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International Cooperation Forum 2025
Foto: © Deza
27. Februar 2025 – 27.-28 Februar 2025; ETH Zürich

International Cooperation Forum 2025

Das 4. IC Forum findet am 27. und 28. Februar 2025 in der ETH Zürich statt. Thema: nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Visuelle Identität, Datum und Ort des IC Forum.

Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit - DEZA "Am International Cooperation Forum (IC Forum) kommen jedes Jahr Fachleute aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Forschung, Philanthropie und der Zivilgesellschaft zusammen. Vertreten sind aber auch die breite Öffentlichkeit und nicht zuletzt die Jugend. Ihr gemeinsames Ziel ist es, Herausforderungen anzugehen und verschiedene Ansätze und Lösungen für die internationale Zusammenarbeit zu prüfen. Das 4. IC Forum ist dem Thema nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung gewidmet und findet am 27. und 28. Februar 2025 in der ETH Zürich statt. Machen Sie mit!"

Implementing climate and environmental commitments - An introduction to Climate Action Accelerator’s tools
Photo: © Swiss TPH
09. Januar 2025 – 9 January 2025 (Thursday) | 12:30 - 13:30 CET; ONLINE

Implementing climate and environmental commitments - An introduction to Climate Action Accelerator’s tools

Webinar: 9 January 2025 (Thursday) | 12:30 - 13:30 CET; ONLINE

Climate Action Accelerator "An increasing number of organisations providing essential services - whether in health, international aid, or education - are making commitments and taking action to reduce the climate and environmental impact of their operations. While many challenges in implementation are sector-specific, a significant portion of the measures needed to reduce emissions and environmental impact exist and are applicable across sectors. In this webinar, Climate Action Accelerator staff will present methodologies, tools and resources, developed by the Accelerator, to support organisations in reducing their climate and environmental impacts in line with the Paris Agreement. An overview of key resources and case studies developed by the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, one of the leading global initiatives on scaling up climate action, will allow participants to connect to larger decarbonisation efforts. "

llona Kickbusch highlights need for action to address the digital determinants of health
Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

llona Kickbusch highlights need for action to address the digital determinants of health

We are in the midst of a major societal transformation that is linked to the development of technology

DTH-Lab "On 21 November 2024, our Director, Professor Ilona Kickbusch, delivered the keynote speech at the Global Forum for Health Promotion in Geneva. Speaking on the topic of Digitalization as a Growing Determinant of Health and Well-being, Ilona used the speech to highlight the need for action from public health agencies, governments and digital tech companies to address the digital determinants of health. - Health promotion aims to understand how digital transformations can contribute to empowerment and help moving health forward, but it also has a responsibility to analyze where digital determinants hinder and endanger health – and to respond."

New study measuring laws protecting health and care workers highlights innovations and gaps
Photo: © UNICEF Ethiopia/2021/Nahom Tesfaye/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

New study measuring laws protecting health and care workers highlights innovations and gaps

A first-of-its kind study from the World Health Organization and the Georgetown University looks at laws and policies in 182 countries; finds just over half of countries have aligned half of laws with the Global Health and Care Worker Compact.

World Health Organization (WHO) "New research published today on the laws and policies of 182 countries finds the rights and protections for health and care workers differ greatly between countries and across issues. The first-of-its-kind study of the legal environment in which health workers and care workers do their jobs was published today in PLOS Global Public Health and shows countries around the world and across income levels innovating for the rights and protection of people protecting the public’s health. But it also finds many of these workers remain vulnerable, years after the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the fragility of the global health and care workforce."

Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar
Foto von Pixabay

Public Health Spending in Low Income Countries Stagnates – Out of Pocket Costs Soar

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "After an early surge of COVID pandemic spending, public health layouts by countries at all income levels declined in 2022 as compared to 2021. Meanwhile, there has been a 60% increase overall in per-capita health expenditures between 2000 and 2022 – but this translated into a sharp rise in out-of-pocket spending (OOP) in low income countries, according to WHO’s 2024 report on global health expenditures, released on the eve of Universal Health Coverage Day, 12 December."

