A challenge for Switzerland: Achieving health for all in a changing world

The world faces numerous challenges - climate change, economic and financial crises, poverty and armed conflicts - that require joint action at all levels. In September 2015, the United Nations (UNO) will adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide a new global agenda. At the same time, Switzerland is working on a new strategy for development policy: Message on Switzerland's International Cooperation in 2017 - 2020.

Coinciding with these developments, this year’s Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) Symposium will explore how Swiss foreign policy and international cooperation can contribute to improving health globally.

Internationally, Switzerland plays an important role and is committed to promoting health as a key to sustainable development. To strengthen its role on the global stage, Switzerland must carefully consider how Swiss foreign policy and international cooperation can best contribute to achieving “Health for All”.

The MMS Symposium will explore the following questions:

  • How can Switzerland's international cooperation and foreign policy in the frame of the SDGs improve health globally, for all phases of life?
  • How can organisations active in international health cooperation strengthen their work in a changing global health environment?


The programm can be downloaded here


Information and contact

Carine Weiss
Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

+41 (0) 61 383 18 12



The symposium is part of a long-term cooperation agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.
A special thanks goes to the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) for its generous financial contribution.