
Application Deadline: 12 July 2024

Vacancy announcement: MMI Executive Secretary, 40% / G2H2 Executive Secretary, 20%

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) To run the secretariat of Medicus Mundi International (MMI) and to take care of its wide range of activities we are looking for an: Executive Secretary, 40% (or 60% in combination with G2H2 Secretariat). Place of work: Geneva (flexible). At the same time MMI and G2H2 are advertising a position as Executive Secretary for the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) hosted by MMI. It is possible to apply for both positions within a 60% post. Please do so separately, by responding to both vacancy announcements.For further information regarding the position of the MMI Executive Secretary, 40%, please contact Martin Leschhorn, President Medicus Mundi International, mleschhorn@medicusmundi.ch - Applications for the position of the MMI Executive Secretary (including motivation letter) should be sent by email to: Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Director Medicus Mundi Switzerland, mleschhorn@medicusmundi.ch, by 12 July 2024.