Implementation Research

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Implementation Research ist ein Ansatz in der Praxis der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit. Sie begleitet die Umsetzung von Gesundheitsstrategien, -programmen und -interventionen mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Mit Methoden verschiedener Disziplinen versucht sie, Hindernisse einer wirksamen Umsetzung zu verstehen und aus dem Weg zu räumen. Implementation Research charakterisiert sich dadurch, dass sie bedarfsorientiert ist und die Bevölkerung wie auch die an der Umsetzung beteiligten Gruppen an der Entwicklung der Forschungsfragen beteiligt. Um Implementation Research in den Schweizer Organisationen der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit zu stärken, koordiniert MMS eine fachspezifische Plattform seiner Mitgliedsorganisationen zur Thematik.

Medicus Mundi's Arbeit zu Implementation Research

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study

“Without implementation research we are at best committing valuable resources to implementation in the hope that things will work out.”

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study

“Without implementation research we are at best committing valuable resources to implementation in the hope that things will work out.”

Implementation Research (IR) is research that addresses implementation bottlenecks in order to deliver effective health care interventions. It aims to identify solutions to overcome implementation problems. This later may inform policy decisions and scale-up effective interventions, which can generate better health outcomes and strengthen the overall health system. Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland presents this IR guide, which is designed to support NGOs interested in applying IR within their projects. It includes the conceptual definition of IR and a practical step-by-step guide from the design to the dissemination of an IR study.

“Without implementation research we are at best committing valuable resources to implementation in the hope that things will work out.”

MMS IR_guide_Final Version_281020.pdf

Implementation Research of Swiss NGOs Working in the Field of International Health Cooperation

Abstract Study

Implementation Research of Swiss NGOs Working in the Field of International Health Cooperation

Implementation Research of Swiss NGOs Working in the Field of International Health Cooperation

Abstract Study

MMS/ISPM The study provides a qualitative overview of existing strategies, practices and capacities on how Implementation Research (IR) is done by members of the network Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS). MMS’s strategy describes the importance of IR for its network. MMS initiated a study about IR to provide (i) a qualitative overview and (ii) a learning process to promote NGO led research. IR is a scientific inquiry into questions concerning the act of fulfilling or carrying out a practice or an intervention. IR is a young, ambitious research field gaining importance in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Workshop on implementation Research within International Health Cooperation (30.11.2017)

Workshop on implementation Research within International Health Cooperation (30.11.2017)

Workshop on implementation Research within International Health Cooperation (30.11.2017)

MMS The network Medicus Mundi Switzerland mandated a qualitative study on the existing practices and capacities regarding implementation research by Swiss NGOs (MMS members) working in in the field of international health cooperation. The results of this study identified challenges, bottlenecks and possible solutions on how to overcome them. At the MMS Workshop the implementation research concept and the findings of the study were discussed.

IR Platform

IR Platform

IR Platform

MMS In 2015 MMS established an implementation research platform. Part of the platform are: Enfants du Monde, FAIRMED, Fondation Terre des hommes, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Medicus Mundi International, SolidarMed, Swiss Red Cross, Swiss TPH. For more information on the IR Platform please contact or +41 (0)61 383 18 14

MMS Bulletin on IR

MMS Bulletin on IR

MMS Bulletin on IR

MMS Measurement and evaluation as well as looking for evidence: Implementation Research on projects and programmes is of increasing importance within health cooperation. But how does good Implementation Research look like? What are the obstacles for health NGOs in doing Implementation Research? This MMS Bulletin deals with an issue of practical and political relevance.

MMI Arbeitsgruppe debatiert über die Zukunft der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit

MMI Arbeitsgruppe debatiert über die Zukunft der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit

MMI Arbeitsgruppe debatiert über die Zukunft der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) Sind unsere Methoden und Herangehensweisen in der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit noch zeitgemäss? Warum gelingt es uns nicht, die gesundheitliche Lage von Millionen von Menschen zu verbessern? Die im letzten Jahr von Medicus Mundi International (MMI) gegründete Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema "Effective Health Cooperation" hat zum Ziel, die eigene Arbeit zu reflektieren und kritisch zu hinterfragen und den Dialog zwischen den Akteuren in der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit zu fördern.

Health Cooperation: Its relevance, legitimacy and effectiveness as a contribution to achieving universal access to health

MMI discussion paper

Health Cooperation: Its relevance, legitimacy and effectiveness as a contribution to achieving universal access to health

Health Cooperation: Its relevance, legitimacy and effectiveness as a contribution to achieving universal access to health

MMI discussion paper

MMI The MMI discussion paper on health cooperation and its relevance, legitimacy and effectiveness was discussed at the workshop “Health cooperation beyond aid” in Berlin, on 29 September 2016, and published afterwards: “The document is not intended to be a position paper representing a homogeneous view of the Network. It is a discussion paper that feeds a core activity of the MMI Network; to serve as a platform for critical reflection on the role and future direction of development cooperation for health. We invite the members of the MMI working group on Effective Health Cooperation (MMI EHC) and other Network members and partners to engage in this process.” (pdfI


05.07.2024 – The Lancet

Non-communicable diseases: can implementation research change the game for policy and practice?

Non-communicable diseases: can implementation research change the game for policy and practice?
Photo: Koen Dekeyser/; CC BY 4.0 Deed
05.07.2024 – The Lancet

Non-communicable diseases: can implementation research change the game for policy and practice?

"Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 74% of all deaths and 86% of premature deaths in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Yet, the world is far from meeting the globally agreed targets for their control. Even in this unprecedented era for discovery of new therapies for NCDs, the ability to equitably deliver both old and new interventions is lagging. WHO has clear best-buys for prevention and management of NCDs, but policy and service coverage of these interventions is poor in many countries. NCD service delivery remains a crucial gap undermining efforts towards universal health coverage, which increases inequities in health, poverty, and economic losses. Implementation research is a crucial tool to bridge the know–do gap, focusing on understanding the adoption, integration, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions within real-world health systems."

13.02.2024 – WHO-TDR (For research on diseaes of poverty)

TDR Strategy 2024-2029

Building local research solutions to improve global health

TDR Strategy 2024-2029
Photo: © TDR
13.02.2024 – WHO-TDR (For research on diseaes of poverty)

TDR Strategy 2024-2029

Building local research solutions to improve global health

"For almost 50 years, TDR has been a leader in research to address infectious diseases of poverty and in building the capacity of people, communities and institutions in low- and middle-income countries. TDR supports evidence generation in disease-affected countries to foster innovations that improve health. This 2024–2029 strategy builds on TDR's experience, to support country-led implementation research that improves access to, and scale-up of, health interventions, strategies and policies and strengthens health systems. TDR will work with implementers and social innovators, alongside researchers, to help democratize research and demonstrate that it is a useful and practical tool for people tackling health issues on the ground."

09.07.2021 – Stiftung Calcutta Rescue

Undernutrition in an urban slum in India

Prevalence of undernutrition and effectiveness of a community-based nutritional support programme to reverse stunting among children under five years of age in an urban slum in Kolkata, India​: Findings of a one-year longitudinal study

Undernutrition in an urban slum in India
Photo: © Calcutta Rescue
09.07.2021 – Stiftung Calcutta Rescue

Undernutrition in an urban slum in India

Prevalence of undernutrition and effectiveness of a community-based nutritional support programme to reverse stunting among children under five years of age in an urban slum in Kolkata, India​: Findings of a one-year longitudinal study

This study highlights the burden of undernutrition in marginalised slum-dwelling children in India and the benefits of a pragmatic, education-focused nutritional intervention programme. Further studies are required to determine what predictors other than income are associated with stunting to then determine what interventions are likely to effect long-lasting and sustainable changes to growth in this vulnerable population.

Community Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Mother and Child Health Service Use

Implementation research from the Maternal, Neonatal Child Health Strengthening Project in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

Community Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Mother and Child Health Service Use
Photo: © Swiss Red Cross

Community Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Mother and Child Health Service Use

Implementation research from the Maternal, Neonatal Child Health Strengthening Project in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

Swiss Red Cross “What are facilitators and what are barriers to use Ante Natal Care (ANC), safe delivery and Post Natal Care (PNC) services in Laos, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal? Are men bottle-necks to decision-making? What role does the health provider play? Is lack of money really the reason why a home delivery is the preferred option? Check out the findings from the Laos country study on community perceptions of facilitators and barriers in Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health (MNCH) use, conducted by Heather Gulliver (previous health delegate in Laos; Cara Stephenson (previous AUSAid volunteer in Laos) and the Laos team and partners. This is the first out of four implementation research studies. Watch this space for more to follow!”