UNAIDS report shows that upholding human rights is vital for ending the AIDS pandemic
Winnie Byanyima - World AIDS Conference 2024. Photo: © MMS

UNAIDS report shows that upholding human rights is vital for ending the AIDS pandemic

UNAIDS "Ahead of World AIDS Day (1 December), a new report by UNAIDS shows that the world can meet the agreed goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 – but only if leaders protect the human rights of everyone living with and at risk of HIV. The report’s message is summed up in its title: “Take the rights path to end AIDS”. “Despite huge progress made in the HIV response, human rights violations are still preventing the world from ending AIDS,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “When girls are denied education; when there is impunity for gender-based violence; when people can be arrested for who they are, or who they love; when a visit to health services is dangerous for people because of the community they are from—the result is that people are blocked from being able to access HIV services that are essential to save their lives and to end the AIDS pandemic. To protect everyone’s health, we need to protect everyone’s rights.”

Why are People Still Dying Needlessly of AIDS?  Politics – not Science – is to Blame
World AIDS Conference 2024. Photo: © MMS

Why are People Still Dying Needlessly of AIDS? Politics – not Science – is to Blame

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "This was the question posed to us recently by a young person from our Youth4Health network. Our answer, both simple and sad: the reasons are not medical. As we observe World AIDS Day on Sunday, 1 December, the biggest remaining hurdles in the fight against HIV/AIDS in our region, and indeed much of our world, are political. Restrictive and intolerant environments. Stigma, discrimination and even criminalization of HIV transmission. Inconsistent uptake of evidence-based and recommended interventions. Today we have all the medicines, tools and technologies to end AIDS."

Feasibility and acceptability of the Problem Management for Moms programme for improving maternal mental health in Zambia: an open-label trial
Mothers with young children in Zambia often have little access to mental health support due to staff shortages and lack of resources. Photo: AdobeStock/Swiss TPH)

Feasibility and acceptability of the Problem Management for Moms programme for improving maternal mental health in Zambia: an open-label trial

Swiss TPH "A study by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) and partners has shown that a new, locally adapted mental health intervention for women with young children in Zambia led to a 50% reduction in mental health symptoms. The intervention also empowered the women, resulting in a positive impact on the relationship with their children and their economic situation. The findings, published yesterday in The Lancet Psychiatry, represent an important step towards improving maternal mental health in sub-Saharan Africa, where evidence-based interventions, particularly for young mothers, are limited."

Health equity for persons with disabilities: guide for action
Foto von Asad Photo Maldives

Health equity for persons with disabilities: guide for action

World Health Organization (WHO) "An estimated 1.3 billion people globally experience significant disability. This figure has grown over the last decade and will continue to rise due to demographic and epidemiological changes. In 2022, the World Health Organization launched the Global report on health equity for persons with disabilities. This report demonstrated that many persons with disabilities are still being left behind. Experiencing persistent health inequities, persons with disabilities die earlier, they have poorer health and functioning, and they are more affected by health emergencies than the general population. These differences are largely associated with unjust factors both inside and beyond the health sector and are avoidable. The Global Report called upon Member States to take actions to make health sector more inclusive for persons with disabilities through the primary health care approach. This will be essential for countries to make health coverage truly universal and to progress towards other health-related targets in the sustainable development goals."

Entwickelt, um junge Menschen süchtig zu machen
Foto von Swenico auf Unsplash

Entwickelt, um junge Menschen süchtig zu machen

Die Zeit "Nikotinbeutel sind der Rauschmittel-Hype unter Jugendlichen: günstig, leicht zu verstecken, schnell wirksam. Die perfide Idee der Tabakindustrie geht auf – trotz Verbot."

Mpox outbreak in Africa - are countries in the Global South again receiving too little vaccine?
Foto von National Institute of Allergy and IInfectious Diseases

Mpox outbreak in Africa - are countries in the Global South again receiving too little vaccine?

Action against AIDS Germany "The Mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries shows - as during the corona pandemic - the unequal access to vaccines worldwide. Vaccines exist, but the affected countries cannot afford the vaccine due to high prices and are dependent on donations. On the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December, various German non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are therefore calling for the German government to make the human right to health a top priority and not to focus unilaterally on the interests of the pharmaceutical industry in global health policy."

