FAIRMED – previously known as Leprosy Relief Emmaus Switzerland – is a development organisation that has been instrumental since 1959 in supporting neglected people who are prone to disease and poverty in Africa and Asia. We are active in the African countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Mozambique and Tanzania, as well as in the Asian countries of Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. FAIRMED only works with local staff and organisations that are familiar with local environments. This is how we ensure that the local population is actively involved into our work. We enable people who live in remote and neglected areas that are excluded from public health systems to access health care services.

FAIRMED - Health for the Poorest
Aarbergergasse 29
3011 Bern

Tel +41 (0)31 311 77 97
Fax +41 (0)31 318 08 41

PC 30-136-3

FAIRMED-Dokumentarfilm erreicht globales Publikum an WHO-Filmfestival

FAIRMED-Dokumentarfilm erreicht globales Publikum an WHO-Filmfestival


FAIRMED "Wenn es darum geht, kranken Menschen ein Leben in Würde zu ermöglichen, spielen Selbsthilfegruppen in der Arbeit von FAIRMED eine entscheidende Rolle. Im Video erzählen Betroffene von u.a. Lepra oder Elephantiasis, wie sich ihr Umgang mit ihren Krankheiten durch die Teilnahme an solchen Gruppen grundlegend verändert hat. Der von unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Nepal produzierte Dokumentarfilm wurde auf dem WHO-Filmfestival «Health for All» einem riesigen und globalen Publikum gezeigt."

La compassion est le meilleur des remèdes
Photo: © FAIRMED Nepal

La compassion est le meilleur des remèdes

« Grâce au projet de santé “De personne à personne”, la situation sanitaire sur place s’est sensiblement améliorée. »

FAIRMED "L’auxiliaire de santé Rashmila n’a pas hésité à quitter son emploi bien rémunéré de conseillère en études stratégiques à Katmandou pour dispenser des soins médicaux aux habitant·e·s du district reculé de Sindhulpalchok, au pied de l’Himalaya. Il lui a fallu plus d’un an pour gagner la confiance de la population locale – à force de persévérance, de courage et d’une bonne dose d’humour."

Stigma, depression and quality of life among people affected by neglected tropical diseases in Nepal
FAIRMED community social mobilizer interacting with people in the working villages. Photo: © FAIRMED

Stigma, depression and quality of life among people affected by neglected tropical diseases in Nepal

Study conducted with the participation of FAIRMED in Nepal

Oxford University Press - Journal of International Health "Stigma and poor mental health are important factors influencing the quality of life (QOL) of people with neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). This study examines the relationship between stigma, depression and QOL among people affected by leprosy and lymphatic filariasis (LF) in Nepal. (...) The study showed a considerable burden of depression, stigma and poor quality of life among study participants with leprosy and LF in Nepal. A holistic package of care that addresses the physical, mental and psychological well-being of people with NTD is required."

Corona: Is there hope after suffering?
Med in Switzerland #19

Mai 2020

Corona: Is there hope after suffering?

An analysis of the real big questions

Covid-19 lays bare insufficient progress on the 2030 agenda. Inequity is on the rise, and going back to “normal” after the pandemic is not desirable. The old normal is not good enough, leaving too many people exposed to unfair chances at quality life which ultimately endangers everyone’s wellbeing and health. Whilst the pandemic might not be impactful enough to lead to a true revolution, Bart Vander Plaetse, head of programme unit for FAIRMED hopes it will give more honest and intrinsic impetus to the 2030 ambitions.
