Investment case for primary health care in low- and middle-income countries: A case study of Kenya
Photo: World Bank Photo Collection/World_Bank_Mali_EDIT_029/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

PLOS ONE "Primary healthcare (PHC) systems attain improved health outcomes and fairness and are affordable. However, the proportion of PHC spending to Total Current Health Expenditure in Kenya reduced from 63.4% in 2016/17 to 53.9% in 2020/21 while external funding reduced from 28.3% (Ksh 69.4 billion) to 23.9% (Ksh 68.2 billion) over the same period. This reduction in PHC spending negatively affects PHC performance and the overall health system goals. (...) Shifting services from high-level facilities to PHC facilities generates Ksh 198.2 billion (USD 1.9 billion) and yields a benefit-cost ratio of 16:1 in 5 years. Thus, every $1 invested in PHC interventions saves up to $16 in spending on conditions like stunting, NCDs, anaemia, TB, Malaria, and maternal and child health morbidity."