India commits US$ 85 million to WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre
Foto von Naja Bertolt Jensen auf Unsplash

World Health Organization (WHO) "Worldwide, traditional medicine is used by billions of people for their health and well-being. At a signing ceremony in Geneva, the Government of India committed US$ 85 million over 10 years, 2022–2032, to support the programming of the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre. India’s 10-year financial contribution will support a cross-sectoral program of work to strengthen the evidence base for traditional medicine by providing data and evidence on traditional medicine policies, practice, products, and public use. The WHO-India donor agreement is part of a US$ 250 million investment from India in support of the establishment of the WHO Global Centre of Traditional Medicine in 2022, which includes financial support for the workplan of the Centre, interim premises and a new building. This support will scale up WHO’s capacities on traditional medicine across technical divisions and regions in the spirit of global collaboration and solidarity."