MMS Nachrichten vom 07.11.2024

Am vergangenen Mittwoch hat in Basel das MMS Symposium 2024 zum Thema globaler Gesundheitspersonalmangel stattgefunden. Ein paar erste Gedanken zur Bewältigung vieler guter Beiträge und Debatten.

Gesundheitspersonal: Von Systemen und Menschen
Photo: Christoph Engeli / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Setzt man sich mit dem weltweiten Mangel an Gesundheitspersonal und dessen Migration auseinander, bewegt man sich unweigerlich auf der Ebene der Gesundheitssysteme. Wie müssen Systeme aufgestellt sein, dass sie genügend Personal für die sich laufend verändernden Anforderungen stellen? Wie muss die Finanzierung ausgestaltet sein, dass ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld vorhanden ist, von welchem das Gesundheitspersonal nicht wortwörtlich davonläuft? Wie wird das System gesteuert, dass das richtige Personal mit den richtigen Kompetenzen am richtigen Ort ist? Welche Technologie braucht es, damit das Personal seine Arbeit effizient ausführen kann?

Recht und Würde

Gesundheitspersonal, Gesundheitsfinanzierung, Gouvernanz, Medizin und Technologie – alles sogenannte Bausteine von jedem Gesundheitssystem. Alles Bereiche, in welchen geschraubt und gewerkelt werden kann und soll, um das Gesamtsystem zu steuern.

Beim diesjährigen Symposium ist in allen Beiträgen und den Debatten aber vor allem eins deutlich geworden: Beim Gesundheitssystembaustein Human Resources geht es einzig und allein um Menschen. Wenn Gesundheitspersonal in unseren Spitälern mit einem Burn-out zusammenbrechen, wenn Pflegerinnen und Pfleger nur mit Mühe ihre Familie ernähren können oder wenn Ärztinnen und Ärzte ihr Land verlassen, weil sie vom Staat bedroht werden, wenn sie schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen öffentlich anprangern – dann wird deutlich, dass Gesundheitssysteme nicht ohne Respekt vor den grundlegenden Rechten und der Würde des Menschen funktionieren können.

Martin Leschhorn Strebel
Netzwerk Medicus Mundi Schweiz

Fokus: MMS Symposium 2024

06.11.2024 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Health Workforce Shortage: Are there Potential Ways Out of the Current Healthcare Crisis?

Documentation MMS Symposium 2024

Health Workforce Shortage: Are there Potential Ways Out of the Current Healthcare Crisis?
MMS Symposium 2024. Photo: Christoph Engeli / © MMS
06.11.2024 – Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Health Workforce Shortage: Are there Potential Ways Out of the Current Healthcare Crisis?

Documentation MMS Symposium 2024

The global shortage of healthcare staff means that countries are both actively and passively poaching doctors and nurses from each other. The losers in this situation are especially countries with weaker healthcare systems. Such countries are not only losing staff but also the investment made in training them. Until now, the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel has been applied on a voluntary basis. This Code urgently needs to be tightened up and binding regulations introduced at an international level. The 2024 MMS Symposium explored the consequences of and possible solutions to the healthcare staff crisis and discussed ways out of the misery it is creating.


01.11.2024 – Graduate Institute - Global Health Centre Geneva

Defending Progress: Challenges and Opportunities of the Health and Human Rights Intersection

Podcast - first episode

Defending Progress: Challenges and Opportunities of the Health and Human Rights Intersection
Photo: © GHCG
01.11.2024 – Graduate Institute - Global Health Centre Geneva

Defending Progress: Challenges and Opportunities of the Health and Human Rights Intersection

Podcast - first episode

"On the occasion of the Human Rights Platform's Annual Conference taking place on November 5th at the Geneva Graduate Institute, the Global Health Centre’s International Geneva Global Health Platform invited Helena Nygren-Krug, Senior Advisor at UNAIDS, for a two-part podcast where they unpack the relationship between health and human rights and assess the challenges but also opportunities of this relationship in a changing global context. In the first episode, they discuss the essential links between health and human rights and examine the role of human rights in contemporary health politics. In the second episode, they reflect on the mutual impacts of health and human rights in the context of current crises and their role in multilateral governance negotiations."

05.11.2024 – SolidarMed

1000 Tage für die Zukunft

1000 Tage für die Zukunft
Siyabonga geht es wieder besser. Er freut sich, dass Nolast, seine Mutter, wieder für ihn da ist. Foto: © SolidarMed
05.11.2024 – SolidarMed

1000 Tage für die Zukunft

"Als Siyabonga dem Team der mobilen Klinik in Lesotho auffiel, wog er nur 6,2 Kilo. Dabei war er schon eineinhalbjährig und hätte über elf Kilo wiegen sollen, wenn er gesund entwickelt gewesen wäre. Seine akute Mangelernährung könnte weitgehende Konsequenzen für sein zukünftiges Leben haben, denn die ersten 1000 Tage eines Menschen sind entscheidend für die weitere Entwicklung. Doch Siyabonga wird im Rahmen eines neuen SolidarMed-Projekts unterstützt."

