Vergangene Veranstaltungen
From Innovation to Scale: Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People
24. April 2024 – Hotel Kreuz, Bern, Switzerland

MMS Conference: 24 April 2024 in Bern

From Innovation to Scale: Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Sexual health and rights under pressure: resistance and challenges
19. April 2023 – Hotel Kreuz, Bern, Switzerland

MMS Conference: 19 April 2023 in Bern

Sexual health and rights under pressure: resistance and challenges

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Successful national government-led large scale and sustained adolescent pregnancy/childbearing prevention programmes
22. Juni 2022 – 22 June 2022, 2.00 pm, Webinar via Zoom

The cases of Chile, England, Ethiopia and Jamaica

Successful national government-led large scale and sustained adolescent pregnancy/childbearing prevention programmes

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Teenage Pregnancy - How do We Address the Needs and Rights of Teenage Girls?
18. Mai 2022 – Hotel Kreuz, Bern, Switzerland

Please note that we decided to revise the program due to a limited number of participants. New Time: Wednesday 18 May 2022 from 9.30am-12.15pm

Teenage Pregnancy - How do We Address the Needs and Rights of Teenage Girls?

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Hidden Scars: the Impact of Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Mental Health
18. Mai 2021 – Via Zoom

Tuesday 18 May 2021 and Wednesday 19 May 2021 from 9am - 12pm

Hidden Scars: the Impact of Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Mental Health

Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Realising Gender Equality - Cancelled due to Coronavirus!!
06. Mai 2020

Realising Gender Equality - Cancelled due to Coronavirus!!

Young People as Actors in Sexual Health
08. Mai 2019

Love matters – We matter

Young People as Actors in Sexual Health

MMS/ conference

Gender Based Violence: Approaches and challenges at community and advocacy level
02. Mai 2018

Register now!

Gender Based Violence: Approaches and challenges at community and advocacy level

MMS/ conference 2018

HIV Test-and-Treat: Are the 90 - 90 - 90 targets set for 2020 within reach?
10. Mai 2017

Register now!

HIV Test-and-Treat: Are the 90 - 90 - 90 targets set for 2020 within reach?

MMS/ conference 2017

Applying Human Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health - A reality for all?
04. Mai 2016

Applying Human Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health - A reality for all?

MMS/ conference

HIV/AIDS and vulnerable groups – No one left behind
07. Mai 2015 Conference 2015

HIV/AIDS and vulnerable groups – No one left behind Conference

06. Mai 2009

Kultursensible Ansätze im Umgang mit HIV und Aids

Kultur und Kondome Fachtagung

10. April 2008

AIDS and livelihoods. Securing property and inheritance rights

Tagung von

26. April 2007

Opportunities and challenges of HIV prevention, treatment and care

Positive motherhood

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21. April 2006

Youth and HIV/AIDS Prevention

The Right to Know and the Will to Act

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12. April 2005

Memory Work: Coping Strategies in the Face of AIDS

“… and one can dare to hope and dare to remember”

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20. April 2004

Treatment and Care for All

Living with HIV/AIDS

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19. November 2002

HIV/Aids und die schweizerische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Gemeinsam gegen Aids

Symposium der schweizerischen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit