Präsentationen und Downloads zum MMS Symposium 2021
Presentation by René Stäheli (President Network MMS) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium
Pictures of the symposium by Christoph Engeli
MMS Symposium Here we provide the link to the photos of our symposium 2021.
MMS Symposium
MMS Symposium
Presentation by Carmen Sant Fruchtman (Swiss TPH) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium How can district manager capacities for systems thinking and practice be better supported and sustained to improve district health systems?
Presentation by Riccardo Lampariello (Terre des hommes Foundation) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium The pandemic increased the pressure to adopt digital solutions, influencing patient behaviour and pushing the health sector to seek out tools that had often been met with resistance before the pandemic—for example, online consultations. Oct, 2021
Presentation by Norohaingo Andrianaivo (Memisa, Guinea) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium Strengthening the health system to ensure continuity of services and enhance access for vulnerable population groups in the COVID-19 context.
Presentation by Monika Christofori-Khadka (Swiss Red Cross) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium Public authorities and the National Societies as auxiliaries enjoy a specific and distinctive partnership, entailing mutual responsibilities and benefits, and based on international and national laws, in which the national public authorities and the National Society agree on the areas in which the National Society supplements or substitutes for public humanitarian services; the National Society must be able to deliver its humanitarian services at all times in conformity with the Fundamental Principles, in particular those of neutrality and independence, and with its other obligations under the Statutes of the Movement as agreed by States at the International Conference.
Presentation by Margaret Pascoe (Ruedi Lüthy Foundation) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium The Covid-19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe: October 2021: > 130 000 cases, 4700 deaths (96% recovery rate), daily cases are ~ 50, > 2 500 000 people fully vaccinate.
Presentation by Thomas Schwarz (Medicus Mundi International) at the MMS Symposium 3 November 2021
MMS Symposium Covid-19: A tale of failures: “Covid-19 remains a global disaster. Worse, it was a preventable disaster. (…) For the Panel it is clear that the combination of poor strategic choices, unwillingness to tackle inequalities, and an uncoordinated system created a toxic cocktail which allowed the pandemic to turninto a catastrophic human crisis.” IPPPR, May 2021
Video statements by Marcel Tanner and Eduardo Missoni
MMS Symposium Some food for thought! Listen to the messages of our experts at our MMS Symposium.
Video statements from Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
MMS Symposium Some food for thought! Listen to the messages of the experts!