Mosambik: Zyklon Chido fegt über SolidarMed Projektgebiet
Foto: © Foto: © peace winds

Mosambik: Zyklon Chido fegt über SolidarMed Projektgebiet


SolidarMed "Der tropische Wirbelsturm Chido sorgt bei der Bevölkerung von Mosambik für eine weitere Belastung: Neben der allgegenwärtigen Armut und Tausenden von intern Vertriebenen hat der Sturm nun das Leid und die humanitäre Lage zusätzlich verschärft. Als Folge davon muss zusätzlich mit Cholera-Ausbrüchen gerechnet werden. Am 15. Dezember, erreichte der Zyklon Chido das Festland von Mosambik und brachte starke Winde mit sich. Total waren in diesem von Armut geprägten Land ungefähr 1,7 Millionen Menschen betroffen. Der tropische Wirbelsturm traf als Kategorie 4 (bis zu 250 km/h) im Süden der Küstenstadt Pemba in der Provinz Cabo Delgado auf Land und fegte genau über das Projektgebiet von SolidarMed."

Ukraine, 1000 jours après : les civils sont les premières victimes
Médical détruit à Kharkiv. Photo: © Marie Monier / HI (novembre 2024)

Ukraine, 1000 jours après : les civils sont les premières victimes

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "Plus de 1000 jours depuis l’escalade de la guerre entre la Russie et l’Ukraine, l’ensemble du territoire ukrainien vit toujours sous la menace des raids aériens. L’impact de cette guerre sur les civils est catastrophique à plusieurs niveaux. Décryptage."

Observatoire des mines : 5757 victimes en 2023, une augmentation de 22 % par rapport à 2022
Une démineuse en Colombie. Photo © J. M. Vargas / HI

Observatoire des mines : 5757 victimes en 2023, une augmentation de 22 % par rapport à 2022

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "Publié ce mercredi 20 novembre à Bangkok, le rapport 2024 de l'Observatoire des mines fait état d'une augmentation du nombre de victimes causées par les mines : 5757, dont 84 % sont des civils. Une augmentation de 22 % par rapport à 2022. Handicap International, qui a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix avec d'autres organisations pour sa lutte contre les mines, appelle les États à user de leur influence diplomatique pour cesser d'utiliser ces armes aveugles."

Plus d’une année de guerre sans limite à Gaza - Bulletin nº193 de CSSR
Photo: © CSSR

Plus d’une année de guerre sans limite à Gaza - Bulletin nº193 de CSSR

Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et bonne lecture!

Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande (CSSR) "Pour la fin de cette année 2024, la CSSR publie un bulletin qui rappelle la nécessité des activités de soins de santé mentale qui sont prodiguées malgré le contexte de guerre, pour résister face à l’horreur du génocide en cours à Gaza. Un bulletin qui revient aussi sur les récentes décisions scandaleuses du Parlement, qui a décidé de rediriger une part importante des fonds prévus pour la solidarité internationale vers l’armée et les entreprises suisses."

L’Hôpital de l’Enfance Bethléem se bat pour le droit de l’enfant à la santé
photo: ©Secours aux Enfants Bethléem

L’Hôpital de l’Enfance Bethléem se bat pour le droit de l’enfant à la santé

Secours aux Enfants Bethléem "Bethléem, le tourisme s’est effondré et de nombreuses familles sont confrontées à des difficultés existentielles. L’Hôpital de l’Enfance Bethléem réagit en proposant des rabais et un soutien social afin de continuer à offrir des soins médicaux aux enfants."

Népal: un robinet qui change la vie
photo: ©croix-rouge suisse

Népal: un robinet qui change la vie

Croix-Rouge suisse "Le robinet qui a été installé juste devant la maison de la famille de Barsha a beaucoup allégé le quotidien de cette adolescente de 14 ans. Avec l’aide des villageois, la Croix-Rouge a aménagé un système d’approvisionnement en eau. Celui-ci dessert 136 ménages et l’école en eau potable. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour les habitants de ce village de montagne népalais?"

Vingt ans en faveur de la santé avec migesplus.ch
photo: ©croix-rouge suisse

Vingt ans en faveur de la santé avec migesplus.ch

Croix-rouge suisse Les informations sur la santé sont parfois difficiles à comprendre. Elle le sont bien plus encore lorsqu’elles sont rédigées dans une langue étrangère. Depuis 20 ans, la plateforme migesplus.ch vise à rendre ces informations accessibles. Retour sur son évolution.

WHO announces first prequalification of a tuberculosis diagnostic test
Foto von CDC auf Unsplash

WHO announces first prequalification of a tuberculosis diagnostic test

World Health Organization (WHO) "The World Health Organization (WHO) has granted prequalification to the molecular diagnostic test for tuberculosis (TB) called Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra. It is the first test for TB diagnosis and antibiotic susceptibility testing that meets WHO's prequalification standards. Tuberculosis is one of the world’s leading infectious disease killers, causing over a million deaths annually and imposing immense socioeconomic burdens, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Accurate and early detection of TB, especially drug-resistant strains, remains a critical and challenging global health priority."

Swiss TPH Researcher Emma Hodcroft Named by Nature as 1 of 3 People To Watch in 2025
Nature names Emma Hodcroft one of 3 people to watch in 2025. Photo: Oliver Hochstrasser

Swiss TPH Researcher Emma Hodcroft Named by Nature as 1 of 3 People To Watch in 2025

Swiss TPH "Emma Hodcroft, group leader at Swiss TPH and assistant professor at the University of Basel, was named one of three people to watch in shaping science in 2025 by the renowned journal Nature. She was listed alongside Mark Thomson, the next director general of CERN, and US president-elect Donald Trump."

R. Geigy Award 2024: Cutting-Edge Research to Control Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in Côte D’Ivoire
The R. Geigy Prize was awarded at a festive ceremony held at Swiss TPH. From left to right: Peter Sasse, Marc Adou, Stefan Mörgeli, Laurence Yao, Mathias Kronig, Emmanuelle Lisro, Julien Zahouli, Siaka Koné and Jürg Utzinger. Photo: D. Powell/Swiss TPH

R. Geigy Award 2024: Cutting-Edge Research to Control Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in Côte D’Ivoire

New insecticides to control malaria and dengue fever

Swiss TPH "The 13th R. Geigy Award 2024 goes to West Africa. Scientists from the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS) are being honored with the award, which is endowed with CHF 20,000. Siaka Koné is being rewarded for his achievements in establishing long-term cohorts and demographic and health surveillance systems in rural Côte d'Ivoire. Julien Zahouli, Emmanuelle Lisro, Laurence Yao and Marc Adou for their work on the validation of the effect of insecticides on various disease vectors. The award is presented every two years in memory of Rudolf Geigy, founder of Swiss TPH."

The next 1,000 days: A vital opportunity for nurturing care
Photo: © Tim Theuer/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

The next 1,000 days: A vital opportunity for nurturing care

Swiss TPH "Building on the first 1,000 days of life, the period from age two to five is a crucial but often overlooked window for providing children with nurturing care. Defined as the integration of health, nutrition, safety, responsive care-giving and early learning, nurturing care lays the foundation for children's long-term health and development. A new The Lancet series, with contributions from Swiss TPH, shows that nearly 182 million children aged three to four in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) currently lack access to adequate care, putting their healthy development at risk."

Leading House Africa
Photo: © Swiss TPH

Leading House Africa

Swiss TPH "Swiss TPH, supported by the University of Basel, is the Leading House for bilateral research collaboration with partner institutions in Africa. Mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in 2017, the Leading House Basel promotes and fosters scientific cooperation with key institutions in Africa for the funding period 2021-2024. In 2024, Swiss TPH, supported by the University of Basel's Innovation Garage and the Center for Development and Environment (CDE) at University of Bern, was confirmed to continue as the Leading House Africa from 2025-2028."

«Some have pledged not to circumcise their daughters.» 
Catherine Keita, nurse, and "champion" in the project against female genital mutilation. Photo courtesy.

«Some have pledged not to circumcise their daughters.» 

Catherine Keita is an obstetric nurse in Mali. The 31-year-old works with our partner organization, RIPOD, to end female genital cutting (FGM).

IAMANEH "Ms. Keita, why is the fight against FGM so important to you? As a healthcare professional and a woman, I am well aware of the severe impacts of female genital cutting. That’s why I feel it’s essential to end this practice. - What specific negative effects are you referring to? FGC contributes to both infant and maternal mortality. It can cause vaginal fistulas and lead to complications during childbirth, as the external genital organs are partially or entirely removed. Type 3 cut (infibulation) also causes difficulties during sexual intercourse. In your daily work, you encounter women who have been cut and are suffering as a result."

«We need to make much greater use of social media»
Foto von Adeniji Abdullahi A

«We need to make much greater use of social media»

IAMANEH "In Mali, IAMANEH and the Association des Jeunes pour la Citoyenneté Active et la Démocratie (AJCAD) are joining forces to combat female genital cutting (FGC). This collaborative initiative mobilizes young people to challenge this human rights violation through social media campaigns and public events. Adam Dicko, the founder of AJCAD, and gender expert Daouda Ballo strategically use digital communication to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health. In a conversation with IAMANEH Switzerland, they discuss both the opportunities and challenges associated with this form of knowledge dissemination."