04.11.2024 – Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz

Internationales Treffen der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondbewegung

Internationales Treffen der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondbewegung
Foto: © SRK
04.11.2024 – Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz

Internationales Treffen der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondbewegung

"Vom 22. bis 31. Oktober 2024 finden in Genf die Statutarischen Konferenzen der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Bewegung statt. Am Treffen kommt die Bewegung mit Staaten und Partnerorganisationen zusammen. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich den drängendsten humanitären Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Die Konferenz ist ein einzigartiges Treffen von Akteuren aus aller Welt. Vor dem Hintergrund multipler Krisen und einer zunehmenden gesellschaftlichen Polarisierung und Politisierung der humanitären Hilfe ist die Konferenz wichtiger denn je."

04.11.2024 – Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz

Libanon: Hilfe für gewaltsam vertriebene Familien

Libanon: Hilfe für gewaltsam vertriebene Familien
Foto: © SRK / Lebanese Red Cross
04.11.2024 – Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz

Libanon: Hilfe für gewaltsam vertriebene Familien

"Das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz (SRK) stellt für die Nothilfe im Libanon insgesamt 800’000 Franken bereit. Dadurch erhalten Familien, die vor der Gewalt geflüchtet sind, lebenswichtige Unterstützung. Mit dem Geld wird ausserdem die Blutversorgung sichergestellt."

04.11.2024 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

Die Rolle der Parlamentarier:innen für eine minenfreie Zukunft

Appell von Gniep Smoeun, Minenüberlebende und Sprecherin von Handicap International

Die Rolle der Parlamentarier:innen für eine minenfreie Zukunft
Foto: © HI
04.11.2024 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

Die Rolle der Parlamentarier:innen für eine minenfreie Zukunft

Appell von Gniep Smoeun, Minenüberlebende und Sprecherin von Handicap International

"Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens des Vertrags über das Verbot von Antipersonenminen hat Gniep Smoeun, Minenüberlebende aus Kambodscha und Sprecherin von Handicap International, ihre Geschichte an der Konferenz der Interparlamentarischen Union in Genf zum Thema Bewaffnete Konflikte und Behinderung: Stärkung der parlamentarischen Massnahmen im Bereich Behinderung während und nach bewaffneten Konflikten geteilt. Die Kambodschanerin, der im Alter von zehn Jahren ein Bein amputiert werden musste, nachdem sie auf eine Mine getreten war, erinnerte die Parlamentarier:innen daran, dass dringend etwas getan werden muss, um die Zivilbevölkerung vor den verheerenden Folgen von Minen und Streumunition zu schützen. Lesen Sie ihre Rede."

04.11.2024 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

Verteidigung des Übereinkommens über Streumunition: Ein kritischer Moment für einen Vertrag, der Leben rettet

Verteidigung des Übereinkommens über Streumunition: Ein kritischer Moment für einen Vertrag, der Leben rettet
Nicht explodierte Streumunition | © U. Meissner/HI
04.11.2024 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

Verteidigung des Übereinkommens über Streumunition: Ein kritischer Moment für einen Vertrag, der Leben rettet

"Der Streubomben-Monitor 2024, der im September 2024 veröffentlicht wurde, hat zahlreiche Einsätze von Streumunition und neue Opfer aufgedeckt. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Litauen kürzlich aus dem Oslo-Übereinkommen über Streumunition ausgetreten ist, erinnern wir an dessen Bedeutung für den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und an die langfristigen Folgen des Einsatzes dieser verbotenen Waffen."

01.11.2024 – FAIRMED

Katastrophenhilfe für Menschen in Nepal

Katastrophenhilfe für Menschen in Nepal
01.11.2024 – FAIRMED

Katastrophenhilfe für Menschen in Nepal

"Mehr als 230 Menschen, darunter 35 Kinder, haben bei den Überschwemmungen und Erdrutschen Ende September ihr Leben verloren - rund 7600 Familien sind schwer betroffen. FAIRMED hat in Zusammenarbeit mit ihren lokalen Partnern deshalb Massnahmen ergriffen, um den am stärksten betroffenen Haushalten Hilfe zukommen zu lassen. Unter anderem haben wir eine Hilfsgüterverteilung durchgeführt, bei der diese Haushalte mit Lebensmitteln, Bettsachen, Hygiene-Kits und Haushaltsgegenständen wie Eimer, Küchengeräte oder Schaumstoff für Matratzen versorgt wurden. Diese Hilfsgüter trugen entscheidend dazu bei, die Situation zu stabilisieren und sicherzustellen, dass die Familien mit dem Wiederaufbau ihres Lebens beginnen konnten."

