
Summary of the Symposium 8 February 2024

Swiss TPH Symposium: Improving Access to Healthcare in LMICs
350 experts came together at Swiss TPH to discuss strategies to improve access to healthcare in LMICs. From left: Pierre Morgon (MRGN Advisors), Lutz Hegemann (Novartis), Honorati Masanja (Ifakara Health Institute) and Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Merck). Photo: Swiss TPH / Joachim Pelikan

SwissTPH "Access to drugs, diagnostics and vaccines remains a challenge in many in low- and middle-income countries. Today, 8 February 2024, Swiss TPH hosted a symposium bringing together 350 experts and key players from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, politics and product development partnerships to assess current strategies and foster synergies in research, drug development and medicines’ implementation.