der Schweiz unterstützen, soziale und psychische Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Die App ist derzeit auf Deutsch und Arabisch verfügbar. Weitere Sprachen folgen in den kommenden Monaten. Mit der Entwicklung der App möchte das SRK dazu beitragen, die Versorgungslücke für die psychische Gesundheit geflüchteter Menschen zu decken. Die App soll künftig auch in anderen Ländern eingesetzt werden."

International Cooperation: Annual Programme Report 2023
Photo: © Swiss Red Cross

International Cooperation: Annual Programme Report 2023

In 2023, the Swiss Red Cross collaborated with National Societies in 40 countries

Swiss Red Cross "The IC Annual Programme Report 2023 gives insights into SRC’s operational and financial performance implemented in close collaboration with our Red Cross Red Crescent Sister National Societies, our partners and our donors. The reporting focuses on results and highlights selected achievements according to our programmatic domains and thematic priorities. (...) Based on the Swiss Red Cross Strategy 2030, the International Cooperation Department of the SRC supports its Sister National Societies and local partners in three programme domains: Health, Disaster Risk Management and National Society Development."

Informationen aus Merka von Mohamed Aboukar
Foto: © Swisso Kalmo

Informationen aus Merka von Mohamed Aboukar

Zur Lage in Merka, Somalia

Swisso Kalmo "(...) Wie Mohamed Aboukar uns schrieb, suchen sehr viele Mütter mit ihren Kindern täglich das Ambulatorium in Merka auf, wo ihnen geholfen wird, sie beraten werden, und Laboruntersuchungen gemacht werden. Im Ambulatorium von Swisso Kalmo werden auch Infektionen der Atemwege, Anämie, Augenkrankheiten und Durchfallerkrankungen behandelt. Die häufigsten Krankheiten sind: Malaria und Atemwegserkrankungen, gefolgt von Anämie und Mangelernährung. Was sollte bei Swisso Kalmo in Merka verbessert werden? Im Ambulatorium sollte es auch möglich sein, Patienten, die unterernährt sind zu behandeln. Dafür müssten wir über Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sowie über ein Labor und biochemische Geräte verfügen. Das Bezirksspital in der Stadt Merka wird auf Sparflamme betrieben. Das Personal erhält keinen Lohn, es arbeitet freiwillig."

terre des hommes switzerland campaigns for more solidarity
Photo: © tdhs

terre des hommes switzerland campaigns for more solidarity

Annual Report 2023: Development cooperation under pressure

terre des hommes schweiz "In 2023, a year marked by global crises, the organization terre des hommes schweiz continued its commitment in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland and supported 373,000 young people. While the Federal Council plans to cut the budget for development cooperation, the need for solidarity with people in the Global South is increasing."

L’armée israélienne demande aux civils de l'est de Rafah d’évacuer vers une « zone humanitaire »
Destruction d'infrastructures civiles à Khan Younès (image d'illustration). Photo: © HI

L’armée israélienne demande aux civils de l'est de Rafah d’évacuer vers une « zone humanitaire »

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "Les forces de défense israéliennes demandent à des dizaines de milliers de Gazaouis, réfugiés dans l'est de Rafah, d'évacuer temporairement vers une soi-disant « zone humanitaire », en prévision de l’invasion de la ville. (...) Les civils se déplacent au milieu d'infrastructures détruites, dont beaucoup sont fragiles et peuvent s'effondrer à tout moment. De nombreuses zones autour de Rafah sont contaminées par des engins explosifs dangereux ; des engins non explosés peuvent même contaminer les routes menant à la soi-disant « zone humanitaire ». En outre, il n'existe pas de « zones sûres » à Gaza."

« Ma fille peut enfin aller à l'école »
Grâce à ses nouvelles orthèses, Gina va à l’école et aime jouer avec ses amis, avril 2024. Photo: © Infomercial Media / HI

« Ma fille peut enfin aller à l'école »

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "Gina (nom d’emprunt) a 4 ans et vit en Ouganda. La petite fille a une maladie communément appelée « genoux cagneux », ce qui rend la marche douloureuse. Nous l’avons équipée d'orthèses genou-cheville-pied, imprimées en 3D."

Notre partenaire Yes Theatre (YT) étend son projet pour les  enfants à Gaza
Photo: © CSSR

Notre partenaire Yes Theatre (YT) étend son projet pour les enfants à Gaza

Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande (CSSR) "Le dernier bulletin de la CSSR est disponible. Retrouvez-y les nouvelles d’un nouveau projet au Salvador et au Péten, ainsi que de notre partenaire à Gaza et en Cisjordanie (Palestine). Nous y menons aussi une réflexion sur le lien entre projets de développement, projets humanitaires et projet de développement de la paix, un mélange des genres que la CSSR pratique… depuis ses débuts!"