06.11.2024 – Kinderhilfe Bethlehem

Das Caritas Baby Hospital legt den Grundstein für die Tageschirurgie

Das Caritas Baby Hospital legt den Grundstein für die Tageschirurgie
Baubeginn Tageschirurgie. Foto by Elias Halabi
06.11.2024 – Kinderhilfe Bethlehem

Das Caritas Baby Hospital legt den Grundstein für die Tageschirurgie

"Gestern wurde der Grundstein für die neue Tageschirurgie im Caritas Baby Hospital gelegt. Das derzeit grösste Bauprojekt in Bethlehem bleibt dank der grossen Unterstützung überwiegend aus der Schweiz und Europa im Zeitplan. Der Ausbau der Tageschirurgie schenkt Hoffnung auf eine verbesserte Gesundheitsversorgung für Kinder in der Region. «Im Einklang mit dem christlichen Wert der Menschenwürde setzt das Spital die Behandlung aller Kinder fort, unabhängig ihrer Herkunft, und leistet somit einen Beitrag für das Grundrecht auf Gesundheit». Diese Inschrift auf dem Grundstein des Ausbaus beschreibt die Vision einer verbesserten Gesundheitsversorgung für kranke Kinder in Palästina - ein Ziel, das heute einen bedeutenden Schritt näher gerückt ist."

29.10.2024 – Swiss TPH

Towards a Post-Donation Era in Parasitic Worm Control

“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” – Aristotle

Towards a Post-Donation Era in Parasitic Worm Control
Photo: © Swiss TPH
29.10.2024 – Swiss TPH

Towards a Post-Donation Era in Parasitic Worm Control

“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” – Aristotle

"Over the past 25 years, huge progress has been made in the prevention, control and elimination of parasitic worm infections, which affect more than a billion people worldwide and pose a considerable public health burden. Mass drug administration mainly targeting school-aged children, facilitated by public-private partnerships and donations of billions of deworming drugs by pharmaceutical companies, played a key role. However, with declining infection rates and pharmaceutical companies considering an end to the large-scale drug donations, it is time to reflect on a "post-donation era." Jürg Utzinger discusses a proposed paradigm shift based on a more targeted and versatile approach that aims to deliver the right drug at the right place for the right people."

29.10.2024 – Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

New Study links Climate Change to Malaria Increase in Northern Kenya

New Study links  Climate Change to Malaria Increase  in Northern Kenya
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
29.10.2024 – Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

New Study links Climate Change to Malaria Increase in Northern Kenya

"A new study published today in the International Journal of Health Geographics by researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) reveals how climate change, socio-economic changes such as urbanization and malaria control efforts are influencing the spread of malaria in Kenya. Using geostatistical modelling, the study found that despite a decline in malaria overall, there was a significant rise in malaria risk in some regions. The findings underscore the pressing need for tailored public health strategies that can adapt to the impacts of climate change."

29.10.2024 – Swiss TPH

20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania

20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania
As CDCI celebrates its anniversary, experts highlight the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases in rural areas and outline strategies for future health improvements. Photo: O. Brandenberg/Swiss TPH
29.10.2024 – Swiss TPH

20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania

"The Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara (CDCI) is celebrating its 20th anniversary, marking two decades of providing healthcare, health training and clinical research in rural Tanzania. Established through a collaboration between Swiss and Tanzanian institutions to support individuals living with HIV/AIDS, CDCI has evolved into a leading model for HIV care in rural Africa. To honour this milestone, the clinic hosted a two-day event focused on HIV/AIDS and non-communicable diseases (NCDs)."

24.10.2024 – Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Suisse (PSF Suisse)

Risques associés à l’envoi de médicaments non utilisés vers les pays à ressources limitées

Communiqué de presse

Risques associés à l’envoi de médicaments non utilisés vers les pays à ressources limitées
Déchets de médicaments dans un hôpital tanzanien. Photo: © PSF
24.10.2024 – Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Suisse (PSF Suisse)

Risques associés à l’envoi de médicaments non utilisés vers les pays à ressources limitées

Communiqué de presse

"Genève, 10 octobre 2024 – Pharmaciens Sans Frontères Suisse (PSF Suisse) met en garde contre les dangers et les conséquences imprévus de l’envoi de médicaments non utilisés (MNU) vers les pays à ressources limitées. « Bien que motivée par des intentons généreuses, cette pratique présente plusieurs risques, tant sur le plan sanitaire qu’économique » explique Marie-José Barbalat, présidente de PSF Suisse. Voici un résumé des principaux problèmes identifiés par PSF Suisse."

Globale Gesundheit


Freiheit, Recht und Assimilation: Die Rolle der UNO im postkolonialen Diskurs

Eine nicht-traditionelle Perspektive zum Völkerrechtsdiskurs, von Alan Briggs

Freiheit, Recht und Assimilation: Die Rolle der UNO im postkolonialen Diskurs
Foto von Pavel Danilyuk/pexels

Freiheit, Recht und Assimilation: Die Rolle der UNO im postkolonialen Diskurs

Eine nicht-traditionelle Perspektive zum Völkerrechtsdiskurs, von Alan Briggs

Unbestreitbar erscheint der kollektive Einsatz für globalen Frieden – etwa durch die Förderung eines gemeinsamen Verständnisses von Menschenrechten – und damit verbunden die Beiträge des Völkerrechts und der UNO im menschlichen Streben nach einer freieren, gerechteren Welt. Und dennoch: Eine universell gültige Rechtsordnung setzt eine gemeinsame Wertebasis und ein einheitliches Verständnis der Konzepte, die diese Ordnung definieren, voraus. Kann dies funktionieren in einer sich immer weiter globalisierenden Welt, die von kultureller Diversität, Tradition und insbesondere von Kolonialgeschichte geprägt ist?

