9:30            Arrival, registration, coffee

10:00            Welcome and introduction by Martin Leschhorn (MMS)

10:10            Mapping Digital Technologies in Health Used by MMS Members: Results, followed
                    by a short Q&A, by Carine Weiss (MMS)

10:30           Bar Talk with Martin Raab (Swiss TPH) and Lucy Setian (Novartis Foundation) -
                   "How to use digital technologies without weakening already weak systems for
                    health” - A discussion on the results of the mapping exercise,
                    moderated by Carine Weiss (MMS)

11:00           Digital Health Forum: Presentations of different digital tools by MMS members

12:15           The Framework on Digital Health: Implementing digital technologies in
                    international health cooperation in a responsible and de-centered way
                    by Martin Leschhorn (MMS)

13:00           Lunch

14:00-          Open Board Meeting