How to Best Apply a Human Rights-based Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health

The results showed that there are some knowledge and implementation gaps on how best to apply the human rights principles of partnership, participation and inclusion, empowerment/ capacity development and accountability/ transparency in the project management cycle of Swiss NGOs.

This workshop aims at closing these gaps by providing our network members with tools and better understanding of how best to apply a HRBA to their projects and programs. The workshop shall be participatory allowing MMS members presenting their projects. In doing so we can learn from each other’s experiences.

Date & Time

Day 1: 22nd of November; Day 2: 25 January 2017


MMS Network Members


Ateliers Bollwerkstadt in Bern

Course Instructor

Elizabeth A Nash - an expert on HRBA to Sexual and Reproductive Health programming


Carine Weiss, MMS


Find the detailed programme here



Information and registration

Carine Weiss, Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland
Phone: ++41 (0)61 383 18 10