MMS Events
Health under attack – how to enforce international law?
09. April 2025 – 14.00-17.00, Progr Bern, Kleine Bühne

MMS Round Table - in cooperation with medico international Switzerland

Health under attack – how to enforce international law?

Medicus Mundi Schweiz / medico international Switzerland Attacks on healthcare facilities and personnel have increased immensely in recent years. Whether in Sudan, Kurdistan or Ukraine, the destruction of healthcare infrastructure seems to have become a strategy.

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Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the Digital Age: Tackling Threats and Seizing Opportunities
30. April 2025 – 9:30am - 4.00pm, Hotel Kreuz, Bern, Switzerland

MMS Conference: 30 April 2025 in Bern

Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the Digital Age: Tackling Threats and Seizing Opportunities

Medicus Mundi Switzerland In an era where digital innovation reshapes nearly every facet of our lives, the health sector finds itself at the intersection of unprecedented opportunity and significant challenge. Artificial intelligence (AI) and in particular social media have transformed the ways we access information, deliver services, and engage with communities on critical issues like sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

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Das MMS Bulletin ist die schweizerische Online-Zeitschrift für internationale Zusammenarbeit und Gesundheit.