Chronic Pain and Pastoralists in Ethiopia
There is a high prevalence of chronic pain among Somali pastoralists in Ethiopia. Photo: Pastoralist in Chad, Swiss TPH/Christian Heuss

Chronic Pain and Pastoralists in Ethiopia

Swiss TPH "Chronic pain is a significant global health concern and access to pain control is a basic human right. While the burden of chronic pain is well described in high-income countries, there is limited data in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), in particular in marginalized communities such as pastoralists. A study by Swiss TPH and partners published yesterday in the peer-reviewed journal PAIN now found that there is a high prevalence of chronic pain among Somali pastoralists in Ethiopia, especially among women and the older population."

From the region, for the region
Gilda Alves explains to the villagers how they should wash their hands to prevent the further spread of cholera in Mozambique. Photo: © SolidarMed

From the region, for the region

In Mozambique, trained volunteers build a bridge between the public and the health system

SolidarMed “Today I learned how to wash my hands thoroughly with soap and water. If I don’t have any soap, I can use ash,“ says Rosalina Salimane. The 60-year-old lives in Metoro, a town in the Cabo Delgado province in northeast Mozambique. Rosalina had a visit from one of the trained volunteers who as part of SolidarMed’s current cholera project go from door to door to educate people about hygiene measures to help contain the cholera outbreak which has been raging since last December. She also knows that if people have diarrhoea, they should seek medical attention."

Ministers of Health from Rwanda and Senegal Visit Swiss TPH
From left: Ibrahima Sy, Ministre de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale, Senegal, Eva Herzog, President of the Board of Governors at Swiss TPH, Sabin Nsanzimana, Minister of Health from Rwanda, and Jürg Utzinger, Director of Swiss TPH. Photo: Kenneth Nars /Swiss TPH

Ministers of Health from Rwanda and Senegal Visit Swiss TPH

Swiss TPH "In the end of May, Sabin Nsanzimana, Minister of Health from Rwanda and Ibrahima Sy, Ministre de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale from Senegal, visited Swiss TPH. The delegations discussed health sector priorities in their respective countries as well as current and potential future collaborations with Swiss TPH in the fields of research, education and services. The two ministers – both Swiss TPH alumni – also took the time to interact with students."

Not Just a Sneeze: Pollen Increase Blood Pressure
Exposure to pollen can increase blood pressure in allergic people. Photo: Adobe stock

Not Just a Sneeze: Pollen Increase Blood Pressure

Swiss TPH "Pollen allergies affect an estimated fifth of the world’s population. Researchers from Swiss TPH now found that high pollen concentrations on average increase blood pressure in allergic people. This effect highlights a significant public health concern as pollen seasons lengthen and intensify due to climate change. The results were published today in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research."

Swiss TPH Annual Report 2023 Is Out Now!
Photo: © Swiss TPH

Swiss TPH Annual Report 2023 Is Out Now!

Swiss TPH "We are thrilled to present to you the Swiss TPH Annual Report 2023, which reflects on the past year and includes institutional highlights and milestones, key facts and figures, an interview with Lutz Hegemann of Novartis and member of our Board of Governors on public-private partnerships, a closer look at how science guides policy, and much more. We would like to thank all of our staff and students, partners and funders for their continued trust and support in working together towards our mission to improve the health and well-being of people around the world."

Bulletin #77: Doctors Against Genocide, bringing humanity back to medicine
Photo: Gigi Ibrahim/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Bulletin #77: Doctors Against Genocide, bringing humanity back to medicine

People's Health Dispatch "Health workers play a crucial role in the solidarity movement with Palestine, both locally and internationally. One of these groups, Doctors Against Genocide, participated in the recently concluded People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit. Peoples Dispatch interviewed some of the organization’s leaders to learn more about future mobilizations to protect the right to health in Palestine. Meanwhile, the health system in the Gaza Strip faced new assaults by the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF). Most hospitals in Rafah were forced to close amid the attacks, while the few remaining operational institutions in northern Gaza were besieged again, including Al-Awda Hospital."

WHO launches first investment round, asking for $11 billion
Foto: Pictures of Money/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

WHO launches first investment round, asking for $11 billion

This is a new approach for the world’s leading public health agency. It's hoping to bring in funding that is flexible and predictable.

Devex "The World Health Organization officially kicked off its first investment round at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva. It’s asking for $11.1 billion overall to fund its work over the next four years — of which it expects the world’s countries will pay $4 billion in membership dues, leaving $7.1 billion for it to fundraise from governments and the private sector. This is a new approach for the world’s leading public health agency. It’s never bundled its fundraising like this into a four-year package. It will host a fundraising event to usher in this finance in November."