06.11.2024 – Euronews

A Trump win could reshape global health. Is Europe ready to step up?

The impact on global health of another Trump administration could be worse this time than last time, and Europe might be in a worse place to respond and to step up than it was last time,” Goerlitz said.

A Trump win could reshape global health. Is Europe ready to step up?
Foto von visuals auf Unsplash
06.11.2024 – Euronews

A Trump win could reshape global health. Is Europe ready to step up?

The impact on global health of another Trump administration could be worse this time than last time, and Europe might be in a worse place to respond and to step up than it was last time,” Goerlitz said.

"Between emerging diseases and pandemic threats, abortion and reproductive health, climate change, and humanitarian aid to war zones, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have wildly divergent visions for global health, with the outcome in next week’s US presidential election likely to reverberate across Europe and the world. (...) In a second term, Moon said Trump may seek to undermine negotiations over a global pandemic treaty."

07.11.2024 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

Simplifying the universal health coverage narrative can help to achieve political action

The narrative on universal health coverage should be centred around four core elements: universality, equity, adequate financing, and preparedness in public health emergencies, write Katri Bertram and Justin Koonin

Simplifying the universal health coverage narrative can help to achieve political action
Zola Community Health Clinic. Photo: US Embassy South Africa/; CC BY 2.0 Deed
07.11.2024 – British Medical Journal (bmj)

Simplifying the universal health coverage narrative can help to achieve political action

The narrative on universal health coverage should be centred around four core elements: universality, equity, adequate financing, and preparedness in public health emergencies, write Katri Bertram and Justin Koonin

"Universal health coverage means that “all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.” All United Nations member states have committed to make progress towards universal health coverage. Despite two high level meetings on the topic, a persistent gap remains between ambitious commitment and concrete actions. One challenge limiting progress is the fragmented and convoluted way by which advocates make the case for it. Advocates can reduce such confusion and simplify political arguments by focusing on four core elements for what implementing universal health coverage needs to look like in practice."

04.11.2024 – International Affairs

(Re)constructing global health security and universal health coverage: norm contestation and interaction

(Re)constructing global health security and universal health coverage: norm contestation and interaction
04.11.2024 – International Affairs

(Re)constructing global health security and universal health coverage: norm contestation and interaction

"To effectively tackle public health challenges, policy-makers increasingly advocate for aligning global health security (GHS) and universal health coverage (UHC), two influential norms driving international health cooperation. However, despite operating within overlapping spheres of governance, the normative histories linking GHS and UHC remain relatively unexplored in the literature. This article examines how GHS and UHC have been (re)constructed—from distinct policy sectors to synergistic norm regimes—through repeated contestation and interaction. Utilizing the ‘norm life-cycle’ framework to trace development across three stages (emergence, tipping-point/cascade and internalization), this study discursively analyses key texts from major crises and international agreements spanning several decades to unpack how norms and their underlying discourses and core functions have influenced each other as they evolved. The findings illustrate that GHS and UHC norms would be better understood as dynamic ‘processes’ rather than static concepts."

04.11.2024 – The Lancet

Shifting power in global health will require leadership by the Global South and allyship by the Global North

Shifting power in global health will require leadership by the Global South and allyship by the Global North
Photo: © Gabby K./pexels
04.11.2024 – The Lancet

Shifting power in global health will require leadership by the Global South and allyship by the Global North

"Global health continues to be a field where Global North actors see themselves as leaders.1,2 Although the decolonising global health movement has exposed the deep inequities inherent within the architecture of global health,1 this movement, prone to elite capture, faces several institutional barriers that prevent meaningful shifts in power."

01.11.2024 – Geneva Health Files

WHO Investment Round: Difficult But Defining

WHO Investment Round: Difficult But Defining
Photo: Mattia Panciroli/; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed
01.11.2024 – Geneva Health Files

WHO Investment Round: Difficult But Defining

"The WHO Investment Round event in Brazil is less than three weeks away. So far WHO has been able to garner US $ 1.1 billion as on October 2024. Although far from the initial goal of US $7 billion, these funds pledged so far are mostly flexible in nature marking a significant change in the way the WHO will be funded in the short to medium term. This was never going to be easy, but the efforts to garner “undictated” resources for WHO could be one of the defining changes for the 76-year-old institution. WHO will not meet its target to raise funds to bridge a gap of US $ 7 billion that it needs for a period for four years between 2025-2028, sources close to the process in Geneva say. We reported in May, that WHO is hoping to raise USD $ 4 billion culminating in the Investment Round, a pledging ceremony on the sidelines of the G20 in November this year, hosted by Brazil."