New INFO on the topic «Digital Violence» is published
Photo: © IAMANEH

New INFO on the topic «Digital Violence» is published

IAMANEH "Digitalization has enriched our lives in many ways. It opens up new avenues for us to communicate and share knowledge. However, there are also downsides that we must not overlook. Learn how our partner organizations are combating digital violence, using social media for human rights, and developing pregnancy apps that include fathers in our INFO."

Swiss TPH Symposium: Women and Gender in Global Health
In an engaging session on menstrual health equity, Lucy Khofi from the University of Witwatersrand spoke about menstrual health activism in South Africa. Photo: © V. Busson/Swiss TPH

Swiss TPH Symposium: Women and Gender in Global Health

Swiss TPH "Today, on 20 November 2024, Swiss TPH organises a symposium entitled “Women and Gender in Global Health” in Allschwil near Basel. The symposium brings together around 160 experts from academia, public administration, international organisations and the private sector. The aim of the symposium is to share insights and develop innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of women and girls around the globe. Women worldwide face unequal conditions when it comes to their health."

Floods in Sri Lanka: FAIRMED provides emergency aid
Parts of our project areas are flooded, as this video from one of our employees shows. Photo: © FAIRMED

Floods in Sri Lanka: FAIRMED provides emergency aid

FAIRMED "Torrential rain, floods and landslides have left a picture of devastation in Sri Lanka in recent days. At least 12 people have lost their lives and many are still missing. According to local authorities, more than 250,000 people have left their homes. Over 3,000 people have been taken to evacuation centers and around 600 houses have been damaged. Our team on the ground is supporting those affected in Kilinochchi with relief supplies."

Frauen mit Behinderungen schützen – indem man sie stärkt
Photo: © CBM Christoffel Blindenmission Schweiz

Frauen mit Behinderungen schützen – indem man sie stärkt


CBM Christoffel Blindenmission "Frauen und Mädchen mit Behinderungen sind besonders gefährdet, Gewalt und Missbrauch zu erleben. Deshalb fordert das SDDC: Die Benachteiligungen von Mädchenund Frauen mit Behinderungen müssen beseitigt werden, damit sie nicht länger Gewalt und Ausbeutung ausgeliefert sind."

Fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs 2025
Pexels Foto von cottonbro studio
01. September 2025 – United Nations, New York; USA

Fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs 2025

World Health Organization (WHO) "The Fourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) will be convened in 2025 as requested by Member States through resolution A/RES/73/2. The meeting will provide an opportunity to adopt a new, ambitious, and achievable political declaration on NCDs towards 2030 and 2050 based on evidence and grounded in human rights. This will serve as an important framework to accelerate the global response for the prevention and control of NCDs from 2025 onwards, to be implemented in full alignment with the commitments to reduce air pollution and promote mental health and well-being as part of the 5 by 5 agenda, as expressed in the third political declaration on the prevention and control of NCDs, and including achieving the SDGs before 2030, thus placing countries on a sustainable path into the next decades.*

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2025
Photo: © UN
14. Juli 2025 – 14–23 July 2025 New York, United States of America

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2025

“Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals for leaving no one behind”.

United Nations "The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be convened from Monday, 14 July, to Wednesday, 23 July 2025, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. This includes the three-day ministerial segment of the forum from Monday, 21 July, to Wednesday, 23 July 2024, as part of the High-level Segment of ECOSOC. The theme of the HLPF is “Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals for leaving no one behind”. The 2025 HLPF with full appreciation for the integrated, indivisible and interlinked nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, will conduct in-depth reviews of: SDG 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; SDG 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; SDG 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all."

WHO Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health
Photo: © WHO
25. März 2025 – March 25, 2025 - March 27, 2025; Cartagena, Colombia

WHO Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health

World Health Organization (WHO) "The Global conference on air pollution and health: accelerating action for clean air, clean energy access and climate mitigation will highlight policy solutions for air pollution and lack of energy access and catalyse evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions. Participants include Ministers of Health, respective Ministers of Environment, Energy and officials of national, intergovernmental and development agencies; health professionals; mayors, local authorities and planners; representatives of critical sectors such as energy, transport, industry, waste and land-use; as well as delegates from research, academia and civil society."

