MMS/ASI Il y a quelques temps, MMS publiait un manifeste sur la pénurie en personnel de la santé, en compagnie de nombreuses autres organisations – le manifeste a été largement discuté dans l’espace public. Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui ? La Suisse assume-t-elle sa responsabilité globale quant au recrutement de personnel de santé – et quelles sont les grandes tendances ? Nous organisons une table ronde à ce sujet, avec l’Association suisse des infirmiers et infirmières.
Lundi 4 septembre 2017, de 13 h 30 à 16 h 00
Croix-Rouge suisse
Salle Henry
Rainmattstrasse 10
Renseignements et inscription: Martin Leschhorn Strebel
Howard Catton
Howard qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1988 and held a variety of nursing posts in England and the United States and worked for the New Zealand Nurses Organisation. He studied Social Policy at Cardiff University (BSc Econ Hons) and Industrial Relations at Warwick University (MA) and then worked as a Personnel and Organisational Change Manager in the National Health Service in the UK.
For 10 years Howard was Head of Policy & International Affairs at the Royal College of Nursing in the UK. His department worked with a wide range of stakeholders on the development and implementation of nursing and health policy both in the UK and overseas. In 2015 he was named in the Health Service Journal top 100 Clinical Leaders list.
Howard has also served as an elected Local Government Councillor in England and for 5 years was a Cabinet member with lead responsibility for corporate and customer services.
In April 2016 Howard relocated to Geneva to join the International Council of Nurses where he is Director, Nursing and Health Policy.