New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States
Foto von Steve Harvey auf Unsplash

New Climate and Health Resolution Wins Strong Support from WHO Member States

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "WHO member states approved the first resolution on climate and health to come before the World Health Assembly in 16 years – even as 50°C temperatures in Delhi, flooding in southern Brazil and devastating Caribbean storms are driving home the message to more and more countries that climate change is real. In several hours of late-night debate, states large and small, landlocked and ocean-bound, described in painful detail, their efforts to cope with growing trends of climate-triggered storms and drought, sea level rise, and food insecurity – all leading to more deaths and disability from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), health emergencies, vector-borne diseases as well as mental health impacts."

First-ever resolution on social participation for primary health care approved
Photo: USAID Biodiversity & Forestry/flickr.com; CC BY-NC 4.0 Deed

First-ever resolution on social participation for primary health care approved

World Health Organization (WHO) "Member States have agreed on a resolution on social participation in national health planning and implementation, which paves the way for people, communities, and civil society to have a stronger voice in influencing the decisions that affect their health and well-being. The resolution aims to tackle health inequities and the erosion of trust in health systems, which is crucial in the face of the unprecedented challenges the world is facing such as climate change, conflicts, and pandemic threats."

Un nouvel agenda est nécessaire pour lutter contre la résistance aux antibiotiques
Antimicrobial resistance. Photo: International Livestock Research Institute (IlRI)/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Un nouvel agenda est nécessaire pour lutter contre la résistance aux antibiotiques

Une nouvelle série du Lancet sur la RAM, l'une des menaces sanitaires les plus urgentes du 21e siècle

The Lancet En 2016, la résistance aux antibiotiques (RAM) a fait l'objet d'une attention politique de haut niveau. Lors d'une réunion de haut niveau des Nations unies (la quatrième seulement sur un sujet de santé), les États membres de l'ONU se sont engagés à adopter une approche coor-donnée pour s'attaquer aux causes de la résistance aux antibiotiques dans les domaines de la santé humaine, de la santé animale, de l'agriculture et de l'environnement. Huit ans plus tard, les progrès sont au mieux incomplets. Bien que 178 pays aient élaboré des plans d'ac-tion nationaux, moins d'un cinquième d'entre eux sont financés ou mis en œuvre. En sep-tembre, les Nations unies organisent une deuxième réunion de haut niveau afin d'accélérer l'adoption de mesures intersectorielles mondiales, régionales et nationales pour lutter contre la RAM. Comment cette réunion pourrait-elle faire progresser de manière significa-tive l'une des menaces les plus urgentes du 21e siècle pour la santé ? Une nouvelle série du Lancet sur la RAM fournit des informations essentielles sur les mesures et les investisse-ments à prendre pour assurer un accès durable à des antibiotiques efficaces et accélérer les progrès dans la lutte contre la RAM, et propose des objectifs mondiaux réalisables d'ici 2030.

Decolonize Health Cooperation: A community of practice jointly hosted by the Networks MMS and MMI

Decolonize Health Cooperation: A community of practice jointly hosted by the Networks MMS and MMI

The project of this Community of Practice is rooted in the Study “Swiss NGOs engaged in international health cooperation: How to respond to the call for decolonization?” published by the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland in 2023, and in related interactions. The study took up the proposal expressed by several Network members to set up a Community of Practice on decolonizing health cooperation.

Appel urgent:  Ne pas combattre la pénurie de professionnels de santé sur le dos des plus  pauvres!
Foto von MedicAlert UK auf Unsplash

Appel urgent: Ne pas combattre la pénurie de professionnels de santé sur le dos des plus pauvres!

La pénurie de professionnels de santé s'aggrave – en Suisse et dans le monde

L’Association suisse des infirmières et infirmiers (ASI) et Medicus Mundi Suisse Il manquait dans le monde 30.9 millions d’infirmières et d’infirmiers en 2019, selon les estimations du Conseil International des Infirmières CII. Cette pénurie a été exacerbée par la pandémie de Covid-19 et continue de s'aggraver – en raison du vieillissement de la population et parce que de nombreuses infirmières et infirmiers ont quitté la profession après la pandémie. La Suisse a besoin de 15’900 infirmières supplémentaires d'ici 2029. En outre, 27'500 professionnels des soins infirmiers qui partiront à la retraite dans les prochaines années devront être remplacés. Ces chiffres sont tirés du rapport national sur le système de santé de l'Observatoire suisse de la santé (Obsan 2021).