WHO, WIPO, WTO to host symposium on boosting manufacturing for non-communicable diseases
Photo: © WHO
13. Dezember 2024 – 10:00 – 16:30 UTC Time; The Symposium will be held at the WTO in Geneva, Room W, on 13 December 2024 from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (CET).

WHO, WIPO, WTO to host symposium on boosting manufacturing for non-communicable diseases

World Health Organization (WHO) "The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the WTO will hold the 11th Trilateral Technical Symposium on "Strengthening Manufacturing Capacities to Respond to the Non-Communicable Diseases Burden" on 13 December 2024 at the WTO. (...) The event will be opened by the Directors-General of WHO, WIPO and the WTO. The keynote address will be delivered by Dr Jeremy Farrar, WHO's Chief Scientist, who will provide an overview of the growing disease burden caused by NCDs and how diversifying manufacturing capacities can support an urgently needed global response."

World Council of Churches: our approach to decolonization
Photo: © MMS
12. Dezember 2024 – 12 December 2024, 15.00 to 16.15 CET, Zoom session

World Council of Churches: our approach to decolonization

A discussion with Dr Mwai Makoka and Dr Masiiwa Gunda - Public Discussion Meeting

Medicus Mundi International (MMI)/ Medicus Mundi Switzerland "We are pleased to invite you to the next meeting of our Community of Practice on “Decolonize Health Cooperation”, hosted by Medicus Mundi International and Medicus Mundi Switzerland. Please join us on Thursday 12th December 2024, from 15.00 to 16.15 CET for a session on “World Council of Churches: our approach to decolonization”. Dr Mwai Makoka is Programme Executive for health and healing and Dr. Masiiwa Gunda is Programme Executive for overcoming racism, xenophobia and discrimination at World Council of Churches.Together, they will discuss how the World Council of Churches understands the issue of decolonization – in general as well as in the health domain – and the organization’s current efforts to promote decolonization in its work with the churches. The session convened by the Community of Practice on Decolonizing Health Cooperation builds on a discussion on decolonization and localization within Swiss NGOs engaged in international health cooperation. (...) Enquiries or to join the emerging Community of Practice and the discussion meetings: Alessandra Tisi, alessandra.tisi@medicusmundi.org

Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) 2025
Photo: © AHAIC
02. März 2025 – March 02 - Mar 05, 2025; Kigali Convention Centre, Rwanda

Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) 2025

AHAIC "The Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) is a crucial platform for addressing the continent’s most pressing health challenges, particularly as climate change intensifies its impacts on vulnerable populations. Convened biennially, AHAIC brings together policymakers, health-development experts, researchers, global leaders and community representatives from across Africa and beyond to shape solutions that are tailored to the continent’s unique needs. (...) The urgency of convening at AHAIC 2025 cannot be overstated. With ongoing outbreaks of Mpox and the recent Marburg virus resurgence, Africa faces a critical moment in its health trajectory. These crises highlight the need for a swift and coordinated response, making AHAIC the best platform for stakeholders to come together, share insights, and forge strategies that address these immediate threats while building long-term resilience."

Fostering Research on Strongyloides stercoralis
Photo: © Swiss TPH
10. März 2025 – 10-11 March 2025, University of Würzburg, Germany

Fostering Research on Strongyloides stercoralis

Satellite Symposium to the Joint Parasitology Spring Meeting 2025

Swiss TPH "The second Strongyloides meeting will be held at the University of Würzburg, Germany, on 10–11 March 2025 (delegates should arrive on 9 March). As with the last meeting, we aim to bring together different stakeholders in Strongyloides biology, pathology, treatment and control. We have managed to secure enough support to offer a Strongyloides meeting with no registration fee. (...) This meeting will be held just before the Joint Parasitology Spring Meeting of the German Society for Parasitology, the British Society for Parasitology and the Swiss Society for Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, which will be hosted at the same venue from 11–14 March 2025. Participants are encouraged to combine the two meetings. Registration deadline is 15 January 2025."

The 8th Global Public Health Conference
Photo: © GLOBEHEAL 2025
20. Februar 2025 – February 20- 21, 2025 | Bangkok, Thailand

The 8th Global Public Health Conference

Theme: “Community Engagement and Empowerment: Strengthening Health Promotion Initiatives”

GLOBEHEAL 2025 "Embark on a transformative experience at the Global Public Health Conference 2025, focusing on Community Engagement and Empowerment, taking place from February 20th to 21st, 2025, on a Hybrid Platform in Bangkok, Thailand. This landmark conference provides a platform to reflect on achievements and address future challenges in global public health. Commemorating the conference’s focus on community engagement and empowerment, our primary aim is to gather esteemed scholars, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide. Together, we will foster the exchange of ideas, share knowledge, and explore innovative solutions to contemporary public health challenges. Join us in this enlightening journey of collaboration and learning as we strive to create a healthier world for all."

