
Factsheet October 2022: A focus on persons with disabilities and provision of emergency health service

Ukraine, where sirens sound day and night
Photo: © HI

Handicap International Schweiz "The people of Ukraine are living through an horrendous urban armed conflict. Systematic evidence shows that, worldwide, when explosive weapons are used in populated areas 90% of those affected are civilians (AOAV, 2019). This pattern is very much evident in Ukraine, where 95% of civilian casualties have occurred in populated areas (AOAV, 2022). Bombing and shelling in Ukraine are directly harming the civilian population, who face a high risk of death, war-related injuries and psychological trauma, increasing the need for rehabilitation, mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS), and other services. The vast majority of internally displaced people (IDPs) are women, girls and boys. 46% of displaced families include at least one person over 60, 36% include a chronically ill person and 25% include a person with disabilities."