Globalisation, growing international networks and an increase in health problems that can only be addressed on a global level prompted the Medicus Mundi Switzerland network to become involved in the development of the Swiss Health Foreign Policy at an early stage. This is a foreign policy instrument used by Switzerland to address health challenges (pandemics, climate protection, disaster control, poverty, hunger, social inequality) as coherently as possible on an international level. The MMS network is committed to ensuring that Switzerland places the right to health worldwide at the centre of its Health Foreign Policy.
Die GAP ist ein außenpolitisches Instrument der Schweiz, um auf internationaler Ebene die Gesundheitsherausforderungen (Pandemien, Klimaschutz, Katastrophenschutz, Armut, Hunger, soziale Ungleichheit) möglichst kohärent anzugehen. Das Netzwerk MMS engagiert sich dafür, dass die Schweiz das Recht auf Gesundheit weltweit in den Mittelpunkt seiner Gesundheitsaussenpolitik stellt.