Universal Health Coverage: Hintergrund zum Konzept

Universal Health Coverage: Why health insurance schemes are leaving the poor behind

Universal Health Coverage: Why health insurance schemes are leaving the poor behind

"Universal Health Coverage is about the right to health. Everyone – rich or poor – should get the health care they need without suffering financial hardship. Unfortunately, some donors and developing country governments are promoting health insurance schemes that exclude the majority of people and l may also reinforce inequality – by prioritizing people who are formally employed and excluding the most poor and marginalized who cannot afford to pay premiums, especially women. However, a number of developing countries are rejecting this model and prioritizing general government spending for health to successfully scale up health coverage. (...) This paper explains why urgent action on global tax evasion and avoidance is needed to ensure that countries can generate and retain more of their own resources for health."

Universal health coverage and social determinants of health

Universal health coverage and social determinants of health

"There is a danger of going down the same route again with universal health coverage to the apparent detriment of action on social determinants of health. WHO is clear in its definition of universal health coverage: all people obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship to pay for them, a well run health system, a system for financing, access to essential medicines and technologies, and well trained health workers.3 Universal health coverage is a noble goal, but so too is action on social determinants to achieve health equity. The latter should not be forgotten," writes Michael Marmot in The Lancet.

Post-2015 Entwicklungsagenda und Gesundheit

Post-2015-Agenda: Druckversion Neue Entwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele gesucht

Post-2015-Agenda: Druckversion Neue Entwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele gesucht

Themenwebsite der Direktion für Entwicklung- und Zusammenarbeit.

Die Symposiumsbeiträge

Gerhard Siegfried, DEZA: Universal Health Coverage aus Sicht der Schweizer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Gerhard Siegfried, DEZA: Universal Health Coverage aus Sicht der Schweizer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Remco van de Pas, wemo: Interrogating scarcity: the political determinants of Universal Health Coverage

Remco van de Pas, wemo: Interrogating scarcity: the political determinants of Universal Health Coverage

Claude Meyer, P4H: Lier couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) et protection sociale

Claude Meyer, P4H: Lier couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) et protection sociale

Blague Dadjim: Lier couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) et protection sociale en Tchad

Blague Dadjim: Lier couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) et protection sociale en Tchad

Hélène Aye Mondo, CADDAP: Les Pygmées Baka et le droit à la santé au Cameroun

Hélène Aye Mondo, CADDAP: Les Pygmées Baka et le droit à la santé au Cameroun

Simon Nkok, FAIRMED: Champs communautaires et mutuelles de santé : L’approche FAIRMED pour améliorer la santé des Pygmées au Cameroun

Simon Nkok, FAIRMED: Champs communautaires et mutuelles de santé : L’approche FAIRMED pour améliorer la santé des Pygmées au Cameroun

Manfred Stoermer, Swiss TPH: Gesundheitsversicherungen für die ländliche Bevölkerung: Die Reform der Gemeindegesundheitsfonds in der Dodoma Region, Tansania.

Manfred Stoermer, Swiss TPH: Gesundheitsversicherungen für die ländliche Bevölkerung: Die Reform der Gemeindegesundheitsfonds in der Dodoma Region, Tansania.

Eduardo Lambertin, Swiss Red Cross: Putting Universal Health Coverage into practise: the Swiss Red Cross approach in Bolivia

Eduardo Lambertin, Swiss Red Cross: Putting Universal Health Coverage into practise: the Swiss Red Cross approach in Bolivia

Michael Gerber, SDC: Agenda on Global Sustainable Development post-2015: Swiss Position & Integration of Health

Michael Gerber, SDC: Agenda on Global Sustainable Development post-2015: Swiss Position & Integration of Health


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