How to address migrant health inequity in Europe
Foto von Julie Ricard auf Unsplash

How to address migrant health inequity in Europe

Lancet Series on Migration

The Lancet "In one of the world's wealthiest and most progressive regions, migrant health remains desperately neglected. Despite 36% of all global migrant populations residing in Europe, less than half of the member states of the WHO European Region report health data for migrants, exposing a systemic failure to prioritise their wellbeing. Migrant populations face legal, structural, linguistic, and cultural barriers that systematically exclude the majority of individuals from national health-care systems with undocumented migrants bearing the brunt of discrimination. Widespread biases and inadequate cultural competency training among health-care providers treating migrants worsen disparities in access to preventive and clinical care."

As WHO Seeks $7-Billion, Leaders Call for ‘Sea Change’ in Global Health Funding
Photo: United States Mission Geneva/U.S. Mission Photo / Eric Bridiers/ flickr.com; CC BY-ND 4.0 Deed

As WHO Seeks $7-Billion, Leaders Call for ‘Sea Change’ in Global Health Funding

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "GENEVA – The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking $7-billion in flexible funding for its four-year programme of action (2025-2028), and will hold an investment conference towards the end of the year – but the launch of this quest was celebrated at an event at its Geneva headquarters on Sunday evening. The four-year programme will cost $11.1-billion to implement and little over a third – $4-billion – will come from WHO member states’ membership fees, referred to as “assessed contributions”, said WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Let me put that into context for you,” added Tedros. “Last year, the world spent $717-billion on cigarettes. “It’s about ensuring WHO is fully funded and improving the quality of the funding we receive. Much of the funding we receive is unpredictable, reactive, and tightly defined,” he added."

Former UK chief scientific adviser warns ‘we are not ready yet’ and urges next government to prepare
Foto von Anastasiia Chepinska auf Unsplash

Former UK chief scientific adviser warns ‘we are not ready yet’ and urges next government to prepare

Another pandemic is ‘absolutely inevitable’, says Patrick Vallance

The Guardian (...) He also reiterated what he said to G7 leaders in 2021, that “we need to be much faster, much more aligned – and there are ways to do this – at getting rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments, so that you don’t have to go into the extreme measures that took place” during the Covid-19 pandemic. The measures he recommends are possible to implement, Vallance believes, but “require some coordination”. He said that by 2023 the G7 had “sort of forgotten” about the points he had made in 2021. “You can’t forget about it,” he urged, recommending that pandemic preparations are treated similarly to the armed forces."

The imperative case for universal health coverage (UHC): Fostering the translation of UHC commitments into action.
Photo: © UHC2030

The imperative case for universal health coverage (UHC): Fostering the translation of UHC commitments into action.

According to the latest data, at least 4.5 billion people — more than half of the world’s population — are not fully covered by essential health services

UHC2030 "UHC2030’s new 2024-2027 Strategic Framework outlines three pathways for collective action to achieve meaningful progress towards universal health coverage before the next UN high-level meeting in 2027 and to help countries achieve SDG target 3.8 by 2030: advocacy (influencing decisions by political, economic and social institutions to advance UHC), accountability (tracking the implementation of commitments to foster actions, decisions, policies and programmes for UHC), and alignment (convening stakeholders to exchange information and to elevate the importance of alignment with one national plan and of working within national structures to strengthen health systems)."

«Donner la vie au Burkina Faso»
Photo: © Enfants du Monde
20. Juni 2024 – Jeudi 20 juin à partir de 18h45 à la Maison Internationale des Associations, Salle Gandhi, Rue des Savoises 15 à Genève !

«Donner la vie au Burkina Faso»

Rejoignez-nous pour notre Assemblée générale et une soirée inspirante le jeudi 20 juin !

Enfants du Monde "Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter le jeudi 20 juin à notre Assemblée générale qui sera suivie d’une présentation sur le thème : « Donner la vie au Burkina Faso. Comment faire la différence pour les femmes enceintes grâce à la formation du personnel soignant ? » à la Maison Internationale des Associations, Salle Gandhi, Rue des Savoises 15 à Genève ! Venez en apprendre plus sur nos actions en faveur de la santé des futures mamans et des bébés et échanger avec nos équipes – vous serez directement plongé·e au cœur de notre action sur le terrain !"

New report flags major increase in sexually transmitted infections, amidst challenges in HIV and hepatitis
Photo: City of Minneapolis Archives/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

New report flags major increase in sexually transmitted infections, amidst challenges in HIV and hepatitis

World Health Organization (WHO) "Global HIV, viral hepatitis epidemics and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to pose significant public health challenges, causing 2.5 million deaths each year, according to a new WHO report - Implementing the global health sector strategies on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, 2022–2030. New data show that STIs are increasing in many regions. In 2022, WHO Member States set out an ambitious target of reducing the annual number of adult syphilis infections by ten-fold by 2030, from 7.1 million to 0.71 million. Yet, new syphilis cases among adults aged 15-49 years increased by over 1 million in 2022 reaching 8 million. The highest increases occurred in the Region for the Americas and the African Region."