«Der Entscheid ist ein Schock für uns»
Foto von Greg Johnson auf Unsplash

«Der Entscheid ist ein Schock für uns»

bajour "Der Nationalrat hat gestern beschlossen, im Budget 2025 insgesamt 250 Millionen Franken in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zugunsten der Armee zu sparen. Basler NGOs zeigen sich schockiert, sprechen von einem kurzsichtigen Richtungsentscheid und hoffen jetzt auf den Ständerat. (...) Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Vize-Präsident der SP Basel-Stadt und Geschäftsführer von Medicus Mundi Schweiz, schildert, dass die massiven Einsparungen auch für den Gesundheitsbereich einen klaren Rückschritt bedeuten würden: «Wir stehen bei Wirkstoffen gegen HIV, Tuberkulose und Malaria kurz vor dem Durchbruch. Ich spreche von Innovationen, die medizinische und gesundheitliche Fortschritte bringen könnten und eine grosse Veränderung für die Menschen weltweit wären.»

A Look Back: World Health Summit 2024
Photo: © WHS

A Look Back: World Health Summit 2024

WHS 2024 Wrap-Up

World Health Summit "At the World Health Summit 2024, the largest donor event for the WHO Investment Round so far was hosted, with pledges totaling one billion US dollars made or reaffirmed. “All for Health, Health for All: Signature Event for the WHO Investment Round” was attended by high-level speakers such as Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Chair of the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, and Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. During the WHS 2024, more than 50 partner events, side events, announcements, and launches took place, such as the launches of Global Health 2050: The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health 3.0 and of the Inauguration of the WomenX Collective Berlin Hub."

Simplifying the universal health coverage narrative can help to achieve political action
Zola Community Health Clinic. Photo: US Embassy South Africa/flickr.com; CC BY 2.0 Deed

Simplifying the universal health coverage narrative can help to achieve political action

The narrative on universal health coverage should be centred around four core elements: universality, equity, adequate financing, and preparedness in public health emergencies, write Katri Bertram and Justin Koonin

British Medical Journal (bmj) "Universal health coverage means that “all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.” All United Nations member states have committed to make progress towards universal health coverage. Despite two high level meetings on the topic, a persistent gap remains between ambitious commitment and concrete actions. One challenge limiting progress is the fragmented and convoluted way by which advocates make the case for it. Advocates can reduce such confusion and simplify political arguments by focusing on four core elements for what implementing universal health coverage needs to look like in practice."

Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region
Foto von pexels-pixabay

Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region

World Health Organization "This report highlights the substantial impact of commercial determinants on noncommunicable diseases (‎NCDs)‎ in the WHO European Region. Nearly 7500 deaths per day in the Region are attributed to commercial determinants, such as tobacco, alcohol, processed food, fossil fuels and occupational practices. These commercial products and practices contribute to 25% of all deaths in the Region. The report’s chapters systematically explore various facets of how commercial interests exacerbate NCDs and key strategies used by commercial actors to negatively influence NCD-related policies at the national and international level. The report also provides selected case studies from the Region to illustrate key strategies and outcomes of industry influence on health policies. The report then calls for urgent and coordinated action to address the commercial determinants of NCDs."

Strengthening Primary Health Care as a Foundation for Resilient Health Systems
Photo: United Nations Photo/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed

Strengthening Primary Health Care as a Foundation for Resilient Health Systems

Eurohealth "In addition to pursuing the goal of universal health coverage, primary health care (PHC) helps to ensure health system resilience and health security. Community engagement plays a vital role in PHC leading to increased trust and safeguarding vulnerable groups against health threats. It is also critical for reducing inequalities, a key weakness when facing health threats. The comprehensive approach and expanded roles in multi-disciplinary teams within PHC strengthen the capacity to address community needs and enhance resilience. Greater integration of PHC and public health, as observed in some settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to better outcomes. PHC played a crucial role during the pandemic and can protect against future health shocks."

