
Driving access and equity through inclusive policies

The Future of  Virtual Health and Care
Launch of the report in Kigali, Rwanda. Photo: © Novartis Foundation

Novartis Foundation The Novartis Foundation has been co-chairing, along with the World Health Organization, the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development Working Group on Virtual Health and Care. The working group just published its report ‘The Future of Health and Care’, which delivers a roadmap that describes which policies have enabled a rapid uptake of virtual health and care during the pandemic, to serve as recommendations to help governments and other stakeholders ensure that virtual health and care drives access and equity, rather than entrenching or exacerbating existing divides. Listen to the recording of the live pre-launch event which took place in the HealthTech Hub Africa in Kigali, Rwanda. Please find attached the report, plus the dissemination kit.