Calcutta Rescue’s Multidimensional Poverty Survey

The survey was developed by Eleo Tibbs and Maurice Lange, two researchers from the UK.

Calcutta Rescue’s Multidimensional Poverty Survey
Photo by Ananya Mittal on Unsplash

Calcutta Rescue’s Multidimensional Poverty Survey

The survey was developed by Eleo Tibbs and Maurice Lange, two researchers from the UK.

Calcutta Rescue "Calcutta Rescue (CR) is a medium-sized NGO based in Kolkata, India that focuses on supporting the residents of the city’s slums. CR present the results of its first large-scale study of the poverty experienced by Calcutta Rescue’s service users. It is the largest and most detailed research of its kind conducted in Kolkata in the last two decades. The primary aim of the study was to generate information that would enable CR to rank different slum areas relative to each other in terms of overall, multidimensional impoverishment, and levels of deprivation in specific indicators. This ranking is already helping CR’s management to prioritize resources, and target interventions according to need. The study’s secondary objective was to provide CR with a template methodology that can be repeated and used to capture improvement over time, or after specific interventions."

01.03.2021 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

Neues Potential für die Gesundheitsforschung

BMJ Sammelband zu einem kollaborativen Forschungsmodell zur Verbesserung von Politik und Praxis

Neues Potential für die Gesundheitsforschung
Foto: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture/flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
01.03.2021 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

Neues Potential für die Gesundheitsforschung

BMJ Sammelband zu einem kollaborativen Forschungsmodell zur Verbesserung von Politik und Praxis

Weltweit und sektorübergreifend wird heute in der globalen Gesundheitsforschung ein Ansatz befürwortet, der eine grössere Vielfalt von Interessensgruppen in den Forschungsprozess einbezieht. Im Vordergrund steht die Erweiterung des Erkenntnishorizontes durch vermehrten Dialog und partizipative Entscheidungsprozesse, sowie durch Teilung von Macht und Verantwortung vom Beginn bis zum Ende der Forschung. Diese Koproduktion von Forschung favorisiert die Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen, die keine Akademiker sind und die Einbeziehung der Bedürfnisse der Menschen, die direkt von der Forschung betroffen sind. Der vorliegende BMJ-Sammelband gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung, das Potenzial und die Herausforderungen, die mit dem Ansatz der Ko-Produktion einhergehen.

Implementation Research: Neugier schafft Neues

MMS Nachrichten Dezember 2017

Implementation Research: Neugier schafft Neues

Implementation Research: Neugier schafft Neues

MMS Nachrichten Dezember 2017

MMS Das Netzwerk Medicus Mundi Schweiz hat sich in einer Studie und an einem Workshop damit auseinandergesetzt, wie Schweizer Organisationen der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit die Umsetzung ihrer Programme mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen begleiten. Das Ergebnis: Es geht nichts ohne Neugier. (Foto: Realizing the agricultural potential of inland valleys in sub-Saharan Africa/AfricaRice/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Das Wissen erweitern, um Gesundheit für alle zu erreichen

MMS Nachrichten März 2017

Das Wissen erweitern, um Gesundheit für alle zu erreichen

Das Wissen erweitern, um Gesundheit für alle zu erreichen

MMS Nachrichten März 2017

MMS Um die gesundheitliche Situation weltweit zu verbessern, braucht es in der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit auch den selbstkritischen Umgang mit der eigenen Arbeit und mehr Wissen. (Foto: MERET Landscapes/flickr, CC bye-SA 2.0)

Komplex war’s immer schon – komplexer geht gar nicht

MMS Nachrichten November 2016

Komplex war’s immer schon – komplexer geht gar nicht

Komplex war’s immer schon – komplexer geht gar nicht

MMS Nachrichten November 2016

MMS Das Netzwerk Medicus Mundi Schweiz hat eben eine neue Strategie verabschiedet, bei der die Förderung von Wissens- und Lernprozessen eine verstärkte Bedeutung erhält. MMS bietet verstärkt Foren der kritischen Reflexion, um die internationale Gesundheitszusammenarbeit vorwärts zu bringen.