Primary health care and the climate crisis
Bild von Nick_the_Photographer auf Pixabay

Primary health care and the climate crisis

Bulletin of the World Health Organization "The health community recognizes the climate crisis as an existential threat to humanity and human health, requiring immediate and effective action across all sectors. However, global-level policy guidance reveals a disconnect between primary health care and climate; most political declarations, reports and resolutions for primary health care make only cursory references to the climate crisis, mentioning its implications for health but not linking them. Given that primary health care should be the entry point for the population’s interaction with the health system, it is alarming that ongoing efforts to revitalize primary health care fail to adequately consider climate action, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, we examine this disconnect, elaborate on its implications and offer recommendations for policy-makers to ensure an effective primary health care–climate crisis nexus."

Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer
Antoinette, a nurse at a health center in Athiémé. Photo: World Bank Photo Collection/ flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed

Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer

Global report on Primary Health Care, Volume 1

World Health Organization "Primary health care (PHC) stands as the principal interface between the health system and communities – the locus where the formal health system meshes with people’s lives. More than that, primary health care can shape and reshape health systems to make them more accessible, more integrated and more sustainable. This Primer or policy textbook synthesizes the global evidence on PHC in one place, with a strong focus on country lessons and implementation as a guide on the “how” of PHC. The aim is to inspire policy-makers with best practice evidence but also provide insights into challenges which may arise. The book builds on the tacit knowledge that countries have generated with a more formal research and analysis."

Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market
Photo: Screenshot © ILO

Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market

International Labour Organization "Care responsibilities are excluding and holding back millions of women worldwide from taking paid employment, and with climate and demographic changes on course to increase the demand for care, measures to support the care economy are urgently needed, according to a new ILO brief."

Engaging health and care workers in health emergencies: implementation toolkit
Photo: Screenshot © WHO

Engaging health and care workers in health emergencies: implementation toolkit

World Health Organization (WHO) "The active participation and engagement of health and care workers (‎HCWs)‎ in health emergency preparedness, readiness and response is crucial to support risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management (‎RCCE-IM)‎ interventions during emergencies. HCWs hold unique positions in society – repeatedly being identified among the main influencers of people’s behaviours: they are one of the most trusted sources of health information and advice in communities and role models for the acceptance and uptake of protective measures during health emergencies. On the frontline, HCWs have valuable insights and knowledge that can be harnessed to support health emergencies across the entire emergency cycle."

He walked his talk!

He walked his talk!

We wish all the best for your retirement dear Thomas! Thank you for 28 years MMI/ MMS!

MMS Symposium 2024

A Trump win could reshape global health. Is Europe ready to step up?
Foto von visuals auf Unsplash

A Trump win could reshape global health. Is Europe ready to step up?

The impact on global health of another Trump administration could be worse this time than last time, and Europe might be in a worse place to respond and to step up than it was last time,” Goerlitz said.

Euronews "Between emerging diseases and pandemic threats, abortion and reproductive health, climate change, and humanitarian aid to war zones, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have wildly divergent visions for global health, with the outcome in next week’s US presidential election likely to reverberate across Europe and the world. (...) In a second term, Moon said Trump may seek to undermine negotiations over a global pandemic treaty."

Sreyka a perdu sa jambe dans un accident en rentrant de l'école
Photo: © HI

Sreyka a perdu sa jambe dans un accident en rentrant de l'école

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "De retour de l’école, la petite Sreyka a été fauché par un véhicule lancé à toute vitesse à l’instant où elle traversait pour rejoindre sa maison. Gravement blessée, la fillette a été immédiatement transportée au centre de santé, puis à l’hôpital le plus proche, malheureusement insuffisamment équipé. Sreyka a ensuite été référée à l’hôpital pédiatrique de Phnom Penh, la capitale, où il a fallu amputer sa jambe gauche pour lui sauver la vie. Sept mois après son accident, Sreyka y reçoit un traitement. Nos physiothérapeutes et les orthopédistes lui fournissent une prothèse sur mesure et lui ont appris à marcher avec."

Shifting power in global health will require leadership by the Global South and allyship by the Global North
Photo: © Gabby K./pexels

Shifting power in global health will require leadership by the Global South and allyship by the Global North

The Lancet "Global health continues to be a field where Global North actors see themselves as leaders.1,2 Although the decolonising global health movement has exposed the deep inequities inherent within the architecture of global health,1 this movement, prone to elite capture, faces several institutional barriers that prevent meaningful shifts in power."