07.11.2024 – World Health Summit

A Look Back: World Health Summit 2024

WHS 2024 Wrap-Up

A Look Back: World Health Summit 2024
Photo: © WHS
07.11.2024 – World Health Summit

A Look Back: World Health Summit 2024

WHS 2024 Wrap-Up

"At the World Health Summit 2024, the largest donor event for the WHO Investment Round so far was hosted, with pledges totaling one billion US dollars made or reaffirmed. “All for Health, Health for All: Signature Event for the WHO Investment Round” was attended by high-level speakers such as Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Chair of the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, and Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. During the WHS 2024, more than 50 partner events, side events, announcements, and launches took place, such as the launches of Global Health 2050: The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health 3.0 and of the Inauguration of the WomenX Collective Berlin Hub."

07.11.2024 – World Health Organization

Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer

Global report on Primary Health Care, Volume 1

Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer
Antoinette, a nurse at a health center in Athiémé. Photo: World Bank Photo Collection/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed
07.11.2024 – World Health Organization

Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer

Global report on Primary Health Care, Volume 1

"Primary health care (PHC) stands as the principal interface between the health system and communities – the locus where the formal health system meshes with people’s lives. More than that, primary health care can shape and reshape health systems to make them more accessible, more integrated and more sustainable. This Primer or policy textbook synthesizes the global evidence on PHC in one place, with a strong focus on country lessons and implementation as a guide on the “how” of PHC. The aim is to inspire policy-makers with best practice evidence but also provide insights into challenges which may arise. The book builds on the tacit knowledge that countries have generated with a more formal research and analysis."

07.11.2024 – Eurohealth

Strengthening Primary Health Care as a Foundation for Resilient Health Systems

Strengthening Primary Health Care as a Foundation for Resilient Health Systems
Photo: United Nations Photo/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed
07.11.2024 – Eurohealth

Strengthening Primary Health Care as a Foundation for Resilient Health Systems

"In addition to pursuing the goal of universal health coverage, primary health care (PHC) helps to ensure health system resilience and health security. Community engagement plays a vital role in PHC leading to increased trust and safeguarding vulnerable groups against health threats. It is also critical for reducing inequalities, a key weakness when facing health threats. The comprehensive approach and expanded roles in multi-disciplinary teams within PHC strengthen the capacity to address community needs and enhance resilience. Greater integration of PHC and public health, as observed in some settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to better outcomes. PHC played a crucial role during the pandemic and can protect against future health shocks."

07.11.2024 – Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Primary health care and the climate crisis

Primary health care and the climate crisis
Bild von Nick_the_Photographer auf Pixabay
07.11.2024 – Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Primary health care and the climate crisis

"The health community recognizes the climate crisis as an existential threat to humanity and human health, requiring immediate and effective action across all sectors. However, global-level policy guidance reveals a disconnect between primary health care and climate; most political declarations, reports and resolutions for primary health care make only cursory references to the climate crisis, mentioning its implications for health but not linking them. Given that primary health care should be the entry point for the population’s interaction with the health system, it is alarming that ongoing efforts to revitalize primary health care fail to adequately consider climate action, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, we examine this disconnect, elaborate on its implications and offer recommendations for policy-makers to ensure an effective primary health care–climate crisis nexus."

14.10.2024 – The Britisch Medical Journal

We need to tackle the growing threat of mis- and disinformation about climate change and health

We need to tackle the growing threat of mis- and disinformation about climate change and health
14.10.2024 – The Britisch Medical Journal

We need to tackle the growing threat of mis- and disinformation about climate change and health

"As health narratives in the climate change discourse become more visible, the intersection of health and climate change will soon become a critical area vulnerable to misinformation and disinformation campaigns. Disinformation in this space will attempt to undermine evidence about the health effects of climate change and, most importantly, efforts to tackle these challenges"

01.11.2024 – The Lancet

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action

The Lancet Countdown ’s report is clear: taking action on the Climate Crisis is a matter of life and death.

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action
Bild von Alexa auf Pixabay
01.11.2024 – The Lancet

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action

The Lancet Countdown ’s report is clear: taking action on the Climate Crisis is a matter of life and death.

"Despite the initial hope inspired by the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world is now dangerously close to breaching its target of limiting global multiyear mean heating to 1·5°C. Annual mean surface temperature reached a record high of 1·45°C above the pre-industrial baseline in 2023, and new temperature highs were recorded throughout 2024. The resulting climatic extremes are increasingly claiming lives and livelihoods worldwide. The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change was established the same year the Paris Agreement entered into force, to monitor the health impacts and opportunities of the world's response to this landmark agreement. Supported through strategic core funding from Wellcome, the collaboration brings together over 300 multidisciplinary researchers and health professionals from around the world to take stock annually of the evolving links between health and climate change at global, regional, and national levels."

31.10.2024 – Climate Home News

G20 waters down experts’ climate finance report, despite UN pressure to act

G20 waters down experts’ climate finance report, despite UN pressure to act
Photo: © Matt Palmer/unsplash
31.10.2024 – Climate Home News

G20 waters down experts’ climate finance report, despite UN pressure to act

"As UN chief António Guterres called on the G20 to “lead” on climate, Climate Home can reveal that the group of big countries watered down a report by top economists on how the financial system should shift to enable climate action. Guterres made his comments by video at the launch of the United Nations’ Emissions Gap Report which showed that, under their current policies, the G20 countries as a group will fail to meet their 2030 targets to cut planet-heating emissions."

31.10.2024 – Health Policy Watch

Nations Deadlocked Over Health-Biodiversity Framework at COP16

Nations Deadlocked Over Health-Biodiversity Framework at COP16
Photo: © Eddie Kopp /unsplash
31.10.2024 – Health Policy Watch

Nations Deadlocked Over Health-Biodiversity Framework at COP16

"Only 35 countries have submitted the national strategies required by the UN biodiversity treaty showing how they’ll meet its binding nature protection targets. While 33 of these plans recognise links between human health and biodiversity, they offer few specifics on implementation and policy, a Health Policy Watch analysis found. Negotiators in Cali aim to bridge the gap this week by adopting a global health action plan under the treaty that provides a roadmap for meeting its health protection requirements."

24.10.2024 – Health Policy Watch

Rwanda’s Marburg Outbreak Wanes But Mpox Continues to Spread

Rwanda’s Marburg Outbreak Wanes But Mpox Continues to Spread
Foto von Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo auf Unsplash
24.10.2024 – Health Policy Watch

Rwanda’s Marburg Outbreak Wanes But Mpox Continues to Spread

"While Rwanda appears to have its Marburg virus outbreak under control with no new cases reported in the past three days in Rwanda, mpox continues to spread – now affecting 18 countries with 3051 new cases in the past week. Since declaring the Marburg outbreak three weeks ago, Rwanda has confirmed 62 cases, of which 15 have died, 38 have recovered and nine cases are still receiving treatment with the majority improving, said Health Minister Dr Sabin Nsanzimana on Thursday. “The case fatality rate overall is 24% and we’ve vaccinated 856 people,” Nsanzimana told an Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) briefing, describing the trend as “very encouraging”.

Sexuelle und reproduktive Gesundheit und Rechte und HIV/Aids


Zugang zu sexueller und reproduktiver Gesundheit und Rechten: Eine grosse Herausforderung in humanitären Krisen

Warum die Arbeit von NGOs an ihre Grenzen stösst. Ein Plädoyer von Monika Christofori-Khadka und Agenor Junior Clerge vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz.

Zugang zu sexueller und reproduktiver Gesundheit und Rechten: Eine grosse Herausforderung in humanitären Krisen
Medizinische Massnahmen im Rahmen eines Familienplanungsprogrammes in einer Notfallsituation. Foto: © Deutsches und Kolumbianisches Rotes Kreuz

Zugang zu sexueller und reproduktiver Gesundheit und Rechten: Eine grosse Herausforderung in humanitären Krisen

Warum die Arbeit von NGOs an ihre Grenzen stösst. Ein Plädoyer von Monika Christofori-Khadka und Agenor Junior Clerge vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz.

Trotz der weltweiten Fortschritte im Bereich der sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit und Rechte (SRHR) bestehen nach wie vor erhebliche Lücken, insbesondere bei der umfassenden Sexualaufklärung, dem Zugang zu Verhütungsmitteln, der Untersuchung auf sexuell übertragbare Infektionen und deren Behandlung, der sicheren Abtreibung und der Prävention von sexueller und geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt (SGBV). Obwohl die Mütter- und Säuglingssterblichkeit weltweit drastisch gesunken ist, sterben nach Schätzungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO, 2024) täglich 800 Frauen an vermeidbaren schwangerschaftsbedingten Ursachen. 99 % dieser Todesfälle ereignen sich in einkommensschwachen Gebieten, insbesondere in ländlichen und marginalisierten Gemeinschaften. Diese Ungleichheiten spitzen sich in humanitären Krisen noch zu.

14.10.2024 – The Guardian

Women’s health being neglected worldwide, says Melinda French Gates

Women’s health being neglected worldwide, says Melinda French Gates
Karolina Grabowska/pexels
14.10.2024 – The Guardian

Women’s health being neglected worldwide, says Melinda French Gates

"Women’s health is being neglected worldwide with “maternity care deserts” more common, millions denied abortions and maternal death rates surging, Melinda French Gates has warned as she launches a $250m (£190m) fund to improve women’s physical and mental health globally."

22.10.2024 – The Lancet

Reflections on The Lancet menopause Series

"The socio-cultural constructs around the cessation of menstruation, such as negative expectations and societal discrimination, are pivotal in affecting menopause and menopause-related diseases"

Reflections on The Lancet menopause Series
Bild von Silvia auf Pixabay
22.10.2024 – The Lancet

Reflections on The Lancet menopause Series

"The socio-cultural constructs around the cessation of menstruation, such as negative expectations and societal discrimination, are pivotal in affecting menopause and menopause-related diseases"

"Brown L and colleagues discuss the association between various mental health conditions and the menopause transition, but eating disorders were not included in this discussion. This decision was unexpected, since women are twice as likely as men to experience these disorders. However, Brown L and colleagues reviewed evidence supporting an increased risk of major depressive disorder across the menopause transition in individuals with pre-existing depression—a disorder commonly co-occurring with eating disorders. We agree that substantial lifestyle changes typically coincide with menopause and contribute to mental health concerns; however, the potential role of reproductive hormones in eating disorders should be considered."

14.10.2024 – Kelin Kenya

“Not in Our Name” – African HIV Treatment Advocates React to Gilead’s Voluntary Licensing Agreement on Lenacapavir

“Not in Our Name” – African HIV Treatment Advocates React to Gilead’s Voluntary Licensing Agreement on Lenacapavir
Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition/Unsplash
14.10.2024 – Kelin Kenya

“Not in Our Name” – African HIV Treatment Advocates React to Gilead’s Voluntary Licensing Agreement on Lenacapavir

"The announcement by Gilead that six generic manufacturers have been awarded voluntary licenses for the production of lenacapavir—a groundbreaking, twice-yearly injectable for HIV prevention and potential treatment—raises significant concerns despite the inclusion of most African countries in the license territory."

Nichtübertragbare, chronische Krankheiten weltweit

07.11.2024 – World Health Organization

Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region

Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region
Foto von pexels-pixabay
07.11.2024 – World Health Organization

Commercial Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region

"This report highlights the substantial impact of commercial determinants on noncommunicable diseases (‎NCDs)‎ in the WHO European Region. Nearly 7500 deaths per day in the Region are attributed to commercial determinants, such as tobacco, alcohol, processed food, fossil fuels and occupational practices. These commercial products and practices contribute to 25% of all deaths in the Region. The report’s chapters systematically explore various facets of how commercial interests exacerbate NCDs and key strategies used by commercial actors to negatively influence NCD-related policies at the national and international level. The report also provides selected case studies from the Region to illustrate key strategies and outcomes of industry influence on health policies. The report then calls for urgent and coordinated action to address the commercial determinants of NCDs."

Gesundheitspersonal: Globaler Mangel

07.11.2024 – International Labour Organization

Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market

Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market
Photo: Screenshot © ILO
07.11.2024 – International Labour Organization

Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market

"Care responsibilities are excluding and holding back millions of women worldwide from taking paid employment, and with climate and demographic changes on course to increase the demand for care, measures to support the care economy are urgently needed, according to a new ILO brief."

07.11.2024 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Engaging health and care workers in health emergencies: implementation toolkit

Engaging health and care workers in health emergencies: implementation toolkit
Photo: Screenshot © WHO
07.11.2024 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Engaging health and care workers in health emergencies: implementation toolkit

"The active participation and engagement of health and care workers (‎HCWs)‎ in health emergency preparedness, readiness and response is crucial to support risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management (‎RCCE-IM)‎ interventions during emergencies. HCWs hold unique positions in society – repeatedly being identified among the main influencers of people’s behaviours: they are one of the most trusted sources of health information and advice in communities and role models for the acceptance and uptake of protective measures during health emergencies. On the frontline, HCWs have valuable insights and knowledge that can be harnessed to support health emergencies across the entire emergency cycle."


05.11.2024 – SolidarMed

Verantwortliche:n Projektpartnerschaften (80%)

Bewerbungsfrist: ​25. November 2024

Verantwortliche:n Projektpartnerschaften (80%)
05.11.2024 – SolidarMed

Verantwortliche:n Projektpartnerschaften (80%)

Bewerbungsfrist: ​25. November 2024

"Für unsere Geschäftsstelle in Luzern und zur Verstärkung von unserem Fundraisingteam suchen wir auf den ​1. Januar 2025​ oder nach Vereinbarung eine motivierte und selbstständige Persönlichkeit als Verantwortliche:n Projektpartnerschaften (80%). Ihre Aufgaben: In dieser spannenden Position in unserem Kommunikations- und Fundraisingteam pflegen Sie den institutionellen Austausch mit Stiftungen, Kirchen und öffentliche Geldgeber in der Schweiz. Sie schaffen die Verbindung zwischen unseren Finanzpartnern und unseren Gesundheitsprogrammen im südlichen und östlichen Afrika. (...) Sie identifizieren neue Partnerschaften, gewinnen und betreuen neue Geldgeber und leisten einen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung des Portfolios von SolidarMed. Haben Sie Fragen? Andreas Rösch gibt Ihnen gerne Auskunft. T: +41 41 310 66 60 E-Mail:


Starke Frauen auf der Leinwand: Zwei Festivals setzen ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt
05. November 2024 – 5. -13. November 2024, Genf. 25. - 30. November 2024, Küchlin Saal1, Basel

Auch dieses Jahr öffnet IAMANEH Schweiz wieder die Kinosäle im Zeichen der Stärkung von Frauen: Im Rahmen der Kampagne “16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen” organisiert die Schweizer NGO zwei Filmfestivals, deren Filme starke Protagonistinnen auf ihren Wegen zu einem selbstbestimmten Leben begleiten.