Praktische Richtlinien

Implementierungsforschung als Katalysator in der Bekämpfung von NCDs

Implementierungsforschung als Katalysator in der Bekämpfung von NCDs
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Implementierungsforschung als Katalysator in der Bekämpfung von NCDs

The Lancet Eine Studie zeigt auf, dass von 151 Ländern nicht einmal die Hälfte, die von der WHO empfohlenen Richtlinien zur Prävention und Bekämpfung von nichtübertragbaren Krankheiten (NCDs) umgesetzt haben. Die Corona-Pandemie verschlechtert die Situation zusätzlich gravierend und unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, vor allem in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen, in das NCD-Management als Teil der primären Gesundheitsversorgung zu investieren. Der vorliegende Bericht nennt drei Gründe, warum Implementierungsforschung diesen Prozess entscheidend beschleunigen und durch Anpassung an den jeweiligen lokalen Kontext Barrieren schneller überwinden könnte. So hat die WHO bereits 2016 einen Leitfaden und ein Toolkit zur Implementierungsforschung bei NCDs entwickelt.

Fundamentals of Implementation Research

Fundamentals of Implementation Research

Fundamentals of Implementation Research

MEASURE Evaluation A guide from USAID, Pepfar and MEASURE Evaluation that shows step by step how to design an implementation research project, including suitable case studies.

Writing implementation research grant proposals: ten key ingredients

Writing implementation research grant proposals: ten key ingredients

Writing implementation research grant proposals: ten key ingredients

Implementation Science This article by Proctor et al. (2012) gives practical advise on how to strengthen research grant proposals for implementation research studies, including examples of preliminary data, background literature, and narrative details.

TDR Implementation Research Toolkit

TDR Implementation Research Toolkit

TDR Implementation Research Toolkit

TDR The TDR toolkit goes step-by-step through the whole process of a successful Implementation Research project. It helps to "identify system bottlenecks and the stakeholders to be involved in the process, formulate appropriate research questions, conduct the research and develop a plan for implementing the study results" (TDR, 2014) (Photo: MERET Landscapes/flickr)

Implementation Research in Health: A Practical Guide

Implementation Research in Health: A Practical Guide

Implementation Research in Health: A Practical Guide

WHO A Practical Guide published by WHO. "Intended for newcomers to the field, those already conducting implementation research, and those with responsibility for designing and implementing programmes and policies, the guide provides an introduction to basic implementation research concepts and language, briefly outlines what it involves, and describes the many exciting opportunities that it presents." Available in English, French and Spanish (WHO, 2013)

Factsheet on Implementation Research

Factsheet on Implementation Research

Factsheet on Implementation Research

ISPM/MMS A short factsheet on Implementation Research published by MMS and ISPM, including definition and characteristics of Implementation Research.(Photo: Baaba Maal inspects failed corn crops in Mauritania/Oxfam International/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Implementation Research - Konzept und Definition

Relevance in the real world without sacrificing rigor

Implementation research

Relevance in the real world without sacrificing rigor

Relevance in the real world without sacrificing rigor

Implementation research

PLOS Med The need for implementation science in health is now broadly recognized, and a working understanding of the qualities that make an implementation study “good” is needed more than ever before. As defined by Mittman and Eccles, implementation research “is the scientific study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice, and, hence, to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services. It includes the study of influences on healthcare professional and organizational behavior” (PLOS Med, volume 14, issue 4, April 2017).

What Is Implementation Research? Rationale, Concepts, and Practices

What Is Implementation Research? Rationale, Concepts, and Practices

What Is Implementation Research? Rationale, Concepts, and Practices

Research on Social Work Practice What is the rationale for Implementation Research? What is the know-do-gap? How can we close this gap between knowledge and practice? Bhattacharyya et al. (2009) extensively discuss the role of Implementation research in closing and addressing such gaps (Research on Social Work Practice, volume 19, number 5, pp. 491-502, 2009).

Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda

Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda

Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda

Administration and Policy in Mental Health This research article from Proctor et al. (2011) has its focus on implementation outcomes. Measuring and conceptualizing implementation outcomes help to advance the understanding of implementation processes, and enhance efficiency in implementation research (Administration and Policy in Mental Health, volume 38, pp. 65–76, 2011).

Implementation research: what it is and how to do it

Implementation research: what it is and how to do it

Implementation research: what it is and how to do it

BMJ This research article by Peters et al. (2013) provides a broad definition of implementation research and outlines key principles (research questions and methods) for how to do it (BMJ, Volume 347, p.f6753, 2013).

Evaluation of the Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector Project

Final Report of the Departement for International Development

Evaluation of the Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector Project

Evaluation of the Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector Project

Final Report of the Departement for International Development

DFID "The objective of the evaluation is to assess the project’s performance and impacts during the period October 2011 to August 2014, and provide feedback to the wider research and development community on the OR capacity building model. While the direct users of the evaluation are DFID’s Research and Evidence Division (RED) and The Union, the evaluation will serve for accountability and learning purposes for the OR community, research capacity building programmes, research funders and others, feeding into the design of the next phase of the project and investigating the application of the model in other areas of practice." (pdf)

Is operational research delivering the goods? The journey to success in low-income countries

Is operational research delivering the goods? The journey to success in low-income countries

Is operational research delivering the goods? The journey to success in low-income countries

The Lancet "Operational research in low-income countries has a key role in filling the gap between what we know from research and what we do with that knowledge—the so-called know–do gap, or implementation gap. Planned research that does not tangibly affect policies and practices is ineffective and wasteful, especially in settings where resources are scarce and disease burden is high. Clear parameters are urgently needed to measure and judge the success of operational research. We define operational research and its relation with policy and practice, identify why operational research might fail to affect policy and practice, and offer possible solutions to address these shortcomings. We also propose measures of success for operational research. Adoption and use of these measures could help to ensure that operational research better changes policy and practice and improves health-care delivery and disease programmes." (The Lancet: Volume 12, No. 5, p415–421, May 2012)

Operational research in low-income countries: what, why, and how?

Operational research in low-income countries: what, why, and how?

Operational research in low-income countries: what, why, and how?

The Lancet Zachharia et al. (2009) define operational research and analyse its relevance from a disease-control and programme perspective. Moreover, the Lancet article discusses enabling factors and challenges for its integration into programme settings (The Lancet, Volume 9, No. 11, p711–717, November 2009).


Engaging Stakeholders in Implementation Research: tools, approaches, and lessons learned from application

Engaging Stakeholders in Implementation Research: tools, approaches, and lessons learned from application

Engaging Stakeholders in Implementation Research: tools, approaches, and lessons learned from application

(BMC) This supplement contains a collection of research articles with approaches and best practices from Asia and Africa on how to engage stakeholders in IR. How can IR help to scale up projects? How can theories of change be used to inform implementation of health systems research and innovation? How can participatory action research strenghten health managers’ capacity? How can participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) approaches be used to influence decision-making? Those and other questions are addressed in this supplement.

Yaws resurgence in Bankim, Cameroon: The relative effectiveness of different means of detection in rural communities

Yaws resurgence in Bankim, Cameroon: The relative effectiveness of different means of detection in rural communities

Yaws resurgence in Bankim, Cameroon: The relative effectiveness of different means of detection in rural communities

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases The study conducted by FAIRMED aims to identify which interventions for detecting yaws had a synergistic effect and proved to be valuable components of a yaws eradication program, as a response to the resurgence of the Yaws disease. This study is not an Implementation Research project per se, but all IR characteristics are met, as well as most of the IR outcome variables (PLOS Neg Trop Dis, volume 11, number 5, pp. 1-14, May 2017).

Operational research done by MSF

Operational research done by MSF

Operational research done by MSF

MSF On this website a large number of field research conducted by MSF on a huge variety of topics can be accessed (Photo: MSF).

Operational Research during the Ebola emergency

Operational Research during the Ebola emergency

Operational Research during the Ebola emergency

Emerging Infectious Diseases With this research Médecins sans frontières (MSF) showed that implementation/ operational research is an appropriate method for an emergency medical organization. From the beginning on, MSF nested the operational/implementation research within its emergency response. Research questions were mainly determined by volunteers returning from the field, who had first-hand knowledge of the immediate issues facing teams in the field (Emerging Infectious Diseases, volume 23, number 7, pp. 1057-1062, July 2017) (Photo: Global Panorama/flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0).

Journal on implementation science

Journal on implementation science

Journal on implementation science

BMC This journal from BMC provides a wide range of case studies using IR, with the aim to promote the uptake of research findings into routine healthcare in clinical, organizational or policy contexts (Photo: BMC Implementation Science).