MMI Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice: review and planning session
Photo: © MMI

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "One year ago, we invited members and partners of the Medicus Mundi International Network “to join an emerging civil society community of practice hosted by MMI to explore, in a mixed team within and beyond our membership, the role of international health cooperation and global health advocacy in climate change and planetary health.” At an “institutional” meeting, the members of the Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice are invited to engage in reviewing initial progress of the CoP and provide directions for the future positioning and work of the community. We intend to look at the following: - “Political” processes, with a focus on the WHO; - "Technical” discussion and work by members of the CoP. In view of launching the next “season” and outline a programme of work of the CoP for the next few months. Join us!