Starke Frauen auf der Leinwand: Zwei Festivals setzen ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt

IAMANEH "Vom 25. bis 30. November findet das Frauenstark!-Festival im Küchlin Saal1 in Basel statt, das Festival Femmes! zeigt seine Filmvorstellungen vom 5. bis 13. November in Genf. Nach den meisten Filmen finden moderierte Gespräche mit Fachleuten statt. Unter den Gästen sind die iranische Journalistin Nilloofar Rasooli, die serbische Roma-Feministin Jelena Savić sowie die afghanische Aktivistin Mahbube. Ein diesjähriges Highlight beider Festivals ist die Premiere des von IAMANEH Schweiz koproduzierten Dokumentarfilms Beyond Silence, der die eindrucksvollen Geschichten albanischer Frauen zeigt, die nach traumatischen Erfahrungen häuslicher Gewalt beeindruckende Resilienz beweisen. Regisseur Gabriel Pecot wird in Basel anwesend sein, um Einblicke in seine Arbeit zu geben. IAMENEH Schweiz lädt herzlich dazu ein, Teil dieser spannenden Filmevents zu sein und gemeinsam einen Beitrag für die Stärkung von Frauen zu leisten. "

8th Global Symposium on Health System Research
18. November 2024 – 18-22 November 2024 in Nagasaki, Japan

Building Just & Sustainable Health Systems: Centering People and Protecting the Planet

8th Global Symposium on Health System Research

Health System Global "Health Systems Global (HSG) is a diverse, global membership organization of researchers, decision-makers and implementers who are dedicated to promoting health policy and systems research (HPSR) and knowledge generation. HSG is guided by our vision, mission and strategy. HSG has more than 2,000 members in over 125 countries. Members are encouraged to join and contribute to our membership networks, including Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) and Regional Networks. To bring together members and the full range of players involved in HPSR, HSG organizes a Global Symposium on Health Systems Research every two years."

Women and Gender in Global Health
20. November 2024 – Swiss TPH, Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland

Women and Gender in Global Health

Swiss TPH "Women's health has evolved from a matter of equity to a critical scientific focus to advance global health. How can we address gaps and integrate gender considerations into policy, technology, and public health initiatives? We invite you to join experts from academia, public administration, international organisations, and the private sector as we share insights and brainstorm on innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of women around the globe."

A PHC approach to address and overcome health and climate injustice
28. November 2024 – 15.00-16:30; Zoom session

28 November 2024, 15.00-16:30; Series “A Primary Health Care approach to address the climate crisis”

A PHC approach to address and overcome health and climate injustice

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "We intend to use the first two public discussion meetings to highlight the need to make progress on revitalization of Primary Health Care in Zimbabwe and strengthen the role of community health workers to better support the communities they serve in responding to the climate change and health crises. The local knowledge systems for climate resilience, practices that ensure food availability and nutritional balance as well as community initiatives that help improve domestic or household food security will be identified for amplification during training on PHC. We aim at a comprehensive and inclusive approach, inviting experts and other and participants from the World Health Organization (WHO), government agencies from various sectors, representatives of the parliament, academia, women, youths, the elderly, community health literacy officers, health care workers and other decision makers from Zimbabwe and colleagues from our international networking partners including MMI and its Community of Practice and PHM."

Webinar: Frühkindliche Entwicklung in Lesotho
05. Dezember 2024 – 17.00 Uhr; Zoom-Sitzung

Webinar (in Deutsch) am Donnerstag, 5. Dezember (17 Uhr)

Webinar: Frühkindliche Entwicklung in Lesotho

SolidarMed Am Donnerstag, 5. Dezember, können Sie ab 17 Uhr im Webinar «Frühkindliche Entwicklung in Lesotho» (in Deutsch) unter anderem von Pauline Grimm, Programmverantwortliche Lesotho, erfahren, was SolidarMed im kleinen Bergstaat unternimmt, um die frühkindliche Entwicklung zu fördern. Denn was verpasst wird, kann oft lebenslange Konsequenzen haben. Melden Sie sich gleich an, wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Demystifying Data Disaggregation and how it can practically improve Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programming
10. Dezember 2024 – 9.00 - 10.15 ECT; Webinar


Demystifying Data Disaggregation and how it can practically improve Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programming

CBM/ Handicap International/ Save the Children If you want to understand what data disaggregation is about, why it is important and how it can improve disaster risk reduction interventions, come along to our webinar. Join Zoom Meeting: - Meeting ID: 812 6872 0227