Past events
50 years Medicus Mundi Switzerland: The Changing Role of CSOs in International Health Cooperation and Global Health
02. November 2023 – Volkshaus Basel, Schweiz

REGISTER NOW! MMS Symposium, 2 November 2023

50 years Medicus Mundi Switzerland: The Changing Role of CSOs in International Health Cooperation and Global Health

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

The world in crisis – climate change, pandemic, and war
02. November 2022 – Volkshaus Basel, Schweiz

MMS Symposium, 2. November 2022

The world in crisis – climate change, pandemic, and war

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

COVID-19 – A Game Changer in International Health Cooperation?
03. November 2021 – Volkshaus Basel, Switzerland

MMS Symposium, 3 November 2021

COVID-19 – A Game Changer in International Health Cooperation?

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Health in the Digital Age – A New Era for Global Health?
04. November 2020 – Online Event

DOCUMENTATION - MMS ONLINE Symposium, 4 November 2020

Health in the Digital Age – A New Era for Global Health?

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Inequity in Health Persists: Should Switzerland Be Concerned?
06. November 2019

MMS Symposium, 6 November 2019

Inequity in Health Persists: Should Switzerland Be Concerned?

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

«Health for All» by 2030 On the Right Track, or on the Verge of Failing?
07. November 2018

MMS Symposium 2018

«Health for All» by 2030 On the Right Track, or on the Verge of Failing?

No ‘business as usual’ against non-communicable diseases
02. November 2017

The global economy, politics and healthcare systems are presented with the challenges of a global epidemic

No ‘business as usual’ against non-communicable diseases

MMS Symposium

Working in Fragile Contexts and Building up Resilient Health Systems
02. November 2016

Why Do Community Systems Matter

Working in Fragile Contexts and Building up Resilient Health Systems

MMS Symposium

Health in fragile contexts
24. August 2016

Health in fragile contexts

A conference organized by MMS, SDC and the Swiss Red Cross

A challenge for Switzerland: Achieving health for all in a changing world
28. Oktober 2015

Health in Switzerland’s foreign policy and international cooperation

A challenge for Switzerland: Achieving health for all in a changing world

Symposium Medicus Mundi Schweiz

„Not without us! “
05. November 2014 – Basel

Youth and sexual and reproductive health in international cooperation

„Not without us! “

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

06. November 2013 – Basel

Universal health coverage and global health beyond 2015

MMS Symposium

06. November 2012 – Basel

Creating perspectives for life: Mother and child health in developing countries

MMS Symposium

08. November 2011 – Basel

Health – a Human Right

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

09. November 2010 – Basle

The key to health in developing countries

The fight against malnutrition

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

10. November 2009 – Basel

A new challenge for global health

Chronic diseases in developing and newly industrialized countries

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

11. November 2008 – Basel

The future of Community Health

30 years after Alma Ata

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

06. November 2007 – Basel

Non-governmental health service providers and national health systems

In the public interest...

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

02. November 2006 – Basel

Global Health: A challenge for Swiss foreign policy

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

09. November 2005 – Basel

Gemeinsam für Gesundheit / Ensemble pour la santé

Community Action for Health

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

03. November 2004 – Basel

Against poverty that damages health – against sickness that causes poverty

Poverty can damage your health!

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium

11. November 2003 – Basel

Choosing health interventions and setting priorities – a challenge for both poor and rich countries

«Getting the most health from